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A few months later, Sunday.

"Mom!" Luz walked out of her room. "Mom?"

"What's up Kid?" Eda peeked around the corner.

Luz smiled, tail wagging, "Hi Mom! Just wondering what the schedule is this week." Luz walked downstairs, standing by Eda.

The griffin hummed, stomping to the stove, examining the calendar above it, "You're with Cam this week. You have work Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday after school, and on Thursday you have work at five."

Luz mumbled that to herself several times, nodding, "And King?"

"Luz, you know he's always following you around." Eda rolled her eyes and grinned.

King ran down the stairs, yapping and hugging Luz's leg, the mutt's tail wagging furiously, "I know~"

"Hi Luz!" King's tail wagged. "I mean sister."

Luz cooed and giggled, picking him up, "Mi hermanito! Grandma's coming over soon with Panepa. so go get the scarf they made you." Luz groomed back his fur before setting him down.

Pan, bread. Pa, dad. Bread dad. Panepa. Griffin. Bird. :D Panepa! Kind of like panela but p!

King saluted, running back upstairs, Eda looking back to her calendar. "I don't remember writing that Mom was coming over??"

"Abuela sent me a message this morning, something about meeting the family?" Luz shrugged. "I'm sure it's nothing."

The portal door appeared in the center of the living room, the door opening, Camilla and Vee stepping in. "Luz!" Vee grinned, running over and jumping into her arms.

Stumbling back, Luz caught herself and gasped, "Your trainings been paying off!!"

"Yeah! Amity gave me exercises to try and work up to and I've reached it!" Vee nuzzled Luz's cheek. "Glad to be back on the Isles, Masha's been super clingy."

"Clara's been taking care of you though, right?" Luz stepped back, patting Vee's arms.

The basilisk, currently still a pup, held up her arms, Luz feeling the muscle. "Yes, Masha has eased but she gets extra clingy when Clara's around."

Hooty chirped, the door opening as the portal door disappeared, "Special guests!"

Gwendolyn, a strong griffin with an even stronger grip, stepped in. "Luz!" She smiled. "Vee! How are my not grandbabies?"

King rushed over first, jumping into her arms, "Hi Grandma!!" King yipped, nuzzling her.

"King~ How's my grandson doing?"

"Great, Grandma! How was the flight? Are my cupcakes okay?" He sniffed her out. "I can smell sprinkles!"

Another griffin stepped in, taller but a bit weaker than Gwendolyn, "Good morning family of my daughter.." Dell smiled warmly.

Luz hopped over, hugging the griffin, "How are you Abuelo?" Luz nuzzled his cheek. "Thank you for coming."

"It's so funny having grandchildren." Dell lightly chuckled, preening Luz's fur. "Thank you for worrying chicklet, I'm doing just fine.."

"That's great Panepa, please come inside and sit down, we were just about to make breakfast." Luz smiled warmly.

Camilla began work in the kitchen, Gwendolyn walking over to her and whispering softly before walking to help her husband sit down. Luz got the guests drinks, Vee helped put away their coats and staffs, and brought out their knitting supplies.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now