28. so he's immortal?

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A/N I am so sorry these updates have been dragging. My mental health has hit the ground. I took a bit of a break to try and gain a hold of it, and while it isn't perfect I had the energy to write this chapter. I hope you guys aren't too angry at me.

"Shit shit shit!" Sage shouted curses as the four of them pushed their way to Danny who seemingly hadn't noticed them yet.

As they got closer to the middle of the dance floor they lost track of Jackson who was now on the floor and approaching Danny from the opposite direction. Seraphina spotted him before it was too late and bodies immediately hit the floor.

Scott and Stiles stayed back to help everyone while Seraphina and Sage ran after Jackson. He was fast but they were both smarter. They cornered him in the parking lot and watched as he attempted to plan a strike against them.

Before he could strike, and before Seraphina and Sage could take him down, gun shots rang and Jackson fell to the ground, in human form. Both girls swung their heads around to face the shooter, and were shocked to see Chris Argent staring at the both of them.

"You girls need to get out of here." There was a dark look in Chris' eyes and Sage didn't see that as a good sign. Still, they stood their ground.

"So this is what the Argents do? Kill teenagers instead of helping them?" Sage looked at Jackson's fallen body and could feel a tinge of sadness.

"Didn't you know that Sage? His sister burned my family alive for sport. They're sick." Seraphina's eyes had unwillingly changed colors and Sage reached over and grabbed her hand for comfort.

"That wasn't my family's plan. Kate got out of control." Chris' voice shook as he spoke, but neither girl was buying his guilt.

"Well she's dead. And we both just watched you kill Jackson. We could've saved him but you felt the need to play God. Your family does nothing but cause death." Sage spat back at Chris. She had almost felt bad for him, but Seraphina's family would be alive if it wasn't for the Argents.

Chris shook his head and turned to leave. It was like he had more to say but a part of him knew that the girls wanted to hear none of it. As his silhouette faded into darkness Sage could feel Seraphina's hand relax in hers.

"Thank you for that." She spoke as she took a breath of relief.

"Thank you for what?" Sage's eyebrows furrowed in a genuine confusion.

Before Seraphina could respond, the boys came charging out of the club doors. They both had an exasperated look on their faces as the met the girls where they were standing. Scott looked behind the girls and his expression changed.

"Where's Jackson?" Stiles asked looking where Scott's gaze had frozen.

The girls both turned around, and sure enough, all that was left where Jackson's lifeless body once was, was a pool of blood.


"What do you mean you lost him!?" Derek's voice boomed throughout the McCall House.

"Derek..." Evangeline's voice was calm compared to his.

"You lost the one thing you were supposed to get!" He ignored the blonde's attempt and continued yelling.

"Derek." Her voice sharpened as she looked up at the werewolf.

"How could you all be so irres-"

"Derek Hale!" Evangeline's voice rang as she cut him off. "Outside. Now."

He nervously followed the girl outside onto the front porch. She turned on her heels and stared him directly in the eye, her face full of disappointment. She couldn't help but be angry at the way he was handling this situation.

"Look Evangeline-" Derek tried to reason with the blonde but it didn't work.

"No you look. What the hell was that! You talk about not wanting them to deal with your uncle's mistakes and you go in there and blame them for it! They are kids Derek! They are teenagers and you do not get to put up that wall of yours just because the plan fell through." Evangeline through her hands up in the air in anger.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You can't keep pushing us all away because that's why you feel so lonely. It's not because you're an alpha, it's because you want to push everyone away so we can't care about you. Well I care about you!" The last sentence slipped out before she had a chance to catch herself.

"What?" Derek's head shot up as he looked at the blush across Evangeline's face.

"I meant we. We care about you." She immediately looked down at the ground.

Derek stepped closer to her, using his hand to lift her chin so she was looking at him. "That's not what you said."

Instead of responding, she pulled Derek down by the hem of his shirt and pressed her lips against his. Derek was in shock for a moment before returning the kiss, pulling her closer by the hip.

"That's what I said." Evangeline's voice was almost a whisper as she pulled away and looked up at him.

Derek couldn't help but smile as he placed his hand on her cheek. "Maybe you should say it again."


"You kissed my sister!?" Was the first thing Derek and Evangeline heard as they returned to the group.

"Stiles I am older than you." Evangeline glared at her brother as Derek interlocked their fingers.

"Okay but-"

"Shut up Stilinski." Everyone in the room spoke in unison.

Sage laughed a placed her hand on Stiles' shoulder, "Holy shit I started a trend."

"I hate you Finstock." Stiles looked back at his best friend, but from the smile on his face, everyone could tell he didn't mean it.

"I owe you guys an apology. I'm not mad at you guys, I'm mad at Peter. He did this to all of you." Derek look at each and every face in the room and felt nothing but guilt.

"Not all of us." Stiles winced as he felt Sage's hand smack the back of his head. "Right, my bad. Carry on."

"Even if he didn't bite you, he hurt innocent people. He bit people you care about. Peter caused all of this, but I need all of you to help me end it." Derek smiled as he felt Evangeline squeeze his hand gently.

"I don't have any family left so I'm kinda stuck with you." Seraphina teased her older brother, who rolled his eyes in response.

"We're in. We wanna finish this." Isaac looked over at Boyd who nodded.

"In some ways me being bit started this, I'm in." Scott looked back at his best friends who both nodded.

"We go where you go." Sage smiled at Scott.

"Since second grade. No need to break that deal now." Stiles agreed with the brunette and looked at Derek. "So what do we do?"

The pack listened as Derek shared his shell of an idea, chiming in to add ideas. By the end of the night, the pack had come up with a plan, and two back up plans in case the original plan failed. Everyone went home and there was a sense of hope throughout Beacon Hills for the first time in weeks.


While the pack thought they had everything figured out, a certain blonde had a different plan ahead of her. She had everything that she needed, except one thing. All Erica needed for her plan to succeed was for Lydia Martin's party, which was only a week away.

She was ready to get everything that she wanted. She knew that soon, the pack would have much bigger things to worry about than Jackson. 

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