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"Alright." Willow put her hands on her hips, glancing around the room. "I'm done."

Boscha smiled slightly, "Which present is it Flower?" She teased.

Willow looked back at her, then at the pile of presents, then at Boscha again. She walked over to her, sitting in her lap, "You are, right?"

Boscha jumped, "Wha--"

Willow smiled, fixing Boscha's fur a bit, "If you are, you'd be my second favorite present if our relationship goes as planned."

Boscha, a bit confused, let out a small whine, "Huh?"

"Will you give me a ring Boscha?" Willow asked, gently scratching the manticore's chin.

"Hah-" Boscha's ears drooped down, her tail stabbing the wall, venom dripping down it. "Willow--"

The Pegasus giggled, caressing Boscha's cheek, "One day. Right?"

Boscha couldn't form words. Her heart couldn't handle this-- "Can you tell me which present is mine though?" Willow glanced at all the presents. "I'm curious and slightly inpatient."

The manticore took a peek, "Off for a sec let me check.."

Willow carefully stood, helping Boscha up, holding her hand as they walked to the pile. "Roses are coral, violets are purple.." Boscha tried to recall the phrase she taught herself to remember the present, looking to Willow. "Oh. Duh."

She knelt down, pulling aside presents. She found a present with coral pumpkins plastered over it, a violet bow, and Willow's name on the tag. She pulled it over, handing it to the Pegasus, "Thank you." Willow slid the bow off the lid, lifting it up.

Willow removed the wrapping paper, gasping quietly as she pulled out a stuffie. It was a scorpion plush, a green Gladiolus flower by its side which was also a plush. Willow carefully pulled it out, gazing at the present, "Mmn.." Willow's ears pinned back, the Pegasus removing her glasses and covering her eyes.

"Willow?" Boscha took her glasses, folding them neatly and placing them aside.

The Pegasus let out a soft sob, having a slight tremble. "Hicc--"

"Flower--" Boscha sat up, panicking at the sudden cry. "Ah- U-Uhm-- Why-- Why are you crying Willow?--"

The manticore moved aside the box, pulling Willow over, crossing her legs to allow the Pegasus a more comfy spot. "Boscha-"

"I'm here Flower, what's wrong? Do you not like the present? I could get you something else-"

"No no, it's perfect-" Willow sniffled, wiping her snout, smiling up at Boscha. "I love it..Thank you Boscha, it means a lot to me.."

She relaxed in to the manticore, sighing quietly, "Are you okay then..?" Boscha hesitantly asked, rubbing Willow's arm.

"Mm.." Willow nodded, shakily exhaling. "Sorry for crying so suddenly Boscha..This is just my first gift from you that wasn't food..You don't know how much it means to me.."

Boscha squeezed her Pegasus, nuzzling her cheek, "Queezus Flower. A manticore can only handle so much in a day." Boscha licked Willow's cheek, rubbing her side.

Willow relaxed, sighing quietly before leaning against Boscha. "Hand me Corn.."


"The scorpion.."

Boscha looked towards it, the plushie having a silly smile on its face. Her tail picked it up, laying it over Willow's chest, "You named it Corn, in a minute?"

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now