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Boscha purred as she gazed up at Willow, tail scratching lightly at the bench. "You're staring, what do you want~" Willow sighed, looking down at the manticore.

"Mm~ You know full well what I want~" Boscha cooed.

"My pumpkin spice latte."

Boscha clicked her tounge, sitting up as Willow happily drank her latte. "I did buy that for you."

"Boscha." Luz growled. "You don't use what you give." Luz uttered, handing her the chocolate dipped roach. "That's not how you treat your partner.."

Boscha hissed softly, tail stabbing the bench. Willow stood, "It's fine, you can have some." Willow offered the latte. "There's no cinnamon."

Hesitantly, the manticore shook her head, "I can buy one, thanks.." Boscha mumbled.

Amity walked over, glancing back at the lindworm who handed her the treat, thanking him softly. "Luz, we've bought treats." Amity shook the bag.

The pup perked up, about to step forward when Gus landed on her shoulder, reaching out. "Me me me me!"

"ACK- GUS YOU'RE HEAVY!" Luz yelped, falling back.

The two landed with a thud, Amity and Matholomule quickly helping them up, patting their respective eager pals. "You alright Gus?" Matholomule asked, wiping his cheek from the dirt.

"No, I didn't get my treat!" He looked to Amity, smiling brightly as he received his frozen treat. "Cockatrice blood! Matholomule here take a bite, these are really good."

Luz yelped again, the group looking go her as Amity held up the treat. "Oops.." She smiled nervously, tail tucking in between her legs. "Sorry Luz.."

"I'm FiNe~"


Boscha, has a cone of shame. Boscha, bit Willow. Boscha, fought Luz. Boscha, fought Matholomule. Boscha.. Is "Grounded!" Willow exclaimed. "When dogs bare their teeth, it's been trained as a reaction to threats, not a plea to start a fight!"

The manticore snarled, scratching at the cone on her head, backing up and shaking violently. Hissing, Boscha slammed her face on the floor, the cone cracking slightly. "Loser." Luz snickered, tail wagging lightly as her bloody nose was treated. "Thanks Amity."

"No problem," Amity kissed her snout. "Thank you for protecting me even though I could've handle it."

Luz grinned, "It's my job as the less cooler girlfriend to be stupid." Luz winced, slapping Amity's paw away. "Ouchies!"

"Sorry Pup." Amity smiled. "I'm done, you're free to go."

Luz pulled Amity over, "Go where? All I need is you Mi Amor~" Luz growled softly, pulling the kitten in to her lap.

Amity giggled, "So charming~"

"Gross!" Boscha hissed. "Willow, you won't let us get that mushy would you?"

The Pegasus paused, "Oh.." Willow swallowed. "I quite like being shown love like Luz and Amity show each other..It's okay if you don't–"

"Nononono–" Boscha clambered up, in front of Willow. "If it makes you happy I'll give you the love you want–"

"But it'd make you uncomfortable."

"Only if you make it awkward Gorgeous." Boscha kissed her snout. "Get this off so we can go cuddle, and I'll give you all the kisses you need."

Willow hummed, "You won't start fighting?"

"You're not at risk, so no." Boscha purred.

Willow pulled a face, ears pinned back. "If you so much as growl at anyone here, the cone goes back on. Got it?"

"Yes yes I've got it." Boscha nodded.

"Right, ears forward."

Boscha's ears covered her eyes, the cone being pulled off, the manticore shaking her head. "Alright, we're back." Gus walked in, dusting his hands off. "Matty's fine."

The lindworm slithered in, feeling his cheek, "That hurt.."

"Deserved." Boscha chittered, picking Willow up. "My Flower~"

"Not deserved, but nice try." Willow ruffled Boscha's fur. "Popcorn please."

Boscha looked around, walking over to a chair, her tail gently picking up the plushie and holding it out to Willow. "Much appreciated." Willow held him close, lowering her head.


"Hm?" He looked to Luz.

"You're more aves than serpent aren't you?" Luz asked.

He nodded, "I don't have venom like my dad. Mostly strong wings, they'll be as tough as diabase in a few years!" He grinned.

Luz looked to Willow, "Are you more caballus?"

"Yes that's right." She nodded.

Luz hummed, "..Is it just the aves from my world that fall asleep when a cloth covers their eyes?"

The room fell silent. Boscha looked to Willow, Matholomule looked to Gus. Drawing a small circle, Matholomule summoned a cloth, balled up, and pounced. "AHHH MATHOLOMULE NO DON'T YOU DARE!!" Gus exclaimed.

"Boscha, you do it, and when I wake up you'll be a single manticore." Willow uttered.

"..Luz will do it for me." Boscha took her glasses gently.

Willow turned back quickly, making out Luz who then blinded her. The Pegasus screeched, tugging at the cloth that Luz soon tied off. "I'll kill you for..T..This L..uz.." Willow huffed, leaning against Boscha. "Mm.."

She dozed off, Gus's yells for help quieting down when Matholomule got him to sleep. The lindworm lifted him up, balling up and setting Gus on his tail. "Come here Mi Amor, naptime." Luz held her arms out.

Amity scurried over, taking the hug, being picked up. "Side by side please.."

"Of course." Luz rubbed her back, going over to the bed. "Boscha, you're free to come over here. The bed is big enough. You too Matholomule."

He shook his head, "Gus would be more comfortable on my tail, and I prefer the carpet."

"Bed." Boscha walked over, lying down with Willow on her. "Why the carpet though?"

"I'd never leave the bed. It's uneven, perfect for a serpent to hide in, feels nice." Matholomule caressing Gus's cheek, flinching when he began to snore.


"...He doesn't drool..Does he?"

                  To be continued.

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