16. full moon madness

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A/N Holy hell, 20K reads!?! This is insane! I can't thank you enough for the appreciation on this story. We've essentially just finished the plot of season one! Since season one, two, and four only have 12 episodes each, those plot spans won't be as long. I'm gonna try and make it work the best i can.

Days after the winter formal, everything crashed back to normal. Kate's funeral was approaching so Lydia was spending everyday with Allison to be support. The 'pack' was still trying to figure out their dynamic, and Scott still hadn't decided if he was going to join them or not.

They sat in the same spot they had for almost 2 months, wondering what to do now. Seraphina and Stiles had grown closer and Sage could sense the tension floating between every gaze. She was still in absolute adoration of Isaac, but in denial that he felt the same.

"So how many of you did Peter bite? Scott, Isaac, you, Erica, and who else?" Derek was leaned against the door frame, talking to Boyd.

"He bit Jackson Whittemore." Boyd had started to get comfortable around the pack.

"Jackson Whittemore? About 5'9, captain of the lacrosse team, my best friend's raging pain in the ass of an ex? Jackson fucking Whittemore is gonna be howling at the moon tomorrow night? Jesus Christ, your uncle is the gift that keeps on giving Hale." Sage let out an exhasperated sigh.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Seraphina and Derek both mumbled at the same time.

"So Erica and Jackson are both just out there? Great." Stiles looked around the room, looking for someone to tell him this wasn't going to end poorly.

Seraphina sat down next to Stiles and he instinctively placed his hand on her knee. No one in the room seemed to notice except for Sage, but she decided to bring it to their attention at a different time. She thought that the both of them deserved that moment to themselves. They were a good match and she knew it.

"It's gonna be fine Stiles, we got this." Seraphina smiled at him, and it seemed to soften his demeanor.

"Scott, I hate to do this but we need to know if you're joining us or not." Derek had been avoiding asking, he wanted to give him the time to decide. "We're all out of options."

"I get it, I'll join you, but if I want out, I'm out. And Stiles, Sage and Evangeline remain protected. Even if I leave the three of them are safe." He looked between the his best friends and the older Stilinski sister, who all smiled at him.

"Understood." Was all Derek said.

Sage reached over and gave her best friend a squeeze on his shoulder. No matter what he was always looking out for them. She knew he was going to do great things. He was a good person and good things had to happen to good people. Scott was one of the best people she had ever met.

The room got silent for a moment, everyone was processing the facts. The full moon was coming up and they had no idea what was next. As if their lives weren't already falling apart, the full moon was going to cause unnecessary issues that none of them were prepared to handle. Derek and Seraphina were the only ones with a clue.

"So the full moon is tomorrow. What the hell are we gonna do?" Isaac, who was sitting on the floor next to where Sage was seated on the couch.

"For all you new wolves, we're going to need to chain you all up, make sure you don't go out and kill anyone. It won't be pleasant, but Seraphina, Stiles and Sage will keep you guys chained." Derek pointed to the large pile of chains on the floor. Isaac made a small 'oh' noise.

"Just the three of us?" Sage looked between the group, a bit worried about third wheeling.

"Seraphina and I are the least likely to be questioned walking around at night, but we need at least one wolf with control to stay here. I'll take Evangeline and we're gonna search for Erica and Jackson. I assume because you're the smarter of the sheriff's kids and you know how to use a gun." Derek looks over at Evangeline who's seated at the table.

"Yeah I know a thing or two. I can borrow one from the station, I'll tell Deputy Marshall I'm going to the range, they never question it." She didn't even flinch when everyone's eyes were on her. "What?"

"Anyways moving on from my sister wielding a gun, you're gonna keep her safe right? Cause I'll go with you if-" Stiles' protective mode was activated.

"I'll keep her safe Stiles. I mean it." Derek had a genuine tone about him, as if he truly wanted to keep Evangeline safe.

"Now we wait til shit hit's the fan." Boyd mumbled to himself, even though everyone could hear him.


The full moon was approaching and the group was panicking. Derek and Evangeline stayed at the Hale residence to get everything set up, and the rest went to school. The wolves were on edge for obvious reasons, but Sage and Stiles were trying to remain calm.

"What do we do if they break loose?" Stiles failed to whisper as he walks down the halls with Sage.

"That's why Seraphina is staying with us."

"But what if they take her down." Stiles wasn't dropping this scenario.

"Then you and I will try and subdue them."

"But what if-" Sage stopped dead in the middle of the hall.

"Stiles. Look at me." She grabbed his face and stared at him. "Seraphina is a badass, she's gonna be okay. I have been trained in combat since we were kids. You're.. well you're gonna be there. Everything is going to work out. Now, we have to get through with lacrosse practice. Can we do that?" Stiles responded by walking again.

They made it to the locker room and Sage continued out to the field. She saw Coach standing and waiting for the boys to pile out and walked to stand with him. He gave her a small smile before yelling at a few of the guys who were slacking off on the field.

"Hey dad!" She spoke with her tone laced with the intent of getting what she wanted.

"What do you want my loving daughter who never asks for anything ever?" Coach didn't budge, but he did turn his attention to her.

"I love you too! I'm gonna be staying out with Stiles, Scott, and Evangeline tonight! Is that alright with you?" She completely disregarded her father's tone.

"As long as you guys aren't planning on getting into serious trouble. And as long as Stiles and Scott are here for practice tomorrow. I see no problem, now you go finish your homework while I get this practice started." He kissed the top of her head and turned to yell at the remaining stragglers.

Sage sat on the bleachers and watched as the team started their drills. She tried to focus on her homework, but a voice in the back of her head kept telling her to look up. Every time she did, she was met with those blue eyes she'd stared into countless times. She figured it was just the full moon affecting everyone.


"Is this really necessary?" Scott looked at Sage as she locked the metal collar around his neck.

"Yes. You guys already have extra strength, but everything's heightened on the full moon. Eventually you'll find something to anchor you to your human side, but until then, you will remain right here." Seraphina smiled with a hint of sarcasm as she locked Boyd's hands to the pole.

Stiles was about to go to chain Isaac when Seraphina smacked his hand. Sage walked over noticing he still wasn't chained and started handling them. She made subtle apologies as she went on, she didn't want to be chaining them up right now.

Derek and Evangeline came in and said their goodbyes, making sure the 3 had control of everything and the chains were tight enough. As they left Sage and Seraphina both noticed Derek making small glances at Evangeline when she wasn't looking, and her doing the same when he turned away. They shared a look before having a seat.

All three boys were chained up and the moon had just begun to show. It was as if their skin had been lit on fire as all of them began to scream in agonizing pain. Stiles and Sage winced at the sound of their best friend in pain, but Seraphina reassured them that the worst was almost over. As if on cue, the screams of pain stopped, but the anger set in.

They began tugging at their chains, trying their hardest to break free. Sage didn't want to show it, but she was terrified. She told Stiles that they would be fine, but with the three pairs of glowing eyes looking at her, she wasn't so sure anymore. She was silently praying that the chains held.

Apparently no one was listening, because one of the chains broke loose. 

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