23. operation: homicidal lizard

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A/N So sorry for the angst in the last chapter! It had to happen. Back to the supernatural chaos! I love you guys for all the love you've been giving here and on the edits! I'm not sure if I want to split the book into the first 3 seasons, the second 3 seasons, and then after. Or if I want to do the 6 seasons as one book and then after? Comment your thoughts!

After the night with Lydia, Sage spent the morning before school training. She told Stiles that Lydia would be taking her to school so he wouldn't worry, and while Sage spent time on the bag, Lydia had her head stuck in her textbooks.

As the two finished up and Sage took a shower, they heard Coach leave to start morning practice. The two got into the car and blasted Taylor Swift on their way to school. Lydia was still feeling down about the breakup, but she was feeling better knowing her best friend would always be by her side.

"I'll see you at lunch Lyds?" Sage closed her locker and looked over at her best friend before darting off to chemistry class.

She took her seat next to Scott, saying her good mornings to Seraphina and Stiles before sticking her head in her book, studying a bit extra before the bell rang. They had a test today and even though she was confident she would pass, it never hurt to study just a bit more. Before she could get too far into studying she was interrupted by Seraphina.

"We have a plan to find the you-know-what." She whispered, trying not to say anything damning because Jackson and Erica shared this class with them as well.

Sage pointed to her phone and Seraphina got the message pulling hers out as well. She typed for a while before pressing send and within moments, the other brunette's phone pinged. Sage looked down and read the message:

the better hale<3: Derek realized that if the venom paralyzes everyone else, it won't paralyze the kanima. He and Evangeline are gonna spend the day trying to find some from previous crime scenes. All we have to do is test it on our suspects.

sage<3: Well then, let's play today off as best we can shall we?

Sage showed the messages to Scott, and Seraphina to Stiles. The two boys nodded and it was back to business as usual. Sage could feel a pair of eyes on her, Erica's or Jackson's no doubt, but she chose to ignore them, she couldn't have them getting suspicious of their plan. Just as the stares were beginning to feel like they were piercing through her, Mr.Harris walked in prepared to start class.

"Alright class, books and phones away." He held the test papers in his hands, raising them, "Time for the test."


Lunch was approaching and Sage was in the last 10 minutes of her math class wanting nothing more than to slam her head into the steel door. The teacher was going on about absolute nothingness, and to make things worse, Erica was sitting behind her being her usual bane in Sage's existence.

The subtle pops of gum and kicks at the back of her feet had started to subside when Erica realized she wasn't winning the battle. Sage was fighting everything in her soul not to turn around and declaw her almost immediately, but for their plan to work, she had to stay calm and not make anything too obvious.

Just before Sage was seconds away from snapping the bell rang and she darted from the classroom and directly towards the outdoor seating where she and the pack agreed to meet. Most of them were already seated, but she made a near immediate note of the fact that Isaac and Boyd weren't there yet.

"Hey Finstock! I heard Erica was being a pain." Stiles took a bite out of his sandwich as he poked at Sage's irritability.

"And by heard, you mean you can't mind your own business so you had Scott listen in from your class, yet again making you both a pain in my ass?" Sage plucked a grape from Scott's tray and sat down next to Stiles.

"You three don't get along do you?" Seraphina looked at the three as they continued to bicker.

"Oh absolutely not. They all basically hate each other. Their entire friendship remains one of the best performances I've ever seen." Lydia was finally starting to immerse herself into the group.

The group stared at each other for a moment before breaking out into fits of laughter. It was one of the first times since Scott was bitten that they were able to just be teenagers, to laugh without fear of something terrible happening right after. For a moment, Sage, and everyone else, had completely forgotten the fight ahead of them.

From across the field, Boyd and Isaac were talking about something. Well, Boyd was talking, Isaac was staring across the way, watching the way that Sage threw her head back when someone made her laugh. He couldn't help but watch how free she was when she didn't think anyone was watching.

"So are you gonna ask her out on a real date or keep staring at her when she's not looking?" Boyd nudged his friend after he noticed he wasn't actually listening.

"Shut up." Isaac rolled his eyes at the taller male, "Now let's go, before they start to think something's wrong."

"Yeah yeah. I'm always right and you know it." Boyd mumbled to himself as he watched Isaac walk away, who in turn flipped him off signaling he heard him.


The rest of the day was not as high spirited. By the time lunch was over it had begun raining, and the pack could feel the energy shifting. Coach went on the entire class period complaining about something, but as usual, Sage wasn't paying attention. Lydia usually took notes for the both of them, and Coach knew it.

By the end of the day, the rain had only doubled, causing lacrosse practice to be cancelled. Sage decided to do her homework in the library since the field was soaking wet, and something told Isaac to join her. The two sat in silence as they studied, although Isaac couldn't help but stare at Sage.

"You know when you're stuck on a problem your eyebrows scrunch together?" Isaac couldn't help himself but point it out.

"They do not." Sage's face began to heat up, which around Isaac was beginning to become a regular thing.

"Oh they definitely do." Isaac smiled and moved closer to her, looking down at her notebook, "Here what's the problem."

"It's math. I hate math." Her frustration caused Isaac to laugh.

"Math has never been a problem for me, let me take a look."

He leaned over and started explaining the problem, which somehow made sense to Sage. She couldn't help but focus on the feeling of his breath against her face. The smell of his cologne that was filling the air surrounding them. Before she could think on it any further she heard him speak.

"Did that make sense?" He looked over at her and smiled, but froze when he realized how close he was, their faces were nearly touching.

"Uh, yeah perfect sense." She swung her attention to her book, and that was the last the spoke before they left.

When they got outside it was still pouring rain. Stiles had agreed to come pick her up after she was finished, and when they got outside Stiles was waiting for her. She could feel her clothes getting heavier every step she took, Stiles was gonna kill her for getting his seats wet. Just as she was about to open the door Isaac called her name.

"Sage wait!" Sage spun on her heels and was met by Isaac placing his hands on either side of her face, "Can I kiss you?"

As if she would say no, she was so speechless all she could do was nod. He pressed his lips to hers and Sage felt as if the world was spinning. It was like no one else was in the world, no one else but her and Isaac, and Isaac was feeling the exact same. When they pulled away, they just stared at each other for a moment, trying to come to terms with what just happened.

"It's about damn time!" Stiles yelled from his now rolled down window. 

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