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Two weeks later.


"Amor, come on!!" Luz jumped, holding her paw out. "Mama will be here soon!!"

Amity adjusted her backpack, taking Luz's paw and running with her down the path. "Sorry! I was caught up!"

"It's okay, but the food will get cold!" Luz scooped Amity up. "Hold on, I got this!"

The kitten held on tightly, tail wrapping around Luz's arm, "You've got so much stronger--!"

"Willow's been helping!" Luz grinned, jumping over a trash bin, steps ever so silent. "She's a great teacher!"

Amity waved her hand, abomination goop slicing up a branch. Luz ran under it, slowing down as The Owl House came into view. Hooty smiled, opening up, "Right on time hoot! Plates are set!"

Luz set Amity down, taking her hand and walking inside with her, thanking Hooty for opening the door. Camilla and Vee looked over, Luz gasping, "New form!! You look great!" Luz grinned, tail wagging.

"Thanks!! Mama said it looked very gay." Vee nervously smiled, tail tucking in between her legs.


"What? It's true." Camilla looked away. "I looked like that as a teen.."

Amity walked closer, sniffing Vee out, the, now pup, raising her arms. "All good?" Vee asked.

"Sorry, yes- This form just..Smells different? Like Luz, but also too spicy to be her.." Amity shook her head. "Sorry."

"You've got a good sense of smell Amity." Camilla pat her head. "There's competitions for that back home."

"Oh yes!" Luz yipped, tail wagging. "When's the next long jump and hundred yard dash?"

Camilla thought for a second, then perked, "There's one today!"

"Awh no!!" Luz held her head. "I have to take care of my beautiful girlfriend today!"

"We can go!" Amity mewed. "You've seen me in sports, c-can I come see yours?"

Luz blinked, then took Amity's paws, tail wagging furiously behind herself, "You really are a goddess."

Amity fluffed up, tail swaying side to side quickly, "T-Thank you-" Amity huffed, growing embarrassed and covering her face. "Luz!"

"Mmmyyy goodddesss~~" Luz howled, nuzzling Amity's cheek. "Mmiiiiiiiiii aammmoooorrrrr!!!"

The group giggled when Amity let out distressed news, Eda clapping, "Let's eat first, then we can go to the competition, hm?"


"Contestants to the track!" A parrot squawked. "No funny business! We aren't the cliche to deal with bullies in the competitions and anyone out of line will be immediately disqualified!"

A cat, bull, and wolf growled softly, their plans disrupted. "Ready on the blank!" A horse held up a gun.

"Welcome back Luz." A horse beside her nickered. "But I've been training. The basket is mine."

"If I win you can have it. I'm just here to impress my girlfriend." Luz lowered herself.

The horse perked, "Wait you have a girlfriend now-" 'POP!'

Luz pounced, the horse shaking her head and running after her. "YOU ACTUALLY MANAGED TO DO THAT!? GO LUZ!! BUT I'M STILL WINNING THIS THING!!" The horse yelled, hooves stomping on the track.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now