5. so what's the plan?

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A/N I hope we're liking the story so far, and I hope these chapters are long enough!

"So what's the real plan?" Stiles asked the next day at lunch.

"The plan is exactly what we said yesterday, we go back tonight and we talk to Derek and Seraphina. We find out how I'm supposed to be crucial to finding-" A tray banged against the table right next to Sage.

"Finding what?" Lydia sat down next to Sage and a brunette, Allison Argent, sat next to her.

"Finding Scott's inhaler, we went running the other day and the idiot dropped it." Stiles covered almost immediately, throwing his arm over Scott's shoulder. Scott nodded quickly in agreement.

"Oh a treasure hunt, sounds... absolutely treacherous. Please tell me you're not helping and you can come to my house tonight? Allison is meeting my mom and if there's one thing about Natalie Martin, it's that she loves a scene. You have to come and try and help me do damage control." Lydia had turned her full attention to Sage, holding the girl's hands in her own.

"Lydia we really need-" Stiles tried to find an excuse as to why they would need Sage tonight.

"I'm in, I just have to help the boys find Scott's inhaler. I'll be there at 8." Sage kicked him under the table smiling at the couple. "Oh and Allison! She's not as scary as she sounds, she's more dramatic than anything. If you can handle Lydia you should be fine." She leaned forward to give the brunette a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, we'll see you tonight! Oh, and it was nice meeting you boys. Lydia, walk me to class?" Allison smiled at everyone at the table before grabbing Lydia's hand and leaving.

"They're cute," Scott said with a smile. "Good for Lydia."

"Great for Lydia, bad for us. How the hell are we gonna come up with an entire plan before you have to be at Casa de Lydia at 8. Lacrosse is until 6 today!" Stiles said throwing his hands up.

"Easy, you boys aren't going to lacrosse today."


"Absolutely not! They can't miss lacrosse today! There's a scrimmage this Friday and Mccall is first line!"

"But Dad-" Sage was about to plead at this point.

"No 'but Dad's Sage! I need them to practice tonight!" Coach crossed his arms, one thing was for sure, Sage got her stubbornness from her father.

"What if they give up their free period and their lunch tomorrow! You're free both of those times, they can work it off!" She knew what buttons to push with her dad to get what she wanted.

"Fine. But if they're not there BOTH times, I'm grounding you for the rest of your life." He sighed as if he was accepting defeat.

"Thank you dad I love you till the end of time!" She jumped to kiss her father on the cheek before running in the direction of the boys.

All three of them knew if they didn't run as fast as they could, Coach would change his mind, and they didn't have the time for that today. They were on a deadline and they had to find the Alpha, soon.

"Let's go hunting." Stiles looked at his best friends before starting the Jeep.

"Just drive before Coach starts running at us with the lacrosse sticks telling us he changed his mind," Scott said leaning back into his seat.

"He wouldn't do that."

"You've known my dad since we were in the second grade and you still question his love for making you boys miserable?"



Today was the third time in as many days that Sage and her two best friends had walked on to the Hale Lot. Today, however, is the first day she didn't feel an icy chill down her spine. She pulled open the door and Seraphina and Derek were already there waiting.

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