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Willow walked to school with Luz as they decided it was time to separate from their girlfriends for the day. "So that was my day yesterday." Willow sighed. "What happened to you?"

Luz lightly shrugged, "Nothing much. I mostly spent the day with Amity or doing work. I think I'm addicted."

"Probably." Willow ruffled her fur. "But-"


Luz and Willow looked ahead, the pup snarling, "That her?" Luz growled.

"Sure is." Willow sighed. "What, Bria?"

The sphinx ripped a vine off of her, panting, "I've been stuck down there all day..YOU BRAT-" Bria jumped.

A red blur passed them, Boscha glancing down at her, huffing, and walking inside. Bria fell to the ground, her body stiffening. Ah. Paralysis on a ticked off sphinx. Willow smiled, her tail wagging slowly, "I think I'm addicted too."


Amity narrowed her eyes at the group across the cafeteria, her tail tapping her seat angrily. "Heya Cotton Candy." Boscha placed her lunch down, sitting by Amity. "What's wrong?"

"My girlfriend is hanging out with your girlfriend away from us.." Amity mumbled.

"Uh-huh." Boscha picked up her sandwhich, taking a bite. "Did she tell you she would be gone today?"

Amity sighed and nodded, "Doesn't stop me from missing her though.." Amity frowned.

Boscha swallowed her bite, clearing her throat, "I know what would make you feel better." Boscha stood, cleared her throat once more, and whistled.

Luz and several other dog like beasts looked over, ears perked and tails ready for the wagging. "Boscha.." A select few beasts said in unison. "You better not.."

"Who wants to go for walkies?" Boscha chirped.







A sudden howl got them to quiet down, the howl having come from Luz. The dogish beasts looked to her, then another one continued her howl. Every other beast covered their ears, all the dogs starting a howl. Kanakos, kitsunes and Enfields soon joined in which only added to the symphony of screams.

Pardon, howls. Then, out of nowhere, a squeaky toy was squished. The beasts looked to the cafeteria doors, tails stopping, ears a-perking. "Fetch." Principal Bump sighed, tossing it back.

"IT'S MINE!" Luz barked, scrambling out of the hall.

"HEY!" A kitsune snarled, rushing after her. "IT'S MINE!"

Their growls were heard as they began to fight for the toy, but the squeak of it caused two other beasts to rush after in excitement. Then two squeaks sent five to fight. Several more squeaks made the rest of the beasts who howled to run out. Then a cry.

Principal Bump glanced back, patting his thigh. Luz trot out, squeaky toy in her mouth, her tail wagging furiously. She yipped, grinning from ear to ear. Amity stood, sending a small glare to Boscha before going over to Luz. "Drop."

The pup growled, crawling back a bit, biting down on her new toy. "No."

"Luz. Drop it."

"..You'll have to catch us first!" Luz turned, running out of the cafeteria.

The beasts followed, Amity sighing. She rolled up her sleeves, her ears turning back as she heard footsteps. "This would've been so much easier if canines listened.." A unicorn tied up her mane, kicking lightly at the floor.

"Right? Ugh, now my boyfriend will have the zoomies.." A saber-tooth tiger whined.

A few more felines and assorted bovine fell in to line. "Group up, take them to the field." Amity stepped forward. "And hide the toy if you get it. Artemis forbid they get us in to a trap.."


And that's exactly what happened. Bump had to (unfortunately) give everyone who got caught in the game a free period. The canines had switched the roles and trapped the beasts who were sent to capture them in the track near the grudgby field.

For once, Luz was in charge. She sat atop a throne (just a tall chair), squeaky toy in mouth. "Luz Noceda you are in so much trouble when i get out of here-" Amity growled, claws out and scratching at the rope around her.

Luz barked, the two inugamis at her side stepping forward, glancing towards her. She stepped off her chair, the three walking towards the ring of beasts. They stopped in front of Amity, the kitten snarling quietly. Luz squat down, and dropped her toy. "Ew.." Amity drew back a bit. "Luz-"

The pup yipped, licking her cheek. Amity froze, her tail making small waves on the dirt. "I love you." Luz smiled and stood, holding her paw up. "Pups."

They stood up, barking as one. The inugamis looked to Luz, the pup nodding. They went to their respective partners, sitting in front of them, tails already wagging. Luz snapped, pointing to the ring. The ground shook as all the canines rushed to their partners, howling, barking, or just staring at them.

Then Luz barked. They looked to her, expectant eyes following her as she knelt down in front of Amity. The pup sliced through the rope with a claw, the ring of (no longer) trapped beasts sighing in relief. "Go ahead." Luz pounced on top of her kitten, earning a yelp from her.

Which then came from all the other beasts as their excited pups' jumped in to their arms. Luz licked Amity's cheek, hand under her head to keep her from getting too much dirt in her fur, other hand holding herself up. Amity giggled, purring as Luz yipped softly and licked her cheek, hugging her pup.

They were the first two to get up five minutes later, Luz picking up her toy, and holding Amity's paw. Luz felt powerful. So much so, that when the bell screamed to end the period, she started a howl. A kitsune in the distance heard, and answered her call. Luz's tail wagged, the pup looking to her lovely girlfriend, "Feels cool."

Amity smiled, "See if you can get more people to do it."

Luz grinned, taking a deep breath before howling. The halls fell silent as her howl echoed down them, the pup panting once she was nearly out of breath. Then she howled again, another beast joining her. That started the chain reaction, and soon, everyone in the hall was howling.

Amity giggled, hugging Luz, "I think Bump will ban howls after today." She smiled.

Luz returned the smile, "I'll still find a way to get around it." Luz wrapped her arms around Amity's waist, holding her close. "I love you my Cotton Candy Kitten."

"I love you too my lion." Amity teased, gently scratching Luz's neck.

"You know what a lion is?" Luz pulled back a bit, clearly suprised.

Amity nodded, "You have fur just like them. But yours is better."

"It is, isn't it?" Luz stepped back a bit. "And so is my howl!"

When it got a bit more quiet, Luz howled, starting the chain reaction all over again. Her tail was wagging a mile a minute, ears fallen back so they wouldn't be in the way of her howl. What got her to stop wasn't another squeaky toy or someone telling her to hush, but Amity. "Awo~" Amity cooed.

Luz hugged Amity, sighing contentedly, "I love you so much Amity~"

The kitten giggled, "I love you so much too Luz."

So much. To be continued.

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