1. wolf moon

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A/N This was requested by some friends as well as some people on tiktok! I am in no way an author but I hope you guys enjoy!

Sage kicked the bag a final time before walking up the stairs. Her father was there waiting for her at the kitchen table with dinner. He had made something simple like he did most nights. He wasn't the best cook, but Sage would never tell him that. She sat down at the table and took a drink of water before starting to eat.

"How was today's training?" Coach asked getting up to wash off his plate. He asked the same question every day after training.

"Same as every day I guess. I got a bit of extra power on my back kick today which was new!" She said taking another bite. "The semester starts up tomorrow, so I'm gonna go hang out in my room once I'm finished." Coach nodded in response.


After finishing her food, Sage headed upstairs to get in some relaxation before the chaos started of school started up again. She laid down in her bed, turning over to look at the picture next to her bed. It was a picture from when she was 12, her mother and father stood behind her and she held a soccer ball in her hand. 5 months later, her mother passed.

Before she could think further of her mother, she noticed a noise at her window. She sat up almost immediately, knowing what the sound was. She walked over to her window and looked out, just barely dodging the stone that was thrown.

"Mieczyslaw Nicolai Stilinski, if you throw one more rock at this window, I am going to come down there and break your bones in 56 places." She said looking her idiot of a best friend in the eye.

"Woah Woah Woah. There is no need for you to be that violent right now. Now are you gonna get your ass down here or am I going to have to come up there?" He replied in his usual sarcastic 'Stiles-like' way.

She rolled her eyes before climbing the ladder that she built with Scott and Stiles in middle school. When she reached the bottom she turned and punched him in the shoulder. When she saw him lift himself back to his feet clutching his shoulder she gave him a slight smile.

"That's for nearly breaking my window genius. Now, what do you want because if it's something reckless I need to sign my will first."

"My dad just left, he wouldn't tell me where he was going but I heard the radio say something about a body in the woods." She looked at her best friend with nothing but confusion. How he was so excited about things like this she would never know.

"And you're at my house telling me this when you could've just called because?" Sage said hoping he wasn't going to say what she thought he was.

"We're going to get Scott and we're going to go find it!" Exactly what she thought he was gonna say.

"What do you mean find it? You just said your dad was there already."

"They found half of it."


Once again Sage was in the front seat of Stiles' Jeep thinking about all the things about to go wrong. She thought about telling her dad where she was going, but he was already asleep when she came back in. She didn't want to have to explain that she was going to find a dead body in the woods with her two best friends that lack every ounce of common sense given at birth anyways.

She turned to see her best friends having what she could sense was a really stupid conversation. She noticed Scott look into the car and she waved awkwardly. The two boys started walking to the Jeep, and without hesitation, Scott hopped in the back. He reached his arm in between the seats and gave Sage a fist bump.

"He dragged you out too?" Scott asked.

"Someone's gotta keep the two of you from being murdered in the woods." She responded before setting her feet on the dashboard.


"Where in all hell are we Stiles?" Sage said looking around. They were literally in the middle of nowhere.

"Obviously we're in the woods Finstock," Stiles said, receiving his second death stare of the night.

"Obviously Stilinski, but where in the woods are we was the actual question."

"A bit past the Beacon Hills town sign I'm guessing," Scott says opening his door.

The three start walking through the woods, with absolutely no clue where they were going. Stiles was way too excited to be there, but if she was being honest, Stiles was always way too excited to be everywhere.

After stepping in mud and almost tripping for the 5th time, Sage had almost had enough of this wild goose chase to find a body, that probably wasn't even there. Just as she was about to murder both of her best friends, they heard rustling in the patch in front of them.

"Shit, Stiles I told you this was a bad idea, if I die tonight I'm gonna kill you," Sage said ducking down, praying not to be murdered tonight. She looked over at Scott who looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

When she turned to see where Stiles was, she realized he wasn't next to her. That idiot didn't find a place to hide, she thought to herself as she noticed he was still just standing there. She was about to reach for Stiles, but right before she could suddenly Stiles had been caught.

"Don't worry, this little delinquent belongs to me," Noah Stilinski, Sheriff of Beacon Hills. Shit.

"Hey, Noah!" Sage said coming out from her space hoping to keep Stiles from facing his father alone.

"Sage, I'm assuming this was my son's idea and you and Scott were just brought along for the ride?"

"Actually, it's just me and Stiles. Scott was super tired from practicing to make first line so I tagged along to keep Stiles out of trouble." Sage lied through her teeth.

Noah said he was walking them to the Jeep, and Sage felt horrible for leaving Scott but they had already lied and said he wasn't there. He had heard the entire conversation, so obviously, he knew to make his way home, after all, there was a killer out there.

She hopped into the front seat and smiled waving goodbye to Noah. As soon as she could no longer see his shadow anymore she turned to Stiles who was already plotting. Before he could get a word in she stopped him.

"Stiles no. Your dad knows you well enough to be on the lookout for the two of us. Scott probably already started running home. We've done enough detective work for one night, let's just go home, and if they find the other half we'll hear about it tomorrow."

For once in his life, Stiles didn't argue. The two drove in silence for about 5 minutes before Stiles turned on the radio. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. Normally it was a sound that Sage hated, but tonight her mind was somewhere else. She was worried about their best friend, and she left her phone at home so she couldn't check-in.


Stiles dropped Sage off and she walked into the house setting her keys in the bowl. She walked upstairs and changed into pajamas before crawling into bed. She drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the adventure she had just been on with her friends.

Little did she know her best friend's life had just changed, and in turn, hers had too. 

A/N Alright that's it! The other chapters will be longer but I just wanted this to be specifically about the event that made it all.

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