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Vee's legs swung back and forth under her chair, the pup sighing and looking around. She was in the nurse's office, waiting patiently for Camilla as today was a new experience. "Informational video.." The nurse, a cow, stepped forward with a TV on wheels. "Please, if you have any questions, ask me."

Nodding slowly, Vee swallowed, "I'm not gonna die..Am I..?"

"Don't worry Darling," The cow pat Vee's head. "All ladies get this eventually, it's normal."

The cow played the video, stepping aside, Vee looking up at the TV. A dog stepped onto screen, smiling warmly, "Don't freak out Kiddos, what's going on with you is nothing to be ashamed of! What's happening, is your period!"

Vee tilted her head to the side, "Period..?"

The pup on screen stepped to the side, a whiteboard sliding towards her. "Your body has decided you're a woman! In several years, when you're of age and ready, you'll be able to reproduce! It's not often, but it isn't so far away either."

"What's that supposed to mean? It's not just one time??" Vee leaned forward.

>human periods for the sake of making it more accurate <

"Your period happens every month for up to two weeks!" The dog yapped. "It may seem crazy and trust me it is cause it's unfair-- But here's everything you need to know about applying pads, cramps, good signs and how to keep yourself calm when someone says you're being dramatic!"

Vee cowered in her seat, tail curling up by her side, "Oo boy.."


Vee asked the nurse a few questions, mostly about how she should handle cramps between her thighs as it only explained at the sides, her stomach, and her back. "What I personally do," The nurse stood, walking to a cupboard, pulling out a small blanket. "Is put a heating pad between em."

"She did not mention a heating pad.."

"It's a little outdated, but it's got the same stuff you need to know." The nurse put the heating pad back. "Your mom might have one, you can always ask. If not, and it starts hurting during school, come to me. I'll let you borrow it."

Vee hummed, ears pinning back, "And this is permanent..?"

"Might be." The nurse ruffled Vee's fur. "Don't worry about the length, you'll barely know it's there!"

If only it was that easy..

When Camilla picked up Vee, drove her home, and showed her a few basics of pads, Vee went to her bed. Luz came over hours later, and peeked over the rail. "How are you feeling?"

"Like my body hates me.." Vee curled up.

"Yeah that happens." Luz looked away, then back at Vee, tail wagging. "What usually helps me is going on a run or playing fetch with Amity."

Vee huffed, holding her side, "I don't think I can move..It hurts to.."

"No te preocupes." Luz went up a step, leaning forward and brushing back Vee's fur. "It'll go away. If it still hurts in a few minutes or gets worse, tell me so I can get you a pill."

Amity knocked, peeking in, "Luz, the dog that fought you is here.."

"Clara? Dang it I forgot she still knew where I lived." Luz growled. "I'll be back Hermana, Amity please take care of Vee for me."

Amity nodded, switching places with Luz, the pup walking out to the hall and to the front door. "Hey Luz," Clara smiled, tail lightly wagging. "Came to you about sports."

"I'll go get you some drinks." Camilla stepped away, heading to the kitchen.

Clara closed the door, Luz gazing at her, hesitant. "Clara..Not that I.." Luz paused, shaking her head. "I do mind you being here, especially since.."

"I came to apologize for that.." Clara sighed, lowering her head. "Luz, I know what I did was wrong. You of all people would know what it's like to lose something important and have people torment you for it.."

Luz looked away, ears pinning back, "Apologizing doesn't make up for a quarter of what you did to me.."

Clara sat on the carpet, Luz glancing to her, tail drooping, "I know that too." Clara sighed sharply. "I don't deserve your forgiveness. I don't deserve to be sitting here right now. But what I could fix, has been done.. When you choose to come back to Gravesfield, you'll be left alone, and I'll take care of Vee until then. Is that okay?"

Luz drew back, "If this is so that cat can hit on my sister--"

The door burst open, Masha panting and falling in, "You- Walk SO FAST-" Masha swallowed. "You're hiding your scent too.."

Clara clicked her tounge, standing, "Masha, we went over this." Clara went over to her, grabbing her scruff and holding her up. "You can't force yourself on the pup!"

"Claraaaaa!! She's soooooo cute!!"

"And?? You're making me look bad! I'm trying to apologize!"

Masha sulked, Clara throwing the cat onto her shoulder, holding her still. "Sorry again, Luz..I'm not apologizing for Masha's sake, I'm apologizing for my own. Just uh, don't forget about it track team yeah? Left a good word for you just in case you decided.."

Luz scratched her neck, "I'll think about it..Don't be a stranger, Clara."

The golden retriever lit up, tail wagging, "I won't! See ya Luz the Pup! Bye Ms.Noceda!!" Clara called out, stepping out. "You're going to forget this address immediately Masha."

Clara closed the door, Masha wailing and yowling as she tried to free herself. Amity ran out of Luz's room and towards the kitchen, Luz looking her way before sitting on the couch. Luz sighed, leaning back and gazing at the ceiling, "I..I'll give it a chance then.."

                  To be continued.

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