36. mission report

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A/N There's only a few chapters left before we're done with season two! Can you guys believe it? My friends know for a fact that keeping up with fanfics is not my strong suit. Before this the most I had written for a fic was 6 chapters. Onto the story!

The drive to the Martin House was nerve-wracking. Both Evangeline and Sage were terrified about something going wrong. What if Jackson figured out where they were? What if Matt somehow knew what they were planning? What if they couldn't find him in time.

"We can do this." Evangeline looked over at Sage from the driver's side, giving her a quick smile.

"The boys can hold off Jackson, and we can find Matt. We do this right. We get in, we get out. Clean escape." Sage wasn't sure if she was reassuring Evangeline, or herself.

"So what happens when we're free of it all? You and Isaac? Are you guys gonna try and make it work?" Evangeline wiggled her eyebrows teasingly at the younger girl, who rolled her eyes and flicked her in return.

"I hope so." The brunette laughed a little, looking ahead of her, "And you and Derek? How's that going?" Sage changed the subject to the blonde and her new 'boy toy' as Lydia would call him.

"It's going good. Really good." Evangeline's face started to turn red as she thought about Derek. It always did.

"I didn't know Ole Yeller long before you found out about all this mess, but I do know that when I first met him, he didn't smile. Like ever. But now he smiles." Sage smiled at Evangeline, before deciding to tease her, "Not as often as a normal person would, but Derek is far from normal. He's barely a person."

Evangeline swatted at her friend and rolled her eyes, causing Sage to simply laugh. No matter what chaos was going on in the world around them, the two girls were grateful to know one another. Grateful to have found two guys who cared about them, and who they cared about greatly.

They pulled up to Lydia's house and got out, going to enter the house. Lydia was upstairs talking to her mom so they waited in the living room. After a minute or so, Lydia came down the stairs, a sense of urgency in each step.

"Alright I have everything we need. We ready to go?" Lydia asked gesturing to her back, which seemed to be full of necessities.

"Before we go. I wanna make sure we're all sure we know the plan. Nothing can go wrong tonight. I don't wanna lose any of you." Sage stood up and grabbed both girls' hands, squeezing them gently, "I want us all to make it out alright."

Before anything else could be said, Sage's phone went off. She pulled it out of her pocket to see that it was Stiles calling. She rolled her eyes and reluctantly put the phone on speaker, praying the first thing he said wasn't something stupid and nerdy.

"Finstock, Stilinski. Can I get a mission report?" He spoke as if he was talking into a walkie talkie and Sage mentally kicked herself for jinxing it while the girls laughed.

"Stiles shut up." Sage rolled her eyes, her best friend was a complete idiot, "We're at Lydia's and we're about to head to the rave. You better be outside making this call or I'm gonna kick your ass." She spoke the last line with a harshness, but inside she was worried.

"Yes. I'm outside. Jackson is still out cold and everything is going well on our end there's no need to worry okay?" There was silence from Sage's end, "Sage, I can feel you worrying."

"I'm not worrying."

"You're worrying." Stiles completely ignored her attempts to lie. "Stay safe you three." He hung up the phone leaving the girls to finish their part of the plan.


The girls got into the car and made their way back to the rave. Sage fidgeted with the charm on her necklace, replaying Isaac's words in her head. They were going to be okay, this plan was going to work and they were going to stop Matt.

"Hey, you okay up there?" Lydia tilted her head to look at the brunette, snapping her to her senses.

"I'm okay. I just want this over with." Sage took a deep breath before looking at the two girls, "I'm sorry that we got you both into this."

"Don't you dare. You telling us about this didn't get us into this. We chose this path, all you did was open the door." Evangeline's voice started off stern, but slowly turned to reassurance.

"I wish I would've locked the door and threw away the key." Sage mumbled to herself looking out the window.

Evangeline and Lydia locked eyes and decided against furthering the conversations. They hadn't realized how much guilt Sage felt, how much guilt the entire trio felt. They had unknowingly opened a world of chaos and they couldn't help but blame themselves. The rest of the drive was silent as the girls went over the plan in their heads.

"You girls ready?" Evangeline asked, turning off the car as they parked outside the rave.

"No." Sage answered honestly, "Let's do this." She opened the door and climbed out of the car.


"There's no sign of him." Lydia said, walking up to Evangeline and Sage, who weren't having any luck either.

"He's here. I can feel it." Sage scanned the room, she knew that he was here, she didn't know how but she knew.

The search continued and the girls continued to look around the rave. They split up half way through in the hopes to find him faster. Sage assumed the girls had the inside covered so she decided to take a look outside.

She went out the back door and found multiple small warehouse buildings that she was going to have to search. Something in the back of her head told her that he was in one of them, the only problem was that she had no clue which one he was hiding in.

She went through two with no signs of Matt and continued on. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she looked at the next warehouse. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she was ready for what might be behind that door.


Inside the Boyd cabin, the rest of the pack sat waiting for a signal from the girls. Boyd, Scott, and Derek were on Jackson watch while the other three sat outside just incase Matt were to get past the girls and somehow find his way there. The trio guarding the house were growing extremely restless.

"What if something's gone wrong?" Isaac asked as he paced the front porch.

"Isaac. Stiles talked to them before they left. They're big girls, it's going to be okay." Seraphina called from the bottom step, looking up at him with sympathy.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was glad that she hadn't gone with Sage and Evangeline. Both Derek and Isaac were worried about the girls, and Seraphina knew that if she went along with them she'd be worried about her brother. She knew she would also be worried about Stiles.

"What if Matt's on to us? What if we somehow managed to screw it up. If any of them get hurt I'll never forgive myself." Isaac was still going on his tangent, Seraphina felt bad for him.

"You mean if Sage gets hurt." Stiles corrected, earning an annoyed look from Isaac.

"No. I mean all of them. Sage, Evangeline, Lydia. Any of you. You guys have become the family I never thought I would ever have." Isaac stopped and sat down on the stairs next to Seraphina and Stiles. "If any of you guys got hurt, I would never forgive myself."


Sage opened the door to the next warehouse, stepping inside listening for any sudden sounds. She searched the entire first floor before walking the stairs to check the second. She had no idea what to expect, but she had to keep her composure.

What happened next was something unspeakable. Before Sage went to turn the corner, she felt a strong sting at the back of her head, and her body collided with the ground. 

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