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Amity wasted no time to get ready and see her girlfriend Saturday morning. She was excited, and mostly needed a hug right now. "Morning Hooty." Amity greeted. "Luz home?"

Hooty spun on the door, "Nooo~"

Amity drew back a bit, "No? Where is she?"

"She's getting a furcut!" Hooty chirped.

Amity tilted her head to the side, "Why today?"

Hooty went over to Amity, spinning around her, "Luz's mane got too fluffy! Hoot! She's gotten tired of how long it takes to wash!"

Amity gasped, "NO MY PILLOW! BYE HOOTY!" She turned quickly, running down the path. "I'LL SAVE YOU PILLOW!!"


Luz cooed, fluffing her fur up, grinning. "It's perfect!" She looked back at the barber. "Thank you!"

The door was kicked open, Amity panting heavily, stumbling in, "Luz- D-Don't cut your mane-"

"Too late Boots." Eda stood. "Just finished. Here, your snails."

The Barber took the coins, examining them and nodding. The asanbosam pat Luz's head, grunting and nodding to the door. "Thank you." Luz stood, patting herself down from her extra fur from earlier. "Hi Amity! Come feel my mane!"

"Huhu.." She sobbed, begrudgingly going to Luz and hugging her. "Ah-"

She purred, nuzzling Luz's mane, her tail wagging slowly, "Nice right?" Luz smiled. "It's much easier to manage now."

Amity mewed, being picked up by Luz, "So fluffy~" Amity purred.

Luz licked her cheek, walking with Eda back to The Owl House. "So she did find you!" Hooty chirped, opening the door. "Let's see the cut Luz!"

"I'll show you when Amity lets go-"

"Never!" Amity raised her head, shaking it.


"I love it too much to let go right now, in a bit okay?"

Luz pouted, "Amity.."

The kitten frowned, letting Luz go, stepping back. Luz fixed her mane a bit before allowing Hooty to see it, "Much more under control hoot!"

"Right?- And it's less hot! I should have trimmed it sooner-" Luz looked back to Amity. "Okay, good."

Amity hugged her, nuzzling in to her mane, being picked up and taken upstairs. Luz went to her sleeping bag, kneeling down, lying Amity on her bag. "You know I could give you snails to buy a bed Luz.." Amity mumbled, rubbing Luz's back.

"It's okay, if anything, I'd waste it on more food." Luz licked her cheek, moving her fur back.

Amity saddened, "Luz.."

"I'll be alright. Eda makes enough, and I have food I can eat now! Don't worry Amor, I'll manage." Luz lied on top of Amity. "I promise."



Boscha yawned, lifting her head up to nestle her snout in to her blanket, but only met another snout. "Mm..?"

"Heya Boscha." Willow giggled, caressing her cheek. "Are you alright?"

Boscha smiled tiredly, kissing Willow, "I've got you with me, of course I'm alright.." Boscha yawned again. "I love you Flower.."

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now