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Sunday. Luz's birthday.

At four in the morning, Luz awoke to a song. A song she was very familiar with and tiredly smiled when it played, tail wagging. She rubbed her eyes as she mumbled along with the song, grinning when she saw her mother smiling warmly down at her. "Feliz cumpleaños Mi Niña."

"Gracias Mama.." Luz held her arms up.

Camilla leaned down, hugging Luz, tail wagging. "Que tengas muchas mas Mija."

Amity snuggled up into the crook of Luz's neck, yawning and taking a peek, "Happy Birthday Awesome Girlfriend.." Amity mewed. "Whenever you're ready, we can open your presents.."

Luz licked back her fur, holding her tightly, "Don't worry, Mama only wakes me up early for a birthday song. We go back to sleep until breakfast."

"Oh thank Titan.." Amity fell limp. "I am so sleepy.."

Luz giggled, smiling up at her mother, "Eda didn't get up I'm assuming?"

Camilla rolled her eyes, standing, "Esa bruja, te digo." She huffed. "She hit me flipping over, she's grounded."

"This is supposed to be my house!" Eda called from down the hall.

Luz and Amity snickered, the kitten turning slightly to look up at Camilla, "Back to bed?"

"Si Chiquita," Camilla ruffled her fur. "Take care of my daughter til Breakfast."

Amity saluted, rolling off of Luz and patting her chest. The pup eagerly jumped onto her, growling happily as she nuzzled into her girlfriend's fluffy chest. Their ears perked when the window opened, Hooty sliding in and turning the lights on. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUZ!!" He chirped. "You've officially made it to your tenth month here!"

He slinked around Luz, lifting her out of bed and preening her. She laughed, tail wagging as he poked and pecked her with kisses, "Thank you Hooty! How long have you been up for?"

"Three hours! I finished your gift let's go!" Hooty retracted.

Luz yelped, Amity jumping up and scrambling out of the room. She hit the hallway with her side, jumping down the staircase and landing on all fours. She opened the door, Luz gripping the grass with her back arched, fur standing on end.

Hooty dragged over a giant present box, bringing over lights and smiling widely. Amity nuzzled up against Luz, going under her and lying down. The pup fell on top of her, trembling, "Oh.. My Artimis..Never again.."

"There there Amor." Amity pat her paw. "Hooty wants you to open your gift, go ahead."

Luz carefully stood, heart still racing. She helped Amity to her feet, perking up when she spotted the large gift. Luz yipped, jumping around it and then on top, Hooty circling her to watch her face.

The pup pulled the string, the box delicately opening, revealing a mat. Luz gasped, pushing it on its side and rolling it open. She howled, tail wagging as she dragged herself all over the grass carpet. The design on it was dyed ever so carefully, the pup sniffing it out. "Ah! That's meee!!"

Hooty chirped, "It is! Hoot! And that's your girlfriend~ And me!"

Luz gasped, "That's the picture we took a few months ago for Willow's birthday!!!" She pawed at it. "YEAHH!!" She howled.

Vee howled from inside, King running downstairs and out the door, howling. He tripped, Luz, Hooty, and Amity flinching when he did. King rose his head, skull covered in dirt, a small sniffle coming from him. Luz stepped back, jumping towards him and slipping on the mud, falling in front of him.

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