32. how are you here?

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A/N I am trying my absolute best to keep at least one draft finished so that the updates remain consistent. I love you guys so much thank you for all the love on this story. There's so much I could say but I'm sure you all just want to get to the next part.

"Mom?" She asked again, her voice was shaking, like she still couldn't believe it was real.

"In the flesh. Now why aren't you down there celebrating your friend. What was her name again? Lydia." Naomi stood against the door, looking at her daughter with disappointment, real motherly disappointment. A feeling she hadn't felt since she was 13, and God did she miss it.

"Mom. How are you here?" She was stunned. Her mother had been dead since she was in the 8th grade.

"Not now Sage. Don't ruin a good thing. You always overthink things." Her mother's voice was cold and dismissive, nothing like the Naomi that Sage remembered.


"Would you stop calling me that. I am not your mother. I was freed of that years ago." Naomi put her hand up, stopping Sage from speaking.

"Mom what's going on? You're dead." Sage ignored the hateful comment, she couldn't take breaking down.

"Oh no I'm not dead. I never was. I left because of you. Your father and I were happy and in love. Then you came around and ruined everything." Naomi's eyes darkened with hate and Sage's heart nearly shattered. "I had everything. I was beautiful, I was respected. And then I became your mother." She scoffed, rolling her eyes in disgust.

"You told me I was the best thing that ever happened to you." Sage's voice was soft, broken.

"Well I lied!" Naomi yelled, but stopped to compose herself. "You were the biggest mistake I ever made. I should've killed you when I had the chance. And now? I have the chance." With that, Naomi grabbed Sage by her throat, slamming her against the wall, strangling her.

"Mom-" She felt the air leaving her lungs, "Please."

Just as she was about to slip out of consciousness, the door swung open and Stiles ran into the room with Scott. She dropped to the ground and Naomi was gone, but she could still feel her mother's hands around her throat, trying to kill her.

"Sage!" Stiles placed his hands on both of her shoulders gently, "What did you see?" Sage stared blankly at her best friends, "Sage look at me, look at me." He tilted her head up gently.

"Stiles go get her some water and find the others. Something is happening." Scott nodded to Stiles and turned back to Sage as he disappeared. "Sage look at me, it's okay. It wasn't real."

"You didn't see her?" Her voice was coarse, probably from the pain of the near strangulation.

"See who?" Scott sat next to Sage and reached for her hand.

"My mom.." As the words left her mouth she broke.

Sage broke down crying and turned to Scott, who simply held her while she sobbed into his chest. There was nothing he could do for her. Something was causing them to see their worst nightmares, and Sage's had something to do with her mother.


"Where's Lydia?" Sage asked after she had calmed down and the pack was all in the room.

"I haven't seen her since she gave me a glass of punch." Isaac looked at Sage with a softness in his eyes, but Sage avoided his gaze.

"Thinking about it, that's the last time I saw her too. And after that I saw..." Boyd trailed off, like whatever he saw was too painful to think of.

"I saw something too. It was my dad, blaming me for my mom dying." Stiles avoided everyone's eyes, but he didn't pull away when Seraphina reached for his hand and interlocked their fingers.

"So whatever is in that punch screwed us all up mentally." Scott pulled Sage a bit closer as he noticed her discomfort. He was completely unaware of what happened between her and Isaac, but his best friend was sad and he couldn't let it stay that way.

"Did anyone else notice those purple flowers floating around in the punch?" Sage looked around at everyone who nodded. Sage watched as Seraphina, the only one who hadn't experienced the nightmares, went pale.

"Purple flowers?" Seraphina repeated. "Did they look something like this?" She pulled up a photo of a purple flower, the purple flower.

"That's exactly what it was." Scott's eyes widened at the sight of the flower.

"Well that explains everything and nothing." When Seraphina noticed the confused faces she continued, "It's wolfsbane."


"Okay now where the hell is Lydia!?" Sage was getting worried. The pack had split up and searched the entire house, but no Lydia.

"Sage calm down, we're gonna find her." Stiles reassured his best friend, but gave Scott a look, and unsure look.

"Looking for me?" A voice rang through Sage's ears, causing her anger to spark up yet again, but she controlled it.

"What do you want Reyes?" Sage turned to face Erica, who had her usual snarky look across her face.

"Or are you looking for Lydia?" Erica disregarded Sage's disgust and the smirk never left her face.

"What did you do to here you evil little-" Sage attempted to lunge at her but both Stiles and Scott stopped her.

"She's not worth it." Stiles grumbled as he tried to hold her in place.

"I didn't do anything to her Sageykins. But she's on her way to go do something to all of you." Erica faked a pout.

"Erica what are you talking about?" Scott stared at her, the only reasonable one of the trio right about now.

"Well Scott, you guys killed my alpha. And I need him alive. So our little friend Lydia is going to go bring him back." She paused for a second and watched the rest of the pack meet behind them. "I needed you all distracted to get what I wanted. Hence the wolfsbane in the punch. Sorry about the kiss by the way Lahey. Well not really."

"Where the hell is she!?" Sage lunged at her again but this time Isaac snaked his hands around her waist. She was too angry at Erica to care.

"I needed to get Sage away from you, preferably in the direction of the punch. Don't worry Sage she's fine. On her way to the Hale House to bring back what you took from me." Erica turned around and disappeared into the sea of partygoers before Sage could stop her.

"That's good she's going to Derek and Evangeline!" Boyd said trying to look on the bright side.

"I just got off the phone with Derek, they're on their way here." Seraphina felt her heart drop. Lydia was going to resurrect Peter and they were all halfway across town.

"Everybody in the damn car now! My best friend is not going to be a pawn to that psycho." Sage yelled and ran to the Jeep jumping in and starting it.


"Are you sure she's in there?" Derek asked Sage who was walking in the direction of the house. He and Evangeline turned around the second they got the call, yet with Sage's anger driving her, she beat them back.

"We're about to find out." She opened the door to see Lydia lying on the floor, not moving. "Oh my god Lyds.."

She ran to the floor holding her best friend in her arms. She searched for a pulse and felt herself panicking when she couldn't find it. Lydia wasn't breathing. She tried to fight the tears, but they just kept falling as she pulled the redhead's limp body closer to her.

"She's not breathing! Why isn't she breathing!?" Sage started screaming to the rest of the pack, but none of them moved. They didn't know what to do.

"Yeah sorry about that one." A male voice spoke from behind the group.

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