31. more punch?

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A/N I have a feeling you guys absolutely hate me right about now but hey at least I'm updating. I actually have many plans for the many directions I can take this plot! Please don't hate me I am doing my best to keep this fun while still keeping it on the original basis.

"Sage!" Isaac called out chasing after the brunette who had just disappeared into the front yard. "Sage will you just listen to me?"

"You want me to listen to you." Isaac began regretting his choice of action the second Sage stopped in her tracks. "You want me to listen to how I asked you to be my date tonight, you're no where to be found for hours. I finally find you and you're lip-locking with Barbie Wolf at my best friend's house during my best friend's birthday party! Let's talk about that shall we Isaac?"


"No let's talk. Let's have this conversation right here right now. How you kissed me, you told me you felt something, you act like you actually mean it all yet it's all some lie. Honestly Isaac I could care less if you kissed someone else. But Erica? Erica fucking Reyes." Sage felt every bit of anger she had spewing out at him.

He didn't respond for a moment and before Sage had the chance to regret what she said, she walked back into the house looking for her best friend. Lydia was the only person who could comfort her right about now. Scott and Stiles could try, but they would never understand.

"Sage what's wrong honey bear?" Erica called out from the couch and Sage decided she had a bit more anger left in her tonight.

"Do you have something to say Erica? Or are you gonna try and kiss me too." She felt as if every cell in her body was on fire.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry you found out this way." There was a mock sincerity in the blonde's voice.

"You know what Reyes. I have had enough of you and your snarky bullshit. We all hate you. And I do mean all. You walk around here acting as if your some queen bitch around here but you and I both know what you really are." At this point Sage was standing right in front of Erica, who was still seated.

"And what is that?" She stood up trying to intimidate Sage, but failing miserably.

"Aside from a tail chasing dog," Sage mumbled staring daggers at her, "A miserable, self centered, back-stabbing, cold hearted insecure little bitch." Her voice raised at the second part.

After deciding that fighting with Erica wasn't easing her anger, she walked off to the backyard hoping to find her redheaded best friend. Lucky for her, no one else tried to stop her. She found Lydia standing in front of the punch fountain with a dazed look in her eyes. By the time she had finally made it to Lydia, the tears had already began falling.

"Oh honey what's wrong." Lydia looked at her and Sage didn't notice, but there was no sincerity across her face.

"I just saw Isaac and Erica. They were kissing." Sage still hadn't looked up from the ground.

"Oh Sage, boys are gross. You know what's not gross? This punch." The redhead shoved a glass into her best friend's hand before turning around and offering punch to someone else.

Sage stared at the glass blankly and watched as the purple flowers floated around the drink. For a second Sage was able to distract herself. She thought of how Lydia must've added the flowers when she wasn't around. But her thought process was broken by Matt standing behind her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, but something told Sage he didn't really care about how she was feeling. "I saw what happened out front.

"Matt it's really sweet of you to check on me but I really just wanna be alone." She felt that burning feeling starting up again in her chest.

"I just want you to know, I knew Lahey back when we were kids." Matt started talking, completely disregarding Sage's request.

"I don't-"

"He's always been really over confident." He laughed a little before taking a step forward. "When we were little he always wanted the best toys. And even when he did have them, he was never satisfied. He always wanted more."

"If you're hinting at something, don't. Isaac and I, we're not a thing, we never were a thing and we aren't going to be a thing. There's nothing else to it." Sage found herself staring into her drink again.

"All I'm saying is if he was really a good guy, he wouldn't be kissing another girl." Matt couldn't seem to let up and Sage was beginning to get angry again.

"Matt look I really would rather talk about anything else, but this? I don't want to have a talk with you about Isaac." She let out a harsh cold laugh, which was becoming a theme tonight. "In fact I think I would rather talk to anyone but you right now."

"I don't understand-"

"I know about the pictures Matt. The ones you took of me when I had no idea you were watching me." Sage's stare was dark and filled with disgust.

"Sage those are just-"

"Stalking. Those are just stalking. A crime. And if you don't leave me alone, the Sheriff, who I know very well, will hear all about your candid shots." Sage walked away before Matt had a chance to argue any further.

She walked around the yard searching for any sign of her friends. She found Stiles, but after seeing that he was spending time with Seraphina, she decided to leave them be. There was no finding Scott without going back inside and finding Isaac or Erica.

The problem then raised that she was also avoiding Matt, and Boyd. She laughed to herself thinking that it would be easier to list the people that she wasn't avoiding. Instead of letting that burden her any further she gave up searching and started walking back into the house.

She had caved into Lydia's wishes and she drank the entire glass of punch in one quick motion. She felt uneasy immediately, but chalked it up to all of the emotions she had been going through at once today.

Lydia had floated her way back to the punch area and was giving out more to everyone. "More punch?" She asked and before Sage could say no, there was another spoonful of punch, which she gave in and drank.


Sage was walking for a place to sit down, her head was reeling, her feet were killing her and she wanted nothing more than to scream and throw things. After settling on Lydia's bedroom, which was off limits to everyone but immediate friends, she laid across the bed and closed her eyes.

"Now is that any way to celebrate your best friend's birthday?" A woman's voice called out.

Sage shot up and looked to the direction of the voice. Her body erupted into chills as she stared the woman in the eye. She looked around the room, trying to find any sign of a dream, but she slowly began to realize what she was seeing.


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