24. what just happened

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A/N Finally a saghey moment that is undeniable! I love you all so much and I'm so glad you're all on this ride with me! I've decided I'm gonna put all 6 seasons into one book.

Sage stood in her place for a moment as she watched Isaac drive off on his motorcycle. She got into the passenger seat of the Jeep and felt her face heating up like never before. Stiles looked at her and waited for a moment before smacking her arm to get her attention.

"Hello! What just happened?" Stiles could feel his pride in his best friend growing.

"What. Just. Happened?" Sage was in complete shock, replaying the kiss over and over again.

"You finally kissed Isaac!" He turned his entire body to face her and he couldn't contain his smile.

"He finally kissed me!" Sage felt the shock rush into excitement as the two sat in the car staring at each other.

The two froze for a second before breaking out into little happy dances, a tradition the two shared whenever something good happened for one. Stiles turned the car back on and drove Sage home. He never brought up the fact that she got his seats wet, the kiss derailed any hope of that happening. Sage was in her own world.

She walked into her house and said goodnight to her dad before walking up to her room to shower and change. She got out of the shower and sat on the side of her bed, and as she was drying her hair she looked at the picture of her and her parents.

"He kissed me today mom. He has to like me right?" She knew it was silly asking the air, her mom couldn't be listening.

She laid her head against her pillow and let her sleep overtake her. She had no dreams as she slept, but she had no idea that when she woke up, her nightmares would begin all over again. Tomorrow they had to find the kanima, and they had to do it without anyone noticing.


"Alright class! Lab day." Harris was in an oddly chipper mood, but none of the pack shared that sentiment.

They all shared a look as Harris explained the assignment. They were supposed to do rotations in an attempt to create some sort of object. The goal was to see which team could follow the instructions and get to the object the fastest. Sage couldn't help but find it ironic that Mr. Harris wanted them to work together when the pack was attempting to find the kanima.

"Now I will be right back to go get the instructions. We'll begin when I return."

Seraphina looked over at each of the pack members, and then back down at her phone and began typing. They couldn't discuss their plans on campus in fear of Jackson or Erica hearing and catching on. For this to work, no one but them could know what they were searching for. Sage felt her phone vibrated against her leg and she looked down to read the text:

the better hale<3: you guys ready?

v. boyd: what's the plan again?

stilinski: get the goo on both of their hands.

sage<3: what the idiot means is we have to get them to touch it. and this lab is the perfect way to do it. get the kanima venom on the object have them touch it.

lahey<3: this should be fun.

Mr. Harris walked back in and the rounds began. Scott, Seraphina, Boyd, Sage and a few others were still components while the others circulated the room. For the first round, Lydia was paired with Scott, Jackson with Boyd, Stiles with Seraphina, Erica with Danny, and Isaac with Sage. Nothing too drastic was happening, but from the look on Boyd's face, he was dying to switch places with anyone right about now.

"Can we talk about last night?" Isaac leaned over and whispered in Sage's ear while she was attempting to start the assignment.

"Now? Wow Lahey you have killer timing." She teased, but stayed focused on the task at hand. "We'll talk about that when all this is solved okay?" She looked him in the eye, and he remembered the mission.

Before Isaac could respond, Harris called time and it was time for the positions to change. Isaac made his way to the back, a spot away from Scott, Erica moved up to Sage, Stiles with Danny, Jackson with Seraphina, Lydia with Boyd, and Scott with a student Sage couldn't but the name to. This was going to be far from fun.

"He's cute, and he seems to like you. Too bad he hasn't gotten to know you just yet. Then he'll leave just like everyone else." Erica didn't last two seconds without automatically getting on Sage's nerves.

"Oh Erica, is it hard being such a bitch all the time?" The last thing Sage was going to do was let Erica get in her head. They had a mission to complete, and Sage had a class to pass. But ignoring her only seemed to fuel Erica further.

"Oh wow, I see I struck a nerve." Erica set her hand on Sage's thigh and before Sage could react, Erica had already sunken her claws in. "Why so tense Sage? Worried he might lose interest?"

From around the room, multiple heads turned, all belonging to members of the pack. Sage turned her head and shook it, signaling for them to focus on the mission. If there was one thing Sage knew, it was that she could handle Erica Reyes. She gripped the blondes hand tightly and removed it from her leg.

"I think the one who should be worried is you. We're in a room full of wolves, and not a single one of them would hesitate to tear you apart. I suggest you never try that again." Sage leaned in and whispered into Erica ear, making sure to linger. "Go on, roll over Reyes."

Harris signaled for a switch before Erica had the chance to respond. She moved to take Isaac's spot and the positions changed. The next change went by with no issues, and within moments the positions changed yet again. Lydia was with Danny, Jackson with Sage, Isaac with Boyd, Scott with Erica, and Stiles in the back.

"This will be the last rotation, make it count." Harris looked back down at the papers he was grading.

One last round. Sage could do one last round. Until Jackson spoke. "So Finstock, I see you and Lahey are getting comfy."

"What is it with everyone feeling the need to ask about things that is none of their business!" Sage whisper-yelled at Jackson who recoiled almost immediately.

"I'm just saying. I haven't seen that kid with a girlfriend since like ever. I would know we are neighbors." Jackson looked at the instructions before continuing, "Shame what happened to his dad, but I guess he doesn't have to dodge any punches now."

Sage could feel her anger rising, "You knew?"

"Knew what?"

"You knew that his dad was hitting him and you just sat on your ass and did nothing?" She clenched her hands around the container she was holding.

"It wasn't my story to tell. The old man's dead now so who cares?" Jackson never failed to surprise, and piss off Sage.

"You are such a-" Sage was cut off by Mr. Harris.

"Time! If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal. Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy... You can eat it.." Perfect time for their plan to work.

Sage placed a drop of the venom onto the crystal the second she noticed Jackson turn his attention away. She looked back at Scott who had done the same to their crystal. Seraphina gave them both a nod as Sage reached the crystal out for Jackson to taste. Before she got the chance she heard Erica from the back of the class.

"Here Lydia, try this." As she handed the crystal to Sage's best friend.

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