47. missing persons

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A/N Hey my darlings! I have been so busy but I'm hoping to keep popping out these chapters for you lovely people! I am so grateful for 90K reads it is absolutely insane. I am so grateful for every single one of you beautiful human beings. You guys have hyped up this story so much it's insane.

The next day at school went by smoothly. Everyone returned to class as if nothing had happened and Sage had almost forgotten of the mess that was her life. Sadly, it's almost impossible for Sage to catch a break these days. The group went to class as usual, spending their time between classes trying to do anything but discuss the issues at hand. Sadly, by lunch time their plans to ignore it until it went away were unsuccessful.

The trio, now accompanied by Isaac, walked to meet the rest of the group in the outside area where they could eat lunch and avoid their upcoming issues. As they turned the corner to make their way down the final hallway, a familiar face stood talking with their principal and they all knew that something was about to ruin their attempt at a normal day.

"Dad?" Stiles' voice was quiet, but still curious.

"Stiles." He turned to the principal with a blank look, "Is it okay if I talk to the four of them in your office?" This is what made Sage extremely nervous.

The four teens walked into the principal's office and Sage felt Isaac reach for her hand, almost on instinct. She smiled softly at the boy and gave his hand a gentle squeeze and sat across from Noah, leaning against a desk. From the look on his face, whatever this conversation was about, wasn't something good. There was a bead of sweat falling down his face that he tried his best to ignore, but Sage couldn't let it go.

"Sheriff?" She asked, using his professional title, something she never did. "What did you want to talk to us about?"

"Do you kids remember Heather?" Noah looked to the trio, knowing that Isaac had no knowledge of the young girl.

"Yeah. Seraphina, Scott, and I were just at her party. She left halfway through." Stiles' voice was normal, but Scott and Sage could feel that something was up.

"Stiles..." His voice trailed off as he looked at his son, a heartbroken look in his eyes. "She's missing. Her family hasn't seen her since the party."

"What do you mean missing?" There was a hitch in Stiles' voice, causing Sage and Scott to reach over to comfort him.

Heather Ashford was one of Stiles' friends long before Scott and Sage. The other two were quite fond of the girl, only really spending time with her at Stiles' request. She was a sweet girl who became friends with Stiles because their mothers were best friends. After Stiles' mother passed, the two remained in contact, but because she went to a different school, Stiles didn't get to spend much time with her.

Noah looked at his son, pain written across his face, no idea what to say to the sight of his son's anguish. "Do you guys need anything?" He was at a loss for words.

"No no it's okay. You have to get back to work." Stiles shakes his head, leaning forward, slipping from his best friend's grip, rushing his father out of the door.

"Stiles." Noah stopped, reaching over to touch his shoulder. "If you need to go home, we can. Evangeline's there and we can have a Stilinski game night?" There was an obvious hope in his voice.

"Dad. I'm okay. I'll see you both when I get home." Stiles closed the door and slid down the door. "I'm okay." Stiles whispered, but it sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself.

"Stiles..." Sage looked down at the frail form that is usually so full of life.

"Sage I'm okay. Everything is okay. She's probably just out partying for her-"

"Stiles.." Sage repeated, trying to keep her voice calm, knowing that he needed support not authority right now.

"I mean why wouldn't she be fine? It's not like anything bad could ever happen to a person so good! She's one of the sweetest people I know! You guys know her!" He turned his attention to Sage and Scott, and that's when they noticed the tears.

Without saying anything Sage walked over, kneeled down and wrapped her arms around him gently. In the moments that followed, Scott and Isaac joined her and the four friends sat in silence, only the sounds of Stiles' quiet crying. No one moved from that spot. They knew that the rest of the group would be looking for them right now, but at this exact moment Stiles needed them.


"Where were you guys earlier? We were waiting for you?" Seraphina snaked her arm around Sage's, interlocking them, something that had become a habit between the two.

Sage looked over at the girl and then over at Scott, who had his arm wrapped around Stiles trying to make him laugh, to no success. She turned back to Seraphina, a solemn look across her face, and immediately the brunette nodded to the other. They would talk about it later, now was time to try and think about the positive.

"So how are you and Isaac?" Seraphina smiled, trying to change the topic to something upbeat.

Sage couldn't hide her face breaking out into a red blush, "Really good I think. I don't know I like where we're at right now." she couldn't help but smile whenever she thought about him.

She was telling the truth. Things had been good. Over the summer, the two spent all of their free time hanging out. They learned that they had a lot more in common than impending doom, and Sage could feel herself falling head over heels for him. She didn't know it yet, but Isaac was falling just as fast. They fell together like the two final pieces of a beautiful puzzle.

Just as Sage shook herself from her daydream, the lacrosse player in question walked out of the classroom, spotting the group before making his way to them. He gave a playful look of jealousy to Seraphina before linking his arm with Sage's other side. He looked over at Scott and Stiles and gave Stiles an empathetic smile, and to his surprise, Stiles returned it.

"Speak of the devil." Seraphina laughed as the group continued to walk, heading towards the library to wait for Lydia.

"Actually I see myself as more of an angel." Isaac rolled his eyes, trying to hide his laughter.

"The devil was an angel Isaac." Stiles' voice was quiet, but it made the rest of the group smile.

"There he is." Scott said pulling Stiles into a side embrace, which quickly turned into a poor excuse for wrestling.

Sage always admired the way the boys' friendship manifested when she wasn't around. The trio had always been friends, but their friendships as duos was just as complex. Where Sage and Stiles had a brother sister relationship of insults and sarcasm, Scott and Sage had a brother sister relationship of advice and protective nature. Stiles and Scott were a mix of the two and it was something Sage couldn't help but take comfort in.

As the two stopped wrestling and the group began walking again, there was a chill down Sage's spine. She squeezed Isaac's hand, causing him to shoot his head up and scan the hallways. Suddenly there was a hitch in Isaac's breath as he stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't say anything, he just stood.

"Isaac. What's wrong?" Seraphina looked over, scanning the halls to spot what he saw.

"It's them." His voice was rigid, his eyes blank.

"It's who?" Sage looked around, confusion written across her face.


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