26. so you and lahey?

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A/N Thank you yet again for all the love!! We're almost at 40K reads and that is insane! I can't believe how amazing you guys are! The love and the comments mean so much to me! Also I am so sorry that this update didn't come out within 1-2 days.

Sage was completely stunned. She had no idea what to say. Every bone in her body wanted to tell him how right he was, that she felt the same and it was tearing her apart. She could feel her heart rate skyrocketing and could tell that Isaac could hear it.

"You don't have to say anyth-" Isaac was cut off by Sage pulling him into a kiss.

Sage brought both of her hands to either side of his face and Isaac dropped his gently to the sides of her waist. The wind was at a gentle blow at this point, causing slight chills to only amplify the kiss. As they pulled apart they could sense a presence.

"Do you hear that?" Isaac swung his head took face the noise.

"Yeah." Sage's heart was beating, but not in a good way.

"Maybe it's just Stiles and Scott? Coming over to ask how the talk went?" Isaac was silently praying he was right.

"In the woods behind my house? They're stupid not insane." Sage stood up and took a hold of Isaac's hand. It made her feel safe. "We should go inside, whatever's outside won't follow us in right?"

Before they could even move an inch to the door, something leaped out of the bushes. The kanima lunged towards them and Isaac jumped infront of her. Sage felt her life flash before her eyes, but to her surprise, it didn't attack. It just stared at the two of them, circling them, and then ran off.

"Did that just happen?" Isaac dropped his stance and looked at Sage who seemed to be shaking.

"I think so."


"So you're saying you kissed and then the kanima showed up, but didn't hurt anyone?" Scott questioned from the back seat on their way to school the next day.

"Pretty much exactly what I'm saying Scott, glad we got that all sorted, it was extremely confusing." Sage looked back at her best friend who was rolling his eyes, causing her to laugh.

"Wow maybe the homicidal lizard isn't that homicidal after all." Stiles pulled into his usual spot and both best friends looked at him with a weird face. "What? That was funny and you both know it."

"So you and Lahey?" Scott slammed the car door as they parked.

"Let's get to class boys, Harris hates you both and that's completely fine. He however is not allowed to hate me." Sage changed the subject and linked her arms with both of the boys and pushed to drag them both towards the school.

The only thing that seemed to bring Sage any peace in the midst of all the chaos was that their trio never changed. It was always those three, barely one without the others, barely two without the one. They were a package deal and nearly everyone in Beacon Hills knew that. They had been their own pack since they were 8.

The three walked into Mr. Harris' class, making sure to completely avoid his gaze as they took their seats by Seraphina. She gave Sage a look, a signal Sage had taken as tell me later, and she assumed that meant that Seraphina knew about the second kiss. She couldn't blame anyone but herself. Stiles couldn't keep secrets and she knew it.

Chemistry went by without a problem, most likely because neither Jackson nor Erica showed up. The bell rang and as everyone got up to leave, Harris went on a rampage about how quickly the class always seemed to want to leave. The pack had gotten out of the door while he talked about his feelings being hurt.

"Is he ever gonna quit? His feelings?" Stiles wrapped his arms around both Scott and Sage, both complained at the action. "You know it's starting to feel like you two hate me today."

"Oh finally you figured it out." Sage teased jabbing him gently under the rib.

Scott copied the gesture on the other side, "Only took you 10 years."

"I hate the both of you more than life itself." Stiles mumbled receiving a large 'yeah right' the entire pack. "Seriously? You guys all suck."

"Come on Stilinski you know you love all of us." Seraphina pushed Stiles from behind, putting herself in his position, causing him to now lead the group. "I have free period who's with me?" Boyd and Scott raised their hands and the three disappeared in the crowd.

"And then there were three." Isaac looked at Sage and smiled down at her.

"Oh no you two are not going to flirt your way to math." Stiles teased, causing both of their faces to turn an obnoxious red.

"No actually, I have art. With Lydia actually." Isaac nodded his head across the hall at Lydia, who was waving at the three, and raising her eyebrows at Sage.

She didn't even realize it but Isaac had interlocked their arms. It wasn't the same gesture as holding hands, but it still caused Sage's heart to flutter. Before she could even process the situation fully, Isaac had untangled himself and walked into his class.

"You're so crushing on him."

"Stilinski I will break both of your legs right here in this hallway."

"Yep. That sounds about right."


"Wait this makes absolutely no sense." Seraphina groaned, dropping her book into her lap.

"It makes sense, you just don't understand it." Sage laughed a little from on top of Scott's bed looking down at her.

"Sage that's the same thing." She looked up at the other girl with a playful evil glare.

"Here let me see." Stiles chimed in walking into the room, sitting down next to Seraphina.

Sage rolled her eyes, of course Stiles was flirting with Seraphina right now. They were in Scott's bedroom, completing homework and studying for the upcoming exams, and Stiles was trying his hardest to make his move. She had to admit, she admired his confidence.

Scott, Boyd, and Isaac walked through the door taking their seats and joining in. Isaac had climbed to the top of Scott's bed and placed Sage's legs across his lap. Scott was sat next to Sage, Boyd next to Isaac. The silence overtook the group as they were engrossed in study. As Seraphina was going through her third break of frustration, something crashed downstairs.

"Is Melissa home?" Sage looked over at Scott, hoping for the best.

"Nope, she's taking and extra shift tonight. She won't get home til about 2 am." Scott shook his head, his attention fully on listening to the sounds downstairs.

"Well, wolves, by all means lead the way." Stiles looked at the door and then back at the four wolves sitting down and listening.

Sage rolled her eyes and stood up heading to open the door. Scott and Isaac both jumped up to follow her, realizing she wasn't waiting for them. As they headed towards the sound another crash sounded causing the three to pause and wait for the other three to get up.

"Either we all go or we all go." Scott said looking back at Stiles who was still seated on the floor, who reluctantly got up.

The group slowly walked down the steps, trying not to make any sudden movements so that whatever it was didn't hear them. By the time they reached the bottom, claws were out and eyes were glowing meaning this was probably about to turn south.

As they turned the corner Stiles bumped into the wall causing a loud thud. Before anyone could react, the figure swung its' head showing is glowing lizard eyes. The kanima had somehow broken into the Mccall's house and was scaling the wall.

"Oh we are so fucked." Isaac mumbled as the group froze in fear. 

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