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Boscha glared at the sign, Willow glancing over at it, snorting, "Want to have a go, Love?" Willow nickered.

"No. I have my girlfriend to keep me in check, Sign." Boscha spat, moving closer to Willow. "My pegasus is smart, and lovely, and uses positive reinforcement."

Willow smiled, gently bumping Boscha with her hip, "I love you Boscha."

"Mm~" The manticore purred. "I love you too~"

Willow giggled, nuzzling Boscha's cheek, flinching slightly when the manticore's tail wrapped around her waist. "Sorry-" Boscha pulled back. "I should have asked first-"

"Where are you going??" Willow took her paw, pulling Boscha over. "I was just a bit spooked Dear, you're always allowed to do that. Warms me up and brings me that much closer to you. I love when you do it, a small warning is good too though."

Boscha held Willow close, nuzzling her cheek and purring. "Gosh I love you. So much.."

Willow sighed, ears falling back, "I love you so much too, and would prefer we go back to my house so people don't bump us."

"Oh yeah-" Boscha looked around, wings fanning out. "You stay on this.." Boscha moved Willow. "Side, and I'll be on this side just in case."

Willow took Boscha's paw, humming softly as she warmed up. The market grew crowded, Willow snuggling up to Boscha a little better, avoiding any- "Oof- Sorry-" Willow softened.

The orc snorted, "Not forgiven.." He continued stomping along.

Boscha's tail grazed his thigh, the venom dripping down his bandages. Boscha nudged Willow, urging her to walk a bit faster, gasps coming from the beasts behind them. The orc was paralyzed and had fallen over, spooking a group.

As Boscha and Willow kept walking, more beasts kept bunking the poor pegausus, and well- Boscha had enough. The next beast that bunked into Willow, was given the same treatment as the others, "Sorry!" Willow apologized.

"No I'm sorry! I don't have my glasses and everyone looks farther than I-"

Boscha yowled to the helhest, the beast drawing back and snorting. "I'm sorry?"


"Did you yowl at me??" The helhest stood tall. "Why I oughta--" He snorted, ears pinning back.

Willow grabbed Boscha's arm, quickly dragging her away, the helhest huffing and stomping off. 'Maybe that sign is useful..'



Willow thought of doing it.

She really did.

Willow wanted Boscha to learn, to stop being rude to others so quickly just because Willow was bumped. Yet, Willow had a revelation. She wouldn't want Boscha to do that to her, so she didn't do it. Instead..

"Cinnamon-!?" Boscha scrambled back. "But-!"

"Boscha, that helhest did nothing wrong. He apologized unlike the last seven men! You yowled to the wrong person, and that was mean.." Willow waved the smoking cinnamon stick.

Boscha hissed softly, covering her nose. "Okay I get it- Please just get that away!!" Boscha shuddered.

Willow drew back, blowing out the flame and sending it to her space. Boscha huffed, backing up, lowering herself. "Grrr..Damned cinnamon.." Boscha yowled. "Ugh- Willow--"

The pegasus went around the room quickly, ransacking a bag she brought with her, taking a few objects out and rushing back to Boscha. She offered Boscha a rotting, moist log, a pillow, and her leaf blanket. Well, she took the blanket back, unfolded it, then gave it to Boscha.

Calming slightly, the manticore sighed, and lied down. She set the pillow on the rotting log, the structure of it sending her purring. Willow knelt down by her, combing her mane back, "Sorry. Most of the time, you listen because cinnamon is involved.."

"No, I should be behaving better..I'm sorry you have to go that far to get me to listen.." Boscha lifted the blanket. "C'mere Flower, we need to talk about this.."

Willow shuffled closer, sliding under the blanket, being pulled over by Boscha. "I get that you're protective of me, and it's nice to know that you'll go so far to do so..But there's limits to that.."

"I know, I'm sorry..I worry when you're at risk, and I..I don't like feeling that way.." Boscha gently nuzzled her.

Willow nickered softly, "W..What should I use instead of cinnamon?"

"Ignore me. It's rude yes, but it'll get me to listen." Boscha sighed. "I hate when you ignore me, because I know I've done something wrong, and I try to make it up to you."

"So in turn, it'll get you to pay attention faster if it happens again, so you can get my attention.." Willow hummed.

Boscha nodded, "Exactly."

"Okay. Okay I'll keep that in mind." Willow sat up. "Come on, you just reminded me of something."


Willow stood, helping Boscha stand, the manticore folding the blanket quickly, tail picking up the pillow. "Bring that, come hurry!" Willow took Boscha's paw.

"I'm coming I'm coming! Calm down Flower, I'm only a hug away!"

Willow pulled Boscha over, scooping her up, kissing her briefly. "Hold on."

Boscha fluffed up, wrapping her arms around Willow's neck, "Oh wow..Buff Girlfriend.."


"Boscha..You uh..You can let go now.." Willow glanced about, then down to the covered hole. "Love?"

The manticore continued to purr, gently squeezing Willow, "No!"

"Love, I need you to let go." Willow tapped the wood twice. "Pleasee~"

Boscha perked at the sound of the wood being tapped, humming a soft whine and releasing Willow. She was gently set down, glancing about. "We're at your house."

"Yes, we are." Willow smiled, waving her hand.

A vine lifted the wooden hatch, Willow bowing and signaling to the chute. "Good thing I trust you." Boscha shrugged, hopping in, yelping as the drop was quick. "HOLY-"

Willow giggled, jumping down, flicking the lights on for her own eyes, Boscha adjusting to the normal light. "It took awhile; had to get the walls insulated and stable, made the nest, Papa helped with the lights."

Boscha chuffed, falling to her knees and shuffling over to the large nest. A large rotting log was atop it, shading a spot from the light. A leaf blanket was folded behind it, under the small bookshelf. "Oh my Titan, Flower. Like OH MY TITAN!" Boscha snorted. "Willow, you do not know how much more I love you-"

Willow giggled, a small clank coming from above, the door having closed. Willow knelt down by Boscha, patting her thigh, the manticore eagerly shuffling to rest her head on the second comfiest spot. "Now when you come over, Dad won't be able to say you can't stay over if you don't have a room!"

"And I can sleep in your arms?" Boscha asked hopefully.

Willow giggled, brushing her fur back, "And you can sleep in my arms."

To be continued.

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