9. who's evangeline?

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A/N Hey all! I'm sorry it took so long I've been making new edits! I drove home this morning so I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! I'll try to update again tomorrow! Also thank you so much for almost 10k reads! It means everything to me.

"Evangeline? As in your big sister Evangeline?" Sage asked Stiles.

"The one and only." Stiles smiled, proud of himself for that one.

"Actually there's a lot of Evangelines, Stiles." Scott shrugged his shoulders as Stiles shot a look at him.

"Thanks, Scott, means a lot that you have joined Satan's corner." He pointed at Sage, labeling her as 'Satan.'

Evangeline Stilinski was Stiles' older sister, who was finishing her junior year of college. She moved to New York at the start of her freshman year and stayed away, even during summer and holidays. Now she was coming back, which meant something was going on that brought her back.

"Maybe she's coming back because she found out you guys skipped out on weekend detention, again."

"Harris will get over it! Let's go see my sister." Stiles barely got to the doorknob before Derek killed his buzz.

"You do remember you three are on a weekend getaway right?" Stiles simply turned around and sat down.

"That's what I thought."


The group sat in silence for about 20 minutes, the only sound being Stiles' knee-shaking, and it was clearly bothering Derek. Sage kept looking between the two of them, waiting for Derek to snap, and it was clear Seraphina was doing the same. A few moments go by before someone reacts to Stiles' shaking, but it isn't Derek.

"Will you please stop moving!" Isaac grabbed a hold of Stiles' knee aggressively, but not enough to hurt him.

"Well I'm glad I didn't bet you any money, I could've sworn Derek would've snapped." Seraphina had to fight the urge to burst out laughing at Stiles' reaction.

"You two are horrible people. How lucky we are that you found each other." Stiles pointed at the two of them and threw his hands up in defeat.

"Oh lighten up, you're lucky it was Isaac and not me, or Derek. I probably would've intentionally broken your leg but I guess Isaac hasn't gotten to know you just yet." Sage laughed a bit and stood up quickly. "Do you people have food here or are we just supposed to resort to cannibalism and eventually eat Stiles first. And if one of you says hunting for food I will kill you."

"Follow me, and Isaac you should come too, you've probably used a lot of energy the last 24 hours." Seraphina walked towards what looked like a cellar.

When they got inside of the cellar, Sage's jaw all but hit the floor. The upstairs of the Hale House was burned to the point where it was barely standing, but the cellar was entirely redone. It was almost like a fully redone basement under the house, but you wouldn't see it from inside of the house.

From what Sage could see there were about 3 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a den area smaller than the one upstairs. Sage turned her head and noticed that Isaac had the exact same look on his face. Seraphina noticed it too, causing her to laugh.

"You didn't think we just lived in a burned-down house did you?"

"How badly would you make fun of me if I looked you in the eye and said maybe a little?" Sage was dead serious. When she first met the Hales, she was convinced they lived in that burnt-down house with nothing fixed.

"I'll pretend not to be offended, only because I actually like you." Seraphina teased her, giving a gentle push on her shoulder.

Sage was about to respond before Derek called Seraphina upstairs, leaving her and Isaac alone in the cellar. They both walked to the kitchen, and Sage gestured for Isaac to have a seat. She knew she would end up feeding everyone, she couldn't have them starving when they needed to find the alpha.

"Did you know, about all this, when you met me?" Isaac asked, almost in a whisper.

"Remember that thing you asked me about? The day we first met, Stiles came in and I had to leave? We were coming here. We thought that Derek or Seraphina could've been the alpha, that they had bitten Scott." She paused for a second.

"We had only found out about all of this a few days before that, but it's not something you just bring up in conversation you know? Hey I know we just met in the locker room of our high school, but my best friend is a werewolf and we're going to confront the guy who we think did it." She laughed a little bit, and Isaac did the same.

"Yeah, that definitely wouldn't have gone well. I might've tried to send you to Eichen for a bit." Isaac didn't blame Sage for not telling him, they didn't know each other very well.


Sage and Isaac walked back up the stairs with a few plates filled with chicken, pasta, and some feta cheese on top. She realized she should've asked the Hales for their allergies but they're actual wolves, they should be fine. She set the plates down in front of each of them and sat next to Isaac on the floor.

"It took you long enough!" Stiles complained, trying to sound as deprived as he could.

"You went nearly 24 hours without me almost ripping your tongue from your mouth, either you shut up and enjoy the food I kindly made for you animals, or it goes from a threat to your future." She stared him down for a moment and then smiled when he took a bite quietly.

"Sage you didn't have to do this." Derek tried to keep his usual cold responses, but Sage could see a smile peeking through.

She was getting through to Derek, they all were.


"Okay remember, we went to the lake for two days, we swam, we ate, we didn't drink, and we definitely didn't help tend to a lacrosse player's werewolf bite." Stiles went over the 'ground rules' as if they were children.

"Oh, really Stilinski? Gee that ruins my plans of walking right up to our parents, and your sister, and telling them that we're playing this fun game called 'find the alpha.' Oh and that rover here is now half dog. They'd have us checked into Eichen by the end of the day." Sage got out of the car and walked up to the diner down the street from the school, where they planned to meet their families for lunch.

Janie's diner is a local diner that all Beacon Hills residences know and love. The school allowed the students to go there for lunch, and most did. The owner Melody took over the diner after her mother passed away when 'Triple S' got to 7th grade. It was their favorite spot for their 'family lunches,' which means all three families meet for sandwiches and milkshakes.

As Scott opened the door, the smell of fresh bread and chocolate sauce wafted out the door. Melissa, Coach, and Noah were all at their usual booth, and a familiar face was with them. Evangeline sat next to her father and was laughing at something Melissa said when she saw the younger trio walk in, causing her to run and throw her arms around them.

"God I missed you little hell spawns!" She laughed a bit as she let her arms fall back to her sides.

The four sat down at the booth and greeted their parents, telling them all about their 'trip' to the lake. It seemed to go over well with the families, who all just smiled and talked about how the group needed to go camping sometimes.

Sage found herself drifting in and out of the conversation, thinking about how her life had gotten where it had, and how she managed to meet a guy who didn't blame her for being bitten. To the rest of the group, she just seemed to be smiling at Stiles and Scott's antics, but a certain Stilinski sister knew the look on her face quite well.

Sage Finstock had a crush, and Evangeline was going to find out who stole her heart. 

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