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Amity walked to Luz's place after school, Hooty alert, for once. "Amity.." He cooed in relief. "She's not doing too good..Hoo.."

"She's not?-"

"She's been sleeping since she got home yesterday Hoot! She hasn't gotten up to eat yet.."

Amity sighed, "Thanks Hooty, I'll see what I can do.." She stepped in.

Hooty closed the door, the kitten going upstairs. She opened Luz's room door, gently shutting it behind herself, the pup curled up in her sleeping bag in the corner. 'Really? I got a bed for her and she still prefers that bag??'

She walked over, ears pinning back. 'Oh..Luz..'

The pup held a picture of herself and her mother under her paw, phone by her snout. It was dimmed, still on. Amity pressed it, the screen lighting up, the app on bark-mail. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction did bring it back..

Amity pressed the highlighted one, sitting by Luz, "Hola mi niña! Sorry I can't make it home tonight, I know you were looking forward to our movie night..People get hurt during the holidays and it's my job as a vet to help..But, during my breaks, I got to record one of my old stories. So here it goes, hm?"

Luz's mom went on, telling a story, clearly fake, on how she met a dragon and went on a quest with it so she could get her project safely to school during a storm. The recording was three hours long, every twenty minutes or so, the audio would cut temporarily til Amity caught on the dog was changing locations.

Some spots it'd be quiet, others there'd be the noise of coffee machines, drawers closing, animals talking or walking by. She was, committed to say the least, to tell Luz a story so she wouldn't feel lonely on this night.

Amity, kept listening. She'd giggle quietly, smile brightly, or purr while she listened, subconsciously petting Luz. When the story ended, the dog spoke up again, "Buenas noches mi niña, te veré en la mañana." And the bark-mail was over.

The phone was dimmed, Amity tapping it, the screen lighting up. Almost all the bark-mails were more than two hours long, only one was short. Tempted, Amity clicked it. "Hey Luz! I know you're busy at school but~ WE'RE GETTING CHIMICHANGAS!!~ Today was a good day at work, I got off early, and won't be back at it til Thursday! Two whole days with my favorite girl! Te miro arato- I love you!"

Amity's ears drooped, she'd hate to be away from someone this amazing.. She turned off the phone, placing it back in front of Luz's snout. 'Sniff-' Amity flinched, "Luz?"

"Sorry-" The pup sniffled, sitting up and wiping her nose. "I-I shouldn't be crying over this-"

Amity cupped her uninjured cheek, Luz meeting her gaze. "It's okay to cry about it..I..I know you miss your mom..And if..I-If it makes you feel better- We can write her a letter! Hm?"

Luz leaned into her paw, sighing quietly, "What did I do to deserve you Amity..?"

"Just existing." Amity licked her nose, getting up. "Come on, we can start writing after you eat."


Luz hummed quietly, tail tapping on the floor. "Whew-" Amity scurried in, shaking off the snow.

Eda stepped out, closing the portal door. "You're so cold Kitten!" Luz squeezed Amity. "I'll warm you up."

Amity's teeth chattered, the kitten burrowing her snout in Luz's mane, "S-So c-c-cold-" She shivered.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now