7. we're screwed

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A/N Hey all! This is gonna be the last update for the next few days! I'll be spending the weekend and possibly a few days after that with family so hopefully this and the edits I'll be posting on my tiktok acc sagexfilms will be able to hold you all over before I am able to push out more chapters.

Sage didn't even hesitate before running in the other direction at the sight of glowing eyes. She could hear the shadow gaining on her, but she knew if she looked back she would be knocked down. She thought about going out of the exit doors but she didn't want to risk whatever was chasing her, hurting all of those people.

She turned the corner and picked up the pace, trying to avoid being caught. She remembered something Derek said about the alpha being drawn to Scott and his best friends. She figured just her luck that the alpha got her alone.

She locked herself in the girls' locker room and hid in the coach's office, and pulled out her phone, and dialed Scott's number before remembering he was on the field. She dialed Stiles' number, her hands trembling in fear as she could hear the alpha throwing itself against the door.

"Sage where the hell are you? Scott scored twice already." Stiles answered the phone oblivious to Sage's current situation.

"I'm in the girl's locker room, and Stiles, the alpha is here," Sage whispered, trying her hardest to keep her voice from shaking.

"What? Sage hold on!" The phone went silent for a second before Stiles picked up again. "Sage stay there! Scott and I are on our way, do not move! I'm staying on the line." She dropped to the floor, trying her best to stay calm.

After a few moments, the banging stopped and the door swung open. Sage felt her breath hitch and she could've sworn she was going to die at that moment. Luckily, she was wrong and it was Scott and Stiles. They ran to her and came to her aid.

Both of the boys could feel their hearts sink seeing their best friend sitting there in fear. Stiles felt his normal demeanor slip away at the thought of what would have happened if he hadn't answered her call. Scott was an absolute wreck on the inside but didn't want to show it, Sage was the one who needed them.

He could hear her heartbeat and could sense her fear. His heart broke at the thought of her pain. They had left her alone and they could've lost her. He blamed himself for the alpha attacking her. He was the one the alpha wanted.

"Sage oh my God. I'm so sorry we didn't know you were in here." Scott grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet, and Stiles wrapped his arm around her to balance her.

"Where did it go?" Sage was crying at this point, she was beyond terrified.

"It was gone when we got in here, we ran as fast as we could, told your dad that Scott's mom needed us immediately, and ran." The tone in Stiles' voice lacked his usual sarcasm, he was genuinely worried.

Before Sage could respond she heard a familiar voice, "Sage? Scott? Stiles? Are you guys in here?" Isaac had followed them into the school.

"We have to get him out of here the alpha's still here somewhere!" Sage said regaining her balance and running towards the door.

The boys followed her and saw Isaac standing in the hallway. He looked over at the trio and smiled, but the smile immediately faded the second he saw the tears in Sage's eyes. He jogged to the trio and his eyes said it all.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Isaac looked between the three searching their eyes for an answer.

"I had a panic attack, Scott and Stiles just came to help out. Don't worry you can go back to the scrimmage, we'll follow you out in a second." Sage tried her best to smile and reassure him.

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