8. how's isaac?

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A/N I am actually leaving tomorrow so I decided to throw you guys this one so no one was too angry with me!

Isaac was in and out of consciousness the entire drive to the Hale House. Seraphina and Derek got there and found Sage and the boys hovering over Isaac's limp body. They all rushed and carried him to the Jeep, and for the first time since Stiles got the Jeep, Sage got in the back seat.

"Derek what do we do!?" Stiles screamed as they carried Isaac into the house.

"Stiles breathe, he's gonna be okay but we all need to be as calm as possible for what's to come," Seraphina said reaching out and touching Stiles' shoulder.

If it wasn't for the situation they were in, Sage would've found that action heartwarming. Looking down at Isaac, all she could do was blame herself. He came in to check on her, he wouldn't have been in that hallway if it wasn't for her. She's the reason he was lying unconscious with a bite to the shoulder, inches away from his throat.


7 hours passed before Isaac was stable enough to be left alone, but Sage refused to leave his side. The boys sent a text to each of their parents saying that they were going on a weekend trip and that they would be home Monday, to which all of the parents responded with acceptance.

Seraphina and Derek both offered to take shifts while Sage got some much-needed sleep, but she declined all of their offers. She kept a bowl of warm water next to her, and used a towel to keep his face and wound free of blood and sweat. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable when he woke up.

"He looks peaceful, given the circumstances." Seraphina was standing in the doorframe looking at the pair.

"It's all my fault, he only came into the building because he saw Stiles and Scott come to get me." Sage looked up but kept her hand next to Isaac's cheek.

"Sage you can't blame yourself for what happened to him. The only one to blame is the alpha. We're going to find him and we're going to stop him." Seraphina had walked over and sat down next to Sage at this point.

"He didn't deserve this, he just wanted to make sure I was okay." Sage looked down at Isaac and smiled, but there was no happiness behind it, just pain.

"Derek says he's gonna be fine. We've done everything we can, all we can do now is wait for him to wake up." She set her hand on Sage's shoulder.

Sage took a deep breath and placed her hand gently on Isaac's cheek. "You hear that? It's all up to you now."


Sage had fallen asleep sitting in the chair, waiting for Isaac to wake. She didn't mean to, but it had been 10 hours since the bite and she was exhausted. She only woke up when she felt someone shaking her gently and calling her name.

"Sage, he's waking up." Derek was waking her up.

"Sage? What's going on what happened?" Isaac was still regaining consciousness and opened his eyes to see the group standing over him.

"Hey, don't move too fast, you got hurt pretty bad." Sage set her hands on both of his sides, making sure not to put any pressure.

"I feel fine, just a really bad headache. Where am I?" Isaac's body relaxed but he was clearly distraught.

"You're at the Hale Residence. What's the last thing you remember?" Seraphina asked, moving in between Stiles and Derek.

"I remember being in the school, looking for Sage. Then I remember being chased, and something jumped at me, and then it goes black." No one wanted to tell him what happened, but they had to.

"Isaac, you were bitten by something called an alpha," Sage said calmly, trying not to worry him.

"I'm sorry I was bitten by a what?"

"An alpha werewolf. And given that you are still alive, you're now his beta. So you can either stick with us and help us take down the alpha, or we kill you." Derek said, and by the look on his face, Isaac could tell he wasn't trying to make a joke.

"A werewolf? You people are crazy. Sage tell me they're joking." Isaac sat up slowly and looked at Sage for answers.

"They're not. I am so sorry, you shouldn't have even been there. It's completely my fault and-"

"None of us had any idea the alpha was going to be there last night. Sage called us cornered and we went in to help her. It wasn't a panic attack, she just didn't want it to get out to the field and hurt everyone." Scott said stopping Sage from shouldering all the blame.

No one spoke for a while. Everyone just sat there looking at each other, with no clue of what to say. After about 5 minutes of silence, Derek got up and walked out of the room and Seraphina followed him out. They argued back and forth for a bit quietly before Derek stormed out.

Sage felt the need to go over and check on Seraphina, who looked a bit upset at how the conversation went. She walked over and placed her hand on Seraphina's shoulder. She didn't know her that well, but Sage had grown to like her in the 2 weeks they had known each other.

"What was that all about? If you don't mind me asking of course." Sage asked, hoping she wasn't overstepping.

"Derek doesn't think that Isaac's on our side. He thinks that because he was with you guys when he was bitten he might blame you guys and go off on his own." She sounded defeated, like her brother not believing in her truly hurt.

"And what do you think?" Sage asked averting her eyes.

"I think that any guy who looks at someone the way he looks at you, won't be leaving anytime soon."

"I don't know what you mean." Sage's face turned a crimson color.

"Sage you like him, and it's obvious that he likes you too!" Seraphina made sure to keep her voice down since the boys were in the next room, but they seemed preoccupied.

"No way, we just met and I'm the reason he's in this mess." Seraphina rolled her eyes but Sage continued. "And you do have someone who looks at you like you created the world!" She teased.

This time it was Seraphina who turned red. "What? No!"

"Stiles likes you, I know my best friend and I know when he likes someone. He's been crushing on you since the moment he saw you. Every time I mention anything regarding you his face lights up like Scott tripped and fell or something." Sage looked over at the boys, who were now laughing and enjoying each other's company.

"You think so?"

"I don't think, I know."


Sage and Seraphina talked for a bit before Derek came back, clearly cooled off. The two took their spots back in the living room and Sage decided to stand back for a moment. She just watched the group. They were all laughing, even Derek smiled.

She didn't know what she did that got them all into this mess. She kept replaying it in her head. If she hadn't agreed to go in the woods with Stiles and Scott, or if she hadn't covered for Scott and he left with them, they'd be safe. Isaac wouldn't be the alpha's newest chew toy.

But then again, as she thought further she wouldn't know Seraphina, and even through Derek's cold exterior, she knew she would grow to care for him. It was one of those glasses half empty or half full situations. No matter how bad it was for them, she could still see all the good that has come from it so far.

As Sage was lost in her thoughts, the laughter stopped. She looked up and Stiles was looking at a text on his phone. He and Scott both stood up and walked over to Sage, who must've had an extremely worried look on her face.

"What happened? Is everyone okay?" Sage asked looking at both of the boys.

"It's Emma. She's back in town."

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