39. last game of the season

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A/N I am officially back from putting this chapter off and I am excited to say that this is the last chapter of season two! Chapter 40 will be the start of season three! We're almost halfway through the entire story.

A week passed since the chaos the night of the rave. For the most part, everything was back to normal, as normal as it can be in Beacon Hills. Erica hadn't been seen since the night of the party, rumor has it that she ran off to find a new pack when she learned Peter wasn't an alpha anymore. Derek and Seraphina were still on the lookout for their uncle, and in turn the blonde, but they had taken the day off.

Today was the last game of the season for lacrosse. Isaac, Scott, and Stiles were counting on the rest of the pack to be there and support them. Everyone who wasn't meant to be on the field, remained in the school lobby to wait before the game.

"So are they any good?" Derek asked in his usual monotone manner, but laughed a little as Evangeline gently smacked his arm.

"Your definition of good defines how I answers that question." Sage looked up from the her phone, giving Derek a look.

"We should probably go take our seats on the bleachers. The game should be starting soon." Boyd gestured to the direction of the field and the group made their way outside.

A few minutes went by as the two lacrosse teams made their way to their sides of the field. The whistle blew and the game began. Seconds dropped on the clock as the people in the stands watched as a member of the Cyclones, who Sage only knew as Morris, raced to toss the ball to Scott, who scored almost immediately.

The crowd jumped up cheering and Sage looked down to see Isaac still sitting on the bench, just waiting for her dad to put him in. She knew that her dad was trying to spread out his star players to make sure the final win of the season was secured. This game meant a lot to him, but she knew that more than anything, her dad wanted this win for the team.


The game was tied and there wasn't much time on the clock left. Isaac was still on the bench and was extremely restless. As Jackson landed on the ground, damaging his arm, everyone jumped to their feet to see how bad it was.

Coach frantically sped to get Jackson to the medics that were on standby, and gestured to Isaac telling him to get on the field and win the game. As he did, the blue eyed boy looked up at his girlfriend from the stands, and winked, causing her to roll her eyes but laugh nonetheless.

The game was ticking down by the last few seconds and the team only had time for about one play left. From the bleachers the pack watched, grabbing onto one another in anticipation. A player from each team stood across from each other and awaited the whistle.

"You can do this boys." Sage whispered under her breath, knowing that they most likely heard her.

As the whistle went off, the crowd fell silent. They watched as Isaac and Scott passed the ball back and forth, maneuvering around players, all the way to the goal. Scott tossed the ball to Isaac and as the buzzer was about to go off, Isaac threw the ball with full strength into the goal. The Cyclones had won the game. Isaac turned to look at Sage to see that she was already smiling back at him.

All at once, everyone on the bleachers ran down to meet the players. Sage ran to give Scott and Stiles a hug and congratulate them on their win. Stiles made a joke about not even getting to play and Sage just punched his arm, telling him he was being a drama queen, as usual.

She looked down the field and saw Isaac smiling at her, waiting patiently for her to be done with the boys. She walked over to him with a playful grin written across her face. When she was close enough to him she scrunched her nose in mock disgust.

"You smell horrible." She said pretending as if she didn't want to stand close to him.

"Oh shut up I do not." He laughed rolling his eyes and grabbing her hands gently, pulling her into a hug, his heart warming at the sound of her laugh.

"No seriously, you smell like a wet dog." She looked up at him, but kept her arms snaked around his waist.

"Was that a werewolf joke I just heard Finstock?" He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course it was Lahey, you know me." She raised an eyebrow back at him, mocking him.

"Oh really?" In one swift move, he had swept her off her feet, spinning her around the field, smiling at the sound of her hysterical laughter.

"Are we interrupting something?" Derek asked with a confused look on his face as the pack walked up to the couple. "Come on, we have a surprise for you three." He looked at Scott, Stiles, and Isaac before turning around and walking off the field.


As the pack walked into the basement of the Hale House, their jaws dropped to see that Evangeline and Derek had decorated the entire area in maroon and white balloons and streamers. In the den area there was a giant sign that said 'Congratulations on Not Sucking' and Sage assumed that was Derek's idea.

"You guys did all this?" Scott asked, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

"Of course we did." Evangeline turned to face him with a smile on her face.

"It's a good thing you guys didn't lose, because then this would've been very awkward." Derek said in a completely serious tone. When he felt Evangeline glaring at him, he coughed and spoke up, "We're really proud of you guys. You deserve this."

"You are always such a bundle of joy aren't ya Hale." Stiles teased as he snaked his arm around Derek's neck.

"If you don't remove your arm from my neck, I'm going to rip it off, and you won't ever be put on the field." Derek's voice was in a low harsh whisper, and he smiled as Stiles slowly removed his arm. "Who wants cake?"

The pack broke off into smaller groups as Evangeline turned on some music and the party began. Derek and Stiles fought over who got to choose the song while Seraphina tried to make sure they didn't try to kill each other, Evangeline danced with Lydia, completely ignoring her boyfriend and brother. Scott, Isaac, and Boyd talked about the game, and Sage watched from the counter with a smile on her face.

She tried to remember what her life felt like at the beginning of the semester, when her best friend was a human, when she didn't know most of the people in this room. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't picture it, and she wasn't sure she wanted to.

The world around them fell apart just before their eyes, but they had each other. The group had become a family in those few months that they had known each other. Being thrown into the world of the supernatural wasn't ideal, it was far from it. But Sage felt at peace knowing that even in the chaos she could find some good.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Isaac spoke from behind her, breaking her from her thoughts as he walked to stand in front of her.

"Just thinking about how far we've come. All of us." She smiled and took his hands in hers, finding comfort in his warmth.

"I never thought about it like that." He smiled as he looked over at the group of friends, each who he had grown to love and respect. "I can't believe I'm going to say this but I am really glad I was bit."

Sage rolled her eyes and pushed his shoulder playfully, "That is not funny in the slightest."

The two sat there for a moment, taking in the situation and the people they were and the people they were now linked to, whether they expected it or not. They watched as their friends laughed together, finally being able to enjoy each other's company without fear of anything bad happening.

"Sage?" Isaac turned his head to look up at the brunette girl.

"Hm?" She turned her heard slowly, her attention now fully on him.

"Your hand is in the cheese dip."

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