11. i can explain

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A/N Hey all! I was a bit drained all day but I'm up and ready to give you guys a new chapter. I hope you enjoy this!

"What the hell is that?" Evangeline repeated herself, looking in between everyone in the room. No one answered.

Stiles, Scott, and Sage stared at each other for a brief second. Scott had transitioned back and nothing but fear was spread across their faces. No one knew how to explain what Evangeline just saw, everyone was still trying to come to terms with it themselves.

"I'm Derek Hale, believe it or not, I can explain."

"I'm listening." Evangeline sat down.


"Mieczyslaw Nicolai Stilinski! Why did you not inform me of any of this!?" Was Evangeline's only response.

"How is the only thing you got out of this that it's somehow my fault?" Stiles sounded appalled, even though in some strange way it was his fault.

"Because what I'm hearing from this is that all of your new friends are insane, and you've dragged Scott and Sage into your newest delusion!"

Before she could stand up, Derek grabbed her hand, retracting it almost immediately. He mumbled an apology, and Sage could've sworn she had seen his face change shades, but she chose to ignore it. She stood up and sat in front of Evangeline, grabbing her hands gently.

"Evangeline I wish this was one of Stiles' delusions, like back in 5th grade where he convinced Scott and me that you two were descendants of Beacon Hills royalty. This isn't one of his jokes. I know this sounds insane, but you've known us our whole lives, you've gotta know we're being serious."

The room got silent once again as they all watched Sage and Evangeline. She knew it was going to be hard to accept, Sage was still trying to accept it herself, but she had to try. Evangeline deserved the truth, even if they didn't mean to tell her right away.

After a few moments of silence, Evangeline looked over at Stiles, who seemed worried about her response, and then at Scott, who almost looked ashamed. Evangeline felt a pain in her heart, Scott was like a little brother to her and he was ashamed of who he was. She reached her hand out and grabbed Scott and Stiles' hands, pulling them in with her and Sage's.

"I'm not saying I believe in all of this, but I believe in you three. You're my little brother and his best friends. That makes you both my best friends too. I may not understand any of this, but I will, you guys can teach me."

As the four went in for a hug, Sage noticed both Hale's eyes lingering, both on a Stilinski sibling. She found a sense of comfort in the fact that the Hales were warming up to the group. She knew that finding the alpha would be hard, but they had a group of insanely smart people, and Stiles, working together.

From Scott's point of view, he noticed that Isaac was once again lingering on his best friend. He looked at her like she was a priceless artifact that was too fragile to touch. The idea of her being fragile made him laugh. Sage had been combative training since they were in 6th grade and some kids in their class were harassing her. One thing Scott knew was that Sage could take care of herself.


After an hour or two, Evangeline had finally started to accept their situation. The group started talking about finding the alpha, explaining the details whenever needed. No one had any bright ideas, even though Stiles thought his idea of hanging Scott upside down like bait was genius.

Everyone was clearly getting frustrated. When Sage looked at her clock she noticed it was nearing midnight. She thought it was for the best they all took off and got some sleep, to which everyone agreed. Everyone headed off into their respective cars and said goodbye before heading home.

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