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The next morning, when Boscha, Willow, Luz, and Amity arrived to school, they all happened to bunk into eachother. "Oh- Hey--" Amity blurted out.

"Hi-" Boscha uttered.

Luz rubbed her nose, waving at Willow, the Pegasus waving back. "So uh.." Amity cleared her throat. "Sorry for bunking in to you.."

Boscha nodded slowly, "Sorry to you too, I wasn't watching where I was going. I was looking at someone gorgeous." Boscha looked to Willow.

"Me too!" Willow smiled. "It was my reflection."

Boscha whined, hugging Willow and fake crying in go her shoulder. "Why must you do this to me--"

"I was just kidding Boscha," Willow nervously laughed. "I was looking at your pretty eyes the entire time. I'll let you hug me for an hour after you apologize to everyone."

Boscha clicked her tounge, giving Willow sad lion eyes. "Do I have to..?"

"Yes Boscha, you do. If you don't, we'll have to brea--"

Boscha pushed herself away from Willow, running down the hall, "Let's go Flower!!"

Willow waved at Amity and Luz, rushing after her manticore. "..That's actually a good idea.." Amity uttered.

"What is, Amor?" Luz asked, licking Amity's cheek.

The kitten pulled Luz close, humming quietly, "Apologizing to those I used to bully." Amity purred.

"..Did you ever apologize to me?" Luz asked aloud.

Amity paused, then pulled back, "I'M SO SORRY--"

Luz giggled, cupping Amity's face, "I know you are. Don't worry I still love you so much." Luz licked Amity's nose.

The kitten squeezed her puppy, sighing quietly, "Thank you my love. I have to go apologize now, I'll return to you at break."

Luz nodded, "In my arms, in my lap, and in the library?"

Amity smiled, "Of course."


"I'm so glad cats purr--" Luz uttered, squeezing Amity's hand. "I love you-"

Amity licked Luz's cheek, purring softly, "I love you too Luz. Didn't expect the roles to switch did ya?"

The pup shook her head, Amity adjusting how she wrapped her arms around Luz's waist. "This is nice.." Amity sighed quietly. "I love being like this with you Luz.."

"Arp-" Luz covered her mouth, her tail wagging swiftly.

Amity smirked, "Are you trying not to bark Pup?"

Luz covered her face, her ears falling back, "Mm-"

Amity trilled quietly, feeling Luz's tail hit her side. "Puppy~ Luzzzzz~" Amity purred. "Are you going to bark?~~"

"I can't bark in a library--" Luz held her muzzle shut.

Amity giggled, glancing at Luz's tail. She grabbed it, hearing Luz yelp then see her girlfriend biting her hand. "Ah-" Amity released Luz's tail.

"Sorry-- I'm so sorry--" Luz turned in Amity's lap, taking her hand. "It's a reflex-- We don't like having our tails stopped-"

Amity shook her head, "It's okay. But the yelp was cute." Amity nuzzled Luz. "Can I know more about dogs?"

The pup hummed, tapping her chin, "Like what?"

"Like..What are all dogs like?"

"We're surprisingly loyal." Luz blurted out.


Luz nodded, "If we have job or mission, we'll do it no matter what. My mom had a story once.." Luz recalled. "She was told to guard her favorite food, no cat, pony, turtle-- No one could resist their own favorite food. But us dogs are naturally loyal, and we tend to follow rules when we're taught correctly. She managed to win the prize of a biscuit and a few toys."

Amity's tail picked out lint from Luz's shirt, nodding, "Can you do that?"

Luz shrugged while nodding, "I can if I try. We've got real good stamina, and some of us can tolerate heat or freezing temperatures better than others."

"I've heard that dogs have multiple breeds, do you know what breed you are Luz?"

"I'm mostly an english springer spaniel..I don't know what breed my dad was, but he was a breed that had a mane."

Amity's ears perked up, "Do you have a mane?"

Luz looked down at Amity, "I do. It's what bothers me most though, my fur gets itchy and it's annoying to wash. But I did last night, I had time to go over it a few times." Luz moved her shirt slightly, shaking her head, her fur fluffing up. "It's perfect for bagel mode."

Amity nuzzled in to Luz's mane, purring quietly, "What's bagel mode?" Amity asked, her tail making small wave motions on the floor.

Luz scratched gently at Amity's neck, "It's basically just going in to a circle on a pillow, bed, floor, carpet-- Almost anything, and sleeping."

"Show me?"

"I thought you wanted to know about dogs." Luz teased. "But I will, if you give me--"

Amity licked Luz's cheek, nuzzling her briefly before looking up at her with expectant eyes. "Done."

Luz smiled softly, lightly knocking her head on Amity's shoulder, "Okay. I'll show you."


"Amity, school is closing.." Luz said softly. "I need to un-bagel and go.."

Amity hissed quietly, nuzzling Luz's arm, "One more minute."

In bagel mode, tiny girlfriend under arm and left leg, very warm with mane fur. "It's been sixty. We have to go.." Luz nuzzled Amity's head. "I'll bring you lunch tomorrow, how does that sound?"

"Mm.." Amity looked up at Luz, sighing quietly. "I don't want you to waste your ingredients Luz..I want you to be healthy.."

Luz gave her kitten a tight hug, "I know you do. And I'm working on that don't worry. But I have to get home like an hour ago--"

Amity nodded slowly, "Okay. But I'll take a snack."

Luz squeezed Amity, her tail lightly brushing against the carpet, "Anything for you Preciosa."

To be continued.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now