42. hi beautiful

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A/N The love you show me on this fanfic is insane! 70K READS!?!?! I am at an absolute loss of words. This started off as just a basis for my script and an edit I was using to help me visualize, and you guys took it and gave me the courage to create this. I am so grateful for every single one of you. 

"Where is he?" Sage asked as she started walking towards the hospital forcing Scott and Melissa to sprint to catch up with her. 

"He's on the third floor, he's resting but Sage." Melissa grabbed the girl's arms stopping her. "He was attacked by an animal." Melissa's eyes said it all. 

"No. That's not possible." Sage's mind was racing. "I knew something was wrong. Something in the back of my head was telling me something was wrong all day." Her breath got shaking as she spoke. 

Her breathing began to get heavy and it was as if her chest had caved in. Melissa immediately noticed what was happening and guided her to a seat. As the panic attack grew stronger, Scott could hear a crash from a different floor on the hospital. 

"Something's happening up there. Can you stay with her?" Scott asked his mother, who looked at him with a confused look. 

"As if I'd leave her alone. Go. We'll be up there when her breathing settles." She waved her son of and turned back to Sage, signaling someone to grab her a water bottle. "Alright breath in, and breath out. Isaac is okay." 

Scott disappeared up the elevator and Sage was not calming down anytime soon. She knew she shouldn't have let him go. She knew that this wasn't going to end well for anyone. She knew that letting Isaac and Boyd go would cause chaos. Then it hit her.

"Where's Boyd?" She shot up out of her seat.

"Boyd? Boyd was with Isaac?" Melissa's face went pale. "Isaac came with a Jane Doe."

"Yes Boyd was with Isaac. He wouldn't leave Isaac alone unless.." Sage shook her head. "What room is the girl in?" 

"She's on the second floor. Room 213. The Sheriff still has to speak to her." Melissa answered, but Sage stopped listening and was already on her way to the second floor. 

As the elevator dinged, both women marched onto the floor searching for the girl who came in with Isaac. Melissa struggled to keep up with Sage, who was very clearly on a mission to find this mystery woman and figure out what was going on. 

"I thought you said this was her room." Sage looked at Melissa, then back at the empty bed in the room in front of her. 

"This is her room. She's not scheduled to be seen by a doctor for another hour." Melissa grabbed the chart from the door and started examining it. 

"I'll check down this hallway you check down the other." Sage nodded to the woman before heading down the corridor in front of her. 

As she walked she checked each and every door and possible place she could be in, but the girl with the wound matching Isaac's was no where to be found. Although she was extremely worried about her boyfriend, she knew for a fact that Scott would take care of him. Right now she had to be worried about the safety of everyone. 

Whatever, or whoever, attacked Isaac and the mystery girl could still be out there, and Sage couldn't live with knowing that if she doesn't find this girl, other people could be hurt. She reached the end of the building and turned around to make her way to Melissa. 

"Any sign of her?" Melissa asked a hopeful look on her face. 

"Nothing. We have to find her." Sage tapped her fingers against one another to find something to focus on instead of panicking. 

"Let's check the third floor, she probably heard that's where Isaac is." Sage nodded and they walked to the elevator. 

The elevator doors rang open, and they were met with Scott, who looked like he had just been in the fight of his life, an unconscious Isaac, and Derek, who Sage didn't remember seeing anywhere near the hospital until this very moment. 

"We're leaving, let's go." Derek said sternly as Melissa and Sage stepped onto the platform. 

"Derek where the hell did you come from?" Sage asked, a look of confusion written across her face. 

"I'll explain that when we get to my house." The elevator opened and they made their way for the door. 

Melissa decided to stay back, but disappeared off into a hallway to hide out until whatever threat they were dealing with was gone. As they were leaving they saw Sheriff Stilinski walk in with a deputy and Sage stopped him. 

"I assume you're here about the girl?" She whispered so the deputy couldn't hear.

"Please don't tell me..." Noah trailed off as he looked at the girl. 

"If you find her, call me. We need to talk to her. Something is wrong and we need to stop it before everything goes wrong." Sage dropped his car keys into his hand before jogging to catch up with the boys.


"One at a time!" Sage threw her hands up stopping Scott and Derek from talking over each other. "You." She pointed at Derek. "What mission did you send them on?" 

"We had a lead that Peter and Erica were just outside of Beacon Hills, the boys offered to go check it out, just a recon mission, and the next thing I know I'm getting multiple calls from Scott's mom saying they have Isaac-" Sage put her hand up to stop him. 

"Scott, why the hell do you look like you just got ran over by Stiles' poor excuse for a vehicle?" Sage looked at her best friend, who looked defeated.

"When you started having a panic attack, I head something crash from the third floor. I went to go check it out and there were these two people, a big huge man and a woman with this like talon like claws on her feet-" Sage lifted her hand for a third time since they got to the house.

"Scott, while I find it intensely amusing that you care about her toe nail length, I don't particularly give a damn if they were painted a pretty pink or a vibrant purple." She dropped her hand to allow him to continue.

"They were trying to wheel Isaac out." He paused looking over at the still unconscious Isaac. "Obviously I ran to stop them, but they were both so much stronger than me. They were-" This time it was Derek who cut off Scott. 

"They were alphas." Derek answered and the room fell silent. 

As the silence lingered around the three of them, Isaac began to stir on the couch. The trio hurried over to him, Sage kneeling next to his head and grabbing the warm towels from the bowl on the floor in case he needed them.

"Hi beautiful." He looked up at her and smiled weakly, trying to sit up a bit too quickly but faltering. 

"I've got you, I've got you." She pressed the towel to his forehead and laid him back down. 

"Isaac, where's Boyd?" Scott's voice was quiet, almost like he didn't want to know the answer. 

"I can't remember." Isaac's voice cracked as he thought about it. 

"Like you don't know where you were?" Scott's confusion rang out as he spoke.

"No Scott, like I can't remember anything after Derek sent me and Boyd out. All I remember is the girl who saved me." Isaac looked at Sage and leaned into her touch as she continued to pat the towel gently across his head. 

"Isaac.." Derek paused for a moment, silently praying he was wrong. "Sit up very slowly and show me the back of your neck." 

Too tired to argue, Isaac did as he was told. Most people love being right, but this time, Derek was cursing himself at the fact he was right. On the back of Isaac's neck sat 5 claw shaped holes in the back of his neck. 

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