46. alpha pack

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A/N Hey all! I am gonna be honest I completely forgot about this fanfic. I didn't mean to I just got really overwhelmed with work that I completely forgot. As I was coming back to update, my great grandpa died. However, I am back, hopefully, and I will try and get some new chapters out to keep you guys entertained. Thank you guys for being patient with me as I am a soon to be college student starting next week and working while trying to manage my mental health and this fanfic. I will try my best to make this work.

The boys released their grips on Isaac as he floated to the top, his heart slowing to just the right pace, allowing his subconscious memories to reach the surface. Deaton looked at Sage, nodding for her to be able to continue.

"Can you hear me Isaac?" She kept her voice calm and steady, waiting for an answer.

"Yes." Isaac eyes remained closed, and it was clear he was in just the right condition.

"Okay, we're going to start with when you woke up on the ground, can you do that for me?" Sage kept her hand on Isaac's watching as he nodded, "So you opened your eyes, what do you see?"

"It's dark, everything is open." Isaac's eyes were closed, but squinted as if he's trying to recall a memory, which he was.

"Good good. Now can you tell me where you are?" Sage kept her eyes on him, trying to keep her voice from trembling.

"I'm in a room all alone," He paused for a second, "The doors open and I hear voices. I don't recognize them but there's a few of them."

"You're doing great, can you hear what they're saying?" Sage looked up at Deaton who nodded at her to assure her she's on the right track.

"They're talking about a plan," He pauses again, recalling the words, "it's almost time" he stops and Sage can tell he was getting anxious again.

"Hey hey it's okay, I'm right here, you're safe and you're okay." Sage's voice seemed to soothe him again, so she continued. "You said they're in a different room planning something, where's Boyd?"

"I'm looking around, I can't see him, there's a body. The room, it's a vault, a bank vault and there's a body, I can't see who it is. If I can just.." His voice sounded like he was struggling, like he was trying to lift himself up, but he was still. "If I can get around this corner."

"Okay, take your time Isaac, you're safe and I'm not going anywhere." She squeezed his hand gently.

"The body, it's Erica." Isaac's voice cut out and he started panicking.

"Pull him up!" Sage started worrying looking at Scott.

"We don't know where they are!" Derek yelled back at her but she wasn't budging.

"Derek we are killing him! Pull him up now!" Sage reached for Isaac forcing them to lift him up.

He jumped to the surface gasping for air, trying to calm himself down as Sage helped him out of the tub, gesturing for Scott to hand her the blanket. She wrapped the blanket around him, keeping her arms tightened around him.

"What happened?" Isaac's voice was shaky as he shivered, trying to warm himself.

"You saw a body." Stiles started, a blank look on his face, "You saw Erica's body."

The room fell silent and Sage looked back and forth between everyone, not moving from her spot. No one spoke for a moment, everyone was unsure of what to say. It was no secret that Erica wasn't a good person, but she was dead and no one knew how to process it just yet.

"She's dead?" Isaac's voice was filled with guilt.

"It wasn't your fault," Sage looked at him and her heart broke. Even though she was a terrible person, she knew that Isaac felt responsible.

"She could've still been alive if Boyd and I hadn't gotten caught." Isaac dropped his head in his hands.

"You can't control what other people do Isaac, you couldn't control what happened, I promise you it isn't your fault." Sage pressed her forehead to his shoulder as she rubbed his back trying to calm him.

"There was nothing any of us could've done Isaac." Scott nodded, agreeing with Sage, leaning against the counter.

"Scott's right. You didn't kill her. They killed her." Derek's voice was firm, yet still comforting. He genuinely cared for the teenagers of the pack, and this stung more than he cared to admit.

"What are we gonna do? We could barely compete with Peter, and don't get me started on how long it took us to take down Ma-" Stiles was silenced as a water bottle collided with his chest.

"Stiles don't make me say it." Sage's voice had lost all softness as she looked her best friend in the eye.

"Right, not helping. Got it. What are we gonna do? Derek? Scott?" Stiles nodded, a bit too frightened to try and argue. Sage was usually scary, but he could sense that this wasn't the time to make her mad.

"We'll get through this like everything else, together." Scott looked around and gave everyone a defeated smile.

Sage always admired his ability to see the bright side, even when there wasn't one. It was a gift she used to tease him for, but now, she was so glad that he never listened to her and kept that inner sunshine. She wasn't always the nicest to them, but Scott and Stiles were her best friends and their personalities always kept her grounded.

"You said you saw them in a vault?" Deaton poked into the conversation after the group fell silent.

"I don't remember anything." He looked over to Sage for confirmation.

"He did. He said it was a bank vault. Why where does your mind go with this?" Sage squeezed Isaac's hand in support, and he smiled at her in return.

"I was just thinking. There's an abandoned bank just on the edge of Beacon Hills. No one has been in it in years." Deaton walked over to his computer and started typing before turning the computer to face the group.

"There's no way-" Scott's voice cut off as they all leaned forward, shock written across their faces.

"This is why when Stiles says something is supernatural everyone should listen because Stiles is usually-" Stiles winced as Sage threw a pen at the back of his head.

"Stiles is usually on my fucking nerves." Sage rolled her eyes and looked over to Isaac, who looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"I'm guessing you guys have all seen this before?" Deaton raised an eyebrow at the young group.

"You could say that." Scott muttered to himself, partially because he was afraid to piss off Sage and partially because he didn't want to explain.

"Oh?" Deaton's voice lingered, hinted with concern.

"That's the bruise that was left on Lydia and Seraphina's wrist. There was a girl that grabbed the both of them left a mark. How much do you wanna bet that it isn't a coincidence that the bank had the exact same logo?" Isaac spoke, all emotion void from his voice.

"I was raised not to believe in coincidences." Sage said out loud, a sarcastic laugh leaving her mouth. 

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