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Luz groomed Amity's fur, nuzzling her gently before slipping out of bed. Amity stirred, Luz carefully lying the warm towel over Amity's head. The kitten purred, dozing off, Luz carefully leaving her room with her clothes. She changed in the bathroom, going to the basement, growling softly.

Vee yawned, flipping over and curling up. Clara shuddered, her side growing cold. She carefully turned, wrapping an arm around Vee's waist and pulling her over. "Clara Winchester.."

The golden retriever flinched, taking a hesitant peek and cowering, "Luz-"

"You better be ready in five minutes and upstairs or else-"

Clara zipped up, rushing to her bag and searching through it. Luz huffed, going back upstairs and waiting by the front door. Clara stumbled over, teeth brushed, fur fixed and dressed. "R-Ready-!"

Luz opened the door, Clara following her and closing the door, chasing after her. They walked to school, time turning exactly to 8:00 when they arrived. "Ah, Luz." Coach K greeted. "Clara too? This'll help our case. Come on, we've got work to do."


"It's a hazard--" The serpent sighed.

"We're dogs. We're an occupational hazard." Luz uttered. "Why dogs? Was the dog really at fault?"

Glaring, the serpent hissed softly. "Yes. She was."

"So kick her off the team--"

"She's my best runner." The serpent scoffed. "I can't get rid of her."

Luz twitched, "Then why are we here? Because you don't want to lose?-"

"Can it Mutt," She spat. "Don't make me put a muzzle on you instead.."

Coach K stomped forward, growling softly, "Don't talk to my students that way..You've lost every race we've had for the last eight years..Does losing really bother you enough to muzzle kids and not hold the attacker accountable?"

"Don't speak to me as if you know me. This meeting is over--"

"There are six dogs on my team." Luz stood. "Four on yours, eight on the other. Eighteen students. If I wear the muzzle, would that be enough for you not to muzzle the others?"

The snake paused, tail slapping the floor lightly. "..Fine. You wear it all match day. Or else everyone gets one." She turned. "Good day."


Luz gripped the purple muzzle she held, glaring at the snake that happily slithered away into its vehicle. "Luz." Clara sat by her. "You didn't have to do that."

"It's fine." Luz shrugged lightly. "It'll only be for a few hours. Just gotta build up to it before then."

"..Come on, let's get you back home." Clara pat her back.

Luz nodded slowly, standing and squeezing the muzzle. It creaked in disdain, the mutt loosening her hold, the muzzle bent and misshapen now. "I'll get you fitted for a larger size." Clara gently took the muzzle from her. "How does that sound?"

"That would be helpful." Luz looked to her. "Thanks, Clara."

"You don't have to thank me." Clara shook her head. "Even if it has been months, I'm still not deserving of your gratitude. I'll tell you when I feel deserving of it, but I know it's not now."

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now