2. lycanthropy

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A/N This story isn't going to exactly the way the show does obviously, because the ocs make it hard for the original plot to stay intact. The first chapter kept the closest to plot.

Second semester of sophomore year, and Sage was running late. She had woken up on time and it wasn't like she was taking the bus. No, the reason she was late was that her ride was late. Stiles was her ride every single day, and today he decided to stop and do God knows what before picking her up.

When the Jeep pulled in front of her house, she was outside and she was not happy in the slightest. He start shouting apologies saying he overslept but she could smell the donuts in the backseat that he obviously went to get beforehand.

"Overslept my ass Stilinski. I can smell the bear claws in the box behind me." She hops into the car, holding back every urge to punch her unreliable best friend.

"Okay so maybe I wanted to buy Scott some donuts so he doesn't hate us for abandoning him in the middle of the woods!" Stiles defended himself, hiding the subtle marks of fear.

"Well maybe if you would've hidden, Noah wouldn't have seen us and we wouldn't have had to leave him. Did you ever think about that?" Sage rolled her eyes.

"I hate that you call my dad Noah. Can't you just call him Sheriff like everyone else?" Stiles said in his usual dramatic manner.


The rest of the drive to school consisted of the two laughing. Despite what a lot of people believe, Stiles and Sage aren't only friends because of Scott. Even on his worst days, Sage loves Stiles like family. He may be an idiot, but no one else can tell him that. They fight the way brothers and sisters do, but they both care for the other.


When the two arrived at school they immediately began sprinting to class. They both had chemistry with Mr.Harris, and they both knew he wouldn't be happy they were late. When Sage set her hand on the door, she felt as if something was wrong. All of that changed when she saw Scott in his usual seat looking at them.

"Ms.Finstock, Stilinski. Why are you late?" Mr.Harris asked, clearly annoyed by their presence.

"I overslept-" Stiles started, "And he's my ride," Sage said pointing her finger at Stiles.

"Have a seat, both of you. And Mr.Stilinski?"


"Get an alarm clock this semester."

"Yes sir."


After the initial altercation with Mr.Harris, the day was going pretty well. During their free period, the trio sought out the front of the school to talk about the night before. Scott looked like he was about to have a meltdown, which only worried Sage and Stiles more.

"Okay, what the hell is going on Mccall." Sage finally snapped while they were outside.

"Iwasbittenbyawolflastnight." Scott basically spits out.

"I'm gonna need you to repeat that a bit slower since neither of us a speak, whatever the hell that was," Stiles said leaning his arm against the railing.

"I was bitten by a wolf last night," Scott repeated slower, refusing to make eye contact with his best friends.

"I'm sorry, did you just say you were bitten by a wolf? Jesus Scott, we left thinking you'd take the hint and go HOME." Sage said, thinking Scott was speaking metaphorically.

"I'm serious! I found the other half of the body and-" Stiles didn't let him finish.

"Hold on you found the other half of the body!?"

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