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Luz was clear to stay the night, and on a good note, Odalia had bought her things so she could be more comfortable with Amity. One of which, was a soft brush, for her mane. Luz used it that evening when she took a bath, brushing through her fur when it dried, and let herself be tackled.

Amity had dozed off in a hot second, Luz showing her gratitude to Odalia by helping clean up when she put Amity to bed.

Now, Friday.

Luz was woken up by a mew, glancing down. Amity nuzzled her chest, mewing as the fluffier fur against her own felt nice. "I love you Luz..I love you so much.." Amity purred, squeezing the pup. "I wish you knew how much I really love you.."

The pup's tail tapped slowly on the bed before it thumped quickly, Luz pulling Amity closer, "Te amo Amity. Quisiera tenerte para siempre.."

"Ah-" Amity fluffed up. "Really-?"

Luz squeezed her, turning with the kitten, "Amity. I love you. Please never forget that if we ever argue..If we're ever apart, in a disagreement, or anything- Please know, please remember, that I love you. I love you so much Amity, I would go through anything for you."

"D..Do you-"

"I mean it. Even if I die doing it, I would do it for you. For you. I love you." Luz licked her stop. "I always will. Mi gatita. Mi Amor.." Luz sighed, squeezing Amity. "I lOooOove you!"

Amity sniffled, then wailed, sobbing into Luz's chest. She was given many licks, gentle head scratches, and hugs during her cries. Luz was happy to give them, even happier that her girlfriend blurted out nonsense about how much she loved Luz.

The pup just softly assured Amity that she would always love her, that no matter how angry or upset they were with eachother, that she would still love her either way. And Amity fell back asleep, clutching her girlfriend's shirt. Luz, was stuck.

She loved holding Amity, she really did! But she uh..Needed to go for a quick walk..

Luz, tried everything. She moved inch by inch, managed to get up- But was dragged down. She replaced herself with a pillow- Amity started crying. Luz, couldn't move. She needed to use the bathroom so bad-- 'I really gotta go-' Luz whimpered.

"Luz Noceda."

The pup rose her head, looking to the door, "Mrs.Blight-- Please help me- I need to use your bathroom but I can't leave--!"

Odalia walked over, "Wait til she stirs, then quickly move."

Luz looked to Amity, the kitten taking in a sharp breath, humming quietly and squirming. Luz rolled out of bed, Amity curling up, gently holding on to her tail. Luz awhed, thanking Odalia before running to the bathroom. She came back three minutes later, crawling back into bed with Amity.

The kitten snuggled up against her, purring when her neck was gently scratched. "I love you Amity~" Luz howled quietly, licking her cheek.


Odalia pat Luz's head, "Breakfast is ready whenever you are, there was no school today."

Luz nodded, thanking Odalia before she left. Silently, Luz stroked Amity's fur, humming softly to her. It wasn't long, til Luz's tummy growled. Amity jerked awake at the sound, Luz covering her stomach, ears drooping. "Luz.."

"Y-You wouldn't let me go! And I had to take care of my awesome girlfriend!"

"Wh- That's not an excuse!-"

"Yes it is! You cried when I left! So I had to stay to care for you!" Luz covered her mouth. "Sorry. I shouldn't be shouting at you Amor.."

Amity sighed, "That was me, I'm sorry too..But Luz, you can force me out of bed if you need to eat..Don't wait til I'm okay for travel, then you'll wait hours.."

Luz lowered her head, "I know..But I care about you more than I do myself..You come first.."

Amity caressed Luz's cheek, licking her stop, "The only time I'll come first Luz, is when I'm the only one at risk." Amity pushed herself up. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast in your tummy."


Gus sighed quietly as he waited, impatient. "Matholomule--"

"Agustus, I told you not to come early. I was going to meet you there.." The lindworm uttered. "Also, turns out, I'm not actually a lindworm."

Gus's chin nearly hit the table when it slipped from his palm, "Wut-"

"I'm shedding soon, I'll have to go on leave for two months." Matholomule slithered over. "Which also means you won't be seeing me for two months."

"Wh- Without my awesome boyfriend you expect me to survive two months?"

"More like a year, honestly. I have to grow bones, and cells, and I'll have to learn to fly." Matholomule kissed his head. "You'll live."

Gus blinked, "At this point we won't even be dating--"

Matholomule saddened at the thought, "It's okay. You can see other people."

"No. I want it to be you." Gus took his claws. "I don't mind waiting, but can I at least see you?"

Matholomule smiled softly, "Yeah. I wouldn't mind the company.."

Gus nuzzled his cheek, Matholomule balling up as his petite boyfriend slid into his arms and snuggled up against him. . . Matholomule locked the door right- The door was kicked open, a Wyvern stepping in, "LETS GO LITTLE B- ro..Oh. Oh- Bye-"

He turned quickly, scurrying out and closing the door, Matholomule rolling his eyes, kissing Gus's head. "I'll be right back.."

"No! You can beat him up later." Gus moved his hands up. "Let's watch a movie, hm?"

Matholomule sighed, and nodded, "Yeah, let's."

To be continued.

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