48. what the fuck is going on?

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A/N Hey my lovelies! I just finished exam week so I am back a little more active, but probably not THAT active! I'm just hoping you guys haven't gotten tired of waiting, because I am trying to get more chapters out, with college and work starting back at once it's just been a bit difficult. Thank you SO fucking much for 100K!?! Absolutely insane!

"It's them." Isaac repeats, his eyes locking with the twins, who gave a sinister smile.

"What the fuck is going on?" Sage felt her confusion grow, and she hated being confused.

"Them who Isaac?" Scott looked over, confusion painted across his face.

"Remember when I told you I saw two people merge into one. I remember what they look like now." Isaac paused and looked back at the twins. "It looks like those two right there."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Sage mumbled under her breath, causing the entire group to turn to her.

"What-" Before Seraphina could question her friend, she saw what Sage saw.

Lydia Martin, Sage's best friend since forever, walked outside of the library doors, strutting as usual. As she noticed the group, she put her hand up to signal a pause, before turning around and slipping a note into the jacket pocket of one of the twins. Sage's heart dropped to the floor and she turned to the group, her voice cold and harsh.

"If any of you tell her what Isaac just said, you won't have to worry about the alphas."

"Why wouldn't we tell her?" Stiles' voice remained soft, but concerned.

"Because if she knows what we know, she's in danger. And she's not getting put in danger because wolverine, his twin, and a bunch of other mutts want us dead. She's a part of this pack but she isn't that deep in." Sage looked over at Lydia, who was now walking over.

"Hey! We getting outta here?" She asked, smiling and taking a place between Seraphina and Sage, linking her arms with the two of them.

"Yeah we are." Sage forced a smile.


"Sage you need to calm down." Isaac laid against his bed listening to the sound of his girlfriend pacing.

"I can't calm down Isaac! Everything is falling apart. That freak of nature is gonna hurt Lydia and I'm gonna have to put him the hell down." Sage couldn't stop herself from rambling, a habit she got from her mother.

"I'm a freak of nature." Isaac sat up, his facial expression saddening.

Sage paused, realizing what she had said. "I didn't mean werewolves." She sat down on his lap, wrapping her arms around him gently. "You said that they can combine into one mega wolf."

"Yeah.." Isaac leaned his head against Sage's chest, listening to her heartbeat. Even though he could hear it anyways, he liked the warmth Sage radiated.

"That's not normal. I mean you're not normal, but that? It's.. terrifying." Sage pressed her forehead against the top of his head.

"You've got that right." Isaac sighed, taking a moment before falling back and taking Sage with him, causing her to erupt into laughter.

The two laid in silence for a moment, just enjoying each others company. Even though the world around them was constantly falling apart, the two of them always had each other. Whether they were fighting wolves, or fighting to pass the school year, the two of them could always lean on each other. It was the one thing that the two of them could count on. The pair had almost fallen asleep as the door swung open to reveal Melissa, fresh out of work, worry painted across her face.

"Where's Scott?" Melissa asked as the two shot up, confusion plaguing them.

"Isn't he in his room?" Sage asked, turning over to Isaac who had a guilty look on his face.


"You let him do what!?" Sage screamed, jumping up from the bed, her body boiling with rage.

Melissa would've yelled at Isaac, but not only did she know that Sage was about to scream at him enough for the both of them. She was also called back into work for a pile up, meaning her night off had just turned into overtime. So now, Sage stood across the room, her blood boiling as she stared at her boyfriend.

"He told me not to tell you." Isaac tried to keep his voice calm, mainly in fear of how his girlfriend would react.

"And you just listened to him? You went with Boyd to that place and came back alone! And you just sent Derek and my best friend while lying to me about it! I can't believe you right now!" Sage on the other hand, did not care about keeping her voice calm. She hated being lied to.

"Scott and Derek will be fine! They're gonna bring back Bo-" Sage lifted her hand, taking a deep breath.

"You need to stop talking. You lied to me. You have been here distracting me, pretending to be supportive of my stress about losing one best friend, when the whole time you knew that one of my others was out there risking his life. I just got you back, and now I might lose Scott." She slid down the wall, her subsiding and now all she felt was worry.

Isaac waited for a moment, looking over at the blank look across Sage's face. He had already upset her enough but he couldn't help trying to comfort her right now. It was his fault that she was so angry, so worried, so lost. He lied to her, he knew it would hurt when she found out, and yet he did it anyways. He thought he was helping, now he realized he screwed up.

"Sage..." His voice trailed of as he climbed off of the bed, sitting on the floor next to her, reaching his hand over to hold hers gently. When she didn't pull away, he spoke again. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied."

"Then why did you?" Sage's tone was monotone, void of any real emotion.

"Truthfully? I didn't want you to get hurt. I knew that if you found out what they were doing, you would want to go with. The idea of you getting hurt drove me insane, and so when Scott asked me to keep it from you, I found my opening. I found the chance to keep you here, and keep you safe." There was a sadness in his voice.

"Isaac." Sage turned to look at him, tilting his chin to look at her. "I understand wanting to keep me safe. It killed me every time you went on those missions with Boyd. I was so worried you weren't gonna come back. But I trusted that you knew what you were doing. So why didn't you trust me?" Sage's voice matched Isaac's in sadness, and he realized how hard he had truly screwed up.

"It's not that I don't trust you, or Scott to protect you. I don't trust what I would do if I found out one of them hurt you." Isaac's eyes darkened at the thought, causing Sage to place her hand gently against his cheek.

"Well, as much as I don't appreciate being lied to to begin with, I appreciate that you were honest with me, even if it wasn't a little too late." She gave him a soft smile, but it only lasted for a moment. "But if you ever lie to me again you won't be around to see me get hurt. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Isaac laughed nervously, knowing she wasn't kidding.

"Good." She placed a kiss softly against his lips, but was interrupted by the sound of Isaac's phone ringing.

"Scott and Derek need me." Isaac jumped up, causing Sage to give him a death glare, "I mean, they need us."

"Damn right they do." She grabbed his hand and lifted herself up. "We have to make a stop first." 

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