22. out of time

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A/N Hey my loves!! Thank you so much for all the love! Updates have slowed and I am so sorry about that! My head has just been in 4,000 different places. I am so sorry for what I am about to do in this chapter, I was going to hold this off longer but if I don't do it now, the rest of Lydia's plotline won't make sense. All hate will be deleted.

After their 'meeting' at the Hale House, Sage asked Stiles to take her straight home, she just wanted to relax. She didn't want them to know that she was going to be checking into Ms.Morrell, and her Latin.

She walked in and was met with a crying Lydia Martin. Sage dropped her bags to the floor and opened her arms so that her best friend could be engulfed in a hug. For a moment, the two just standing in the kitchen, Coach watching from the hallway, a solemn look on his face.

"Can we go upstairs?" Lydia mumbled into the crook of her best friend's neck.

"Of course, let's go." Sage led her best friend up the steps and into her room.

Lydia sat down on the edge of Sage's bed, and Sage knelt on the floor at her feet. She didn't want to push, but she wasn't going to let her cry alone. Sage laid her head gently on her best friend's knee and sat with her until she was ready to talk.

"She's gone Sage," Lydia whispered to the point where Sage barely heard her.

"Who's gone Lyds?" She looked up at her best friend and wiped the tears from her eyes, even though she was guessing she knew the answer.

"Allison. She's gone."

Sage stood up and when she noticed Lydia's confusion, she gave a soft smile, "I'm gonna get us some ice cream and some sodas, and then we're gonna talk as late as you want okay?" She ran downstairs after getting Lydia's approval.

Sage opened the freezer and pulled out the container of Lydia's favorite ice cream that she keeps on standby. She grabbed her own container, their favorite sodas, and put it all on a tray to carry back upstairs. When she got upstairs she saw that Lydia had taken off her shoes and was now curled up on the bed.

"You ready to talk about it honey, or do you wanna wait just a little?" Sage set down the tray in the empty space on the bed.

"What if we just never talk about it?" Lydia groaned through the pillows, causing Sage to laugh a little bit.

"As much as I'd love to let that happen, I can't allow it." Sage nudged the girl and climbed onto the spot on the bed next to her.

"Sage Grace Finstock you must allow it." Lydia rolled over and threw her hands up in dismay.

"No Lydia Camille Grace Martin, I must not. Now come here." She gave a pat on her lap, gesturing for Lydia to lay down, and she did.

"It hurts Sage." Lydia felt the tears welling up again.

"I know Lyds. Talk to me." She ran her hands through Lydia's hair, in her best efforts to comfort her best friend.

Lydia was home alone, her mom had been working late. She was watching a movie in the living room when she heard a knock at her back door, the special knock that she and Allison had created. She jumped up in excitement and opened the door. She was shocked to see that her girlfriend didn't share in her excitement.

"Allison? Is something wrong? Come in come in." She opened the door wide enough so that the brunette could walk in, but something seemed to be troubling her. 

"Can we talk Lydia?  It's important." Lydia could sense her sadness in the way she spoke.

"Is this about Kate? Or us?" Lydia spoke softly, almost like if she spoke too loud it Allison would fall apart. 

"A little bit of both. Sit please." Allison pointed at the kitchen stool, and Lydia obliged. "I'm moving."

"How far away?" Lydia felt her sadness match Allison's almost instantly. 

"My mom and dad are splitting up. Kate's death was really hard on my dad, and my mom has been calling him weak. She's making me come with her, and my dad doesn't really seem to be fighting. We leave next week." 

"So is this it? For us I mean?" Lydia saw a tear slide down Allison's face and wiped it away. "Don't cry, Alli."

"I really wanted this to work. You and me. But time was never in our favor. And who am I kidding I was never ready for everything Beacon Hills had to offer. No matter how in love with you I fell."  Allison leaned her forehead in to touch Lydia's as a tear slid down the redhead's face. 

"Beacon Hills is gonna miss you, Celestine Allison Argent. I'm gonna miss you, so fucking much." She placed both of her hands on either side of the brunette's face as their tears began to fall. 

"Can we just stay here like this for a little? I wanna remember this moment." Allison didn't want to let go, even though she told her mother she would be home and packing as soon as she ended it. 

"We can stay here forever if you want to." Lydia placed a kiss at the top of Allison's forehead and closed her eyes.

"Lyds, you know there's nothing you could've done right? It isn't your fault that she's leaving" Sage looked down at her best friend, who was clearly fighting her tears again. 

"I know Sage." She turned her head to look up at the brunette. "Allison and I just ran out of time. But that doesn't mean I didn't love her."

"I know you loved her, that you still love her, but you're going to be okay. I promise you that." She smiled down at her, trying her hardest not to break at the sight of Lydia falling apart.

"When does it stop hurting?" Lydia was near the brink of sobs as her voice quivered.

"I don't know, but what I do know is you can stay here as long as you need and what you don't need is to be okay right this second." Sage brushed the hair from Lydia's face and wiped the tears from her eyes with a soft look on her face. 

"Please don't ever leave me, Sage." 

"I would never leave you, Lydia. Ever." 

The two spent the night eating ice cream. Sage didn't want to push Lydia further into talking about it, and she didn't want to force her to feel better. The two just enjoyed each other's company, just like they used to before the world started to crash all around them. Before the idea of boys and girls and love became something they needed to think about. 

It was about 3 am before either of them showed any signs of being tired. The idea of research had completely disappeared from Sage's mind. All she wanted to do was spend the night making her best friend forget about the loss of someone who changed her life. She knew that Lydia would eventually move on, but she wasn't going to stop her from feeling. Research could wait. She would choose Lydia over the world around her any day. 

Just as they were about to fall asleep, Lydia looked over at Sage and gave her a soft and gentle smile. At first, she didn't say anything, she didn't need to. Sage knew what she was thinking, and she was thinking the exact same thing. The two nearly shared a brain and in unison, they spoke. 

"Thank you for being my best friend." And They both drifted off to sleep. 

A/N One day I might post the alternate ending. But y'all definitely won't like it.

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