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Willow walked down the halls, glancing down each one she passed, a bit upset. Boscha was late. "It's been ten minutes..Where is that beast?" Willow nickered, walking to her first period.

There, she expected Boscha to appear out of nowhere. But it didn't happen. For an entire hour, Willow feared something happened to her girlfriend.

Second period came and went, then Break started. Willow went over to Boscha's class, spotting the teacher, "Excuse me?" Willow walked in. "Did Boscha arrive?"

The teacher hummed, looking to Boscha's seat, "No, she hasn't. Not that I remember."

Willow frowned, "Hm.." She turned, stomping off. 'Where is my girlfriend..?'

During third period, Willow sent several messages asking if Boscha was okay. Yet she was never answered. Fourth period, no Boscha. Lunch, no Boscha. Fifth period, Willow tried to wait as long as she could to see if Boscha would walk her to sixth, but left before the final yell.

Sixth period, Willow went home after. She sent Boscha a message, went to bed, and waited.

And waited.

And waited..

'Ding Dong!' The front door opened, "Ah! Hello~" Gilbert cooed. "Willow! It's for you!"

Willow rolled out of bed, Popcorn in hand. She carefully went downstairs, peeking down the hall, ears perking. "Hey Doll!" Boscha smiled, tail wagging.

Slumping, Willow shuffled over, tiredly hugging Boscha. "..hic-"

Boscha straightened out, holding Willow tightly, "Willow oh my Titan are you okay??" Boscha groomed back her mane. "Flower, are you alright? What's wrong?"

"I thought something happened to you--!" Willow pushed Boscha back, lifting her glasses slightly and wiping away her tears. "You don't answer my messages- You don't even answer my call!-"

"Willow." Boscha cupped her face. "Willow, my Flower. Yes, I know what I did. It was wrong, and I'm sorry for not informing you of my absence. I brought you gifts. They won't make up for my mistake, but they'll ease my punishment."

"Sniff-" Willow wiped her snout.

Boscha licked her stop, gently scratching her fur, "We're going to your room. You're going to look through your gifts, and you can finish telling me the story."

Willow lowered her head, letting out a soft sob and leaning forward. She burrowed her snout in Boscha's mane, the manticore rubbing her back, lifting the pegasus. "Hic- Hmph-" Willow held onto Boscha.

Gilbert got the gifts from outside, Boscha taking Willow upstairs to her bed. She lied the pegasus down, gently grooming her fur, "I'm sorry I made you upset..I love you..I love you so much, Willow.." Boscha purred, nuzzling her cheek. "I'll care for you til you've calmed.."


Willow hummed softly, stirring in her sleep. Her chest felt heavy, the pegasus glancing down slightly, sighing. "Love, you were supposed to be comforting me.." Willow rubbed Boscha's back, avoiding her wings.

Boscha shuffled, holding Willow tightly, "Fluffy.."

Willow nickered, blowing lightly in Boscha's ear. The manticore jolted, pushing herself up a bit, "Am I in heaven..?" Boscha mumbled, sniffing Willow out. "Nope. I don't think angels smell like wood." Boscha gently nuzzled her. "I love wood.."

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now