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Luz ran down the school halls, stopping in front of every class. She peeked through every window, snuck past staff, and greeted friends. But none of them mattered at the moment, in reality, she was holding a ticking time bomb.

Only one beast could stop it, and that beast, is- "Amity!!" Luz yipped.

Yes Luz, Amity. The kitten perked up, turning around and holding her arms out. Luz shook her head, grinning, "I brought you something~"

Amity tilted her head to the side slightly, perking up when she heard Luz click the lid open. A single whiff, and Amity's meowing! "Chorizo- Luz! Girlfriend Luz I require-" Amity jumped in to her arms, reaching over her shoulder.

Luz yipped, nuzzling Amity's cheek, "Down Amor."

"What is that?" Skara asked, sniffing the air. "Smells like boar but not really?" She went around Luz, sniffing the container.

Amity hissed, swatting at her, "It's mine! Stop sniffing it!"

Skara jerked back, Luz mouthing an apology, "Amor, down or I'll give it to Skara."

Amity dropped, sitting down in front of Luz, her tail making a small wave on the floor before the tip tapped it repeatedly. "Please Luz--"

"Paw, we can go to the cafeteria so you can eat." Luz held her paw out.

Amity stood, taking Luz's paw, pushing Skara away. "Uh- Ouch!"

"Amity.." Luz snarled quietly.

The kitten hissed softly, reaching for the chorizo. "Luz please-- I-I took you out on a date yesterday!"

"Yes, you did. And now you're using it against me." Luz sighed, stepping back. "We talked about this.."

Amity flinched, lowering her head, "I'm sorry..You just make such good food..A..And it makes me happy to know that one day, you'll make me breakfast or lunch everyday.."

Luz paused, hesitantly handing Amity the container. "Excuse me for just a minute-" She rushed down the hall.

She nearly slipped when turning the corner, Amity and Skara jumping when they heard a crash. "Where is she--"




Luz. Is a cheater. "So fluffy~" Luz's tail wagged slowly as she nuzzled Willow's fluffy feathers and fur.

Amity whined, tugging at, "Luz! Luz please come cuddle with me! I finished eating! Y-You can come back now!"

Luz slumped, relaxing as Willow gently rubbed her back. "You were being a bad girlfriend Amity. Luz just needs a bit more love then she'll take what you have to offer." Willow said firmly.

The pup squirmed, having lost her comfy spot on Willow, ultimately deciding to fall back on the ground. She moved her shirt a bit, her mane fluffing up. She let out a grunt when Amity fell on top of her, the kitten purring loudly as she nuzzled Luz's mane. "Did you like the chorizo?"

Amity mewed, "Sure did! You're an amazing cooker Pup." Amity licked Luz's cheek. "Don't cuddle Willow anymore, please? I know you're friends and that you care about me more..Hopefully- But I don't like seeing you cuddle someone that isn't me.."

Luz squeezed Amity, "Sorry. You were eating, dogs need constant attention. We get really sad when we have no one around. Then get way too excited when someone finally greets us." Luz licked Amity's cheek. "Lo siento Amor.."

Amity fluffed up, nuzzling in to Luz's mane, "Just don't do it again?"

"Okay, I won't." Luz pat Amity's back. "But that hurt so I might need to take a breath or two-"


Boscha rested her head in her palms, smiling, "I love you."

Willow flinched, pouring a bit too much water in the pot, "Boscha!"

The manticore snickered, "I love you my dear Pegasus. I love you."

Willow gripped the table, her ears falling back, "I'm not saying it back. I'm upset with you now."

Boscha frowned, "And all I said was I love you. How sad."

"I'm busy right now Boscha, I have no time to say those three words." Willow picked up the plant, walking past Boscha and to a shelf.

She placed the plant on top, walking past Boscha again, "Yet you have time to say fourteen words." Boscha sighed. "Pumpkin, can you take a break? You've been doing this for an hour!"

"No. I need to finish this today--"

"For what?" Boscha stood. "If it's to shove more work in to your schedule then stop. Flower, at this point, I'm certain I know you well enough--"

"I have to work Boscha!"

"Willow." Boscha uttered. "Don't shout at me. I'm your girlfriend, not a beast to let your anger out on. I'm leaving, I'll see you tommorow.."

The manticore walked towards the door, opening it, quietly closing it behind herself, and walking down the hall. Willow's ear twitched. She felt, small..It wasn't nice, she didn't like it. Willow frowned, stomping out of class. She checked the halls, rushing down each one before finally going to the exit. "Boscha-"

"Mm?" The manticore drew a circle, creating a bubble.

"I'm sorry."

Boscha looked back at her, holding her arm out. Willow took the hug, licking Boscha's cheek, "It's okay. Just, don't let that get to you next time.. Want me to walk you home or are you staying longer?"

"I left my bag.."

"So waiting a bit? Okay." Boscha took back her spell. "Maybe the rain will die down hm?"

Boscha waited for Willow for a few minutes before the two took off, and walked to Willow's house. They were happily chatting, paw in paw, ears perked up and listening to the other. Til they reached the doorstep, "I'll see you tommorow Flower." Boscha's tail pulled back from Willow's waist.

"Mm.." Willow hugged Boscha, licking her cheek. "Don't go~"

"I have to, your dads don't like me." Boscha held Willow tighter. "We'll see eachother tommorow Flower."

Willow sighed, kissing Boscha briefly before pulling back and nodding. "I hope tommorow comes faster."

Boscha smiled, "Me too."

The door opened, Mister.Park coming out, "Hello Boscha." He greeted with a warm smile.

"Hello Mister.Park." Boscha nodded, returning the smile.

"He's not here, want to come in?" Mister.Park moved aside. "He'll be home in about two hours or so."

Boscha looked to Willow, the Pegasus nodding, taking her paw. "If you wouldn't mind the extra company.." Boscha smiled nervously.

"Not at all! Come in, Willow has told me so much more about you."


To be continued.

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