14. long live the king

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A/N Nothing really big just wanna thank you guys again for how much love you've been giving this story! After this chapter, there's gonna be happy for a little.

At around 12:30 Peter, Boyd, and Erica approached the Hale House. Sage and Isaac remained crouched behind the well on the side of the house, Scott and Stiles hidden in a ditch on the opposite side of the property, and Seraphina and Derek hid with Kate in the house, as if they weren't expecting him.

"Come on you two! I give you an ultimatum and you bring her to the place she killed your family? Wow, you two are soft." Peter was clearly taunting them. Seraphina grabbed Derek's arm attempting to keep him calm. The plan couldn't fail.

"Maybe we should kill all three of them?" Erica spoke out clearly trying to gain Peter's favor.

"Maybe you should keep your mouth shut." Peter retorted. He wasn't looking for opinions, he was looking for people to make him stronger.

"Why don't you come out and we can kill her together? Right the wrong she made 6 years ago." Peter smiled mercilessly. "Oh, and tell your teenage bodyguards they can come out of hiding, I can hear their hearts beating.

The four teens came out from their hiding spots as Seraphina and Derek walked out with Kate behind them. Peter gestured for Boyd and Erica to grab Kate, but when he looked at Isaac, Boyd hesitated. Something in between the look he shared with Isaac caused him to grab Kate anyway.

"Now are we going to join me and kill her, or am I going to have to kill her and then all of you because I'm a man of my word." Peter drew out his hands amongst the group, his arrogance clear.

After a moment of silence, he spoke again, "Oh suddenly no one has anything to say? I guess when your plans get ruined, you lose all that spice." He walked over and grabbed Sage's face, which caused Isaac to lunge at him. He jumped back before Isaac could reach him and laughed a little.

"Clearly this one holds a torch for you." He forcefully pushed her away and she spit at his feet. He laughed again and signaled for Kate to be brought to him.

What happened next was something no one could've expected. Peter grabbed Kate by the throat and looked at Derek as he ripped his claws across her neck. Blood splattered across Sage's face and they watched as Kate's body hit the ground. In that moment, with everyone frozen Derek took his chance.

He jumped through the space between Erica and Boyd and tackled Peter, slashing against his throat. It was about 5 minutes before Scott and Isaac pulled him off. The group looked down at Peter's lifeless body and felt an overwhelming sense of peace.

"Long live the king," Derek said with a bitter sense of sarcasm. He slashed against his throat once more. "Or not."


The call to Lydia was the worst call of Sage's life. The only thing that made her feel even the slightest bit better was that after Peter broke into their house, Chris told Allison about everything, so she was more understanding about the loss, but it still would haunt her for years to come.

Stiles called his father and they pinned the murders on Kate and Peter, which wasn't entirely a lie. Everyone there that night, except for Erica who disappeared after Peter was killed, told Noah that they witness the two attack each other, and surprisingly he bought it.

Sage was too shocked to wipe off the blood, and it remained on her face for hours. After Noah left everyone sat in the living room in silence. No one knew what to say, everyone's mind was racing. The air was filled with so many emotions.

"Sage you should wipe the blood off your face," Stiles said looking over at Sage and seeing her trembling. She didn't say anything.

"Here come on I'll take you downstairs." Isaac guided her to the cellar to wash her face.

Sage kept replaying the scene in her head. Kate burned a house down and murdered almost a dozen people, but all she could see was her body hitting the ground. She was snapped back to reality at the cold towel touching her face.

Isaac was as gentle as he had ever been, being careful not to hurt her. His heart ached at the emptiness behind her eyes, the ones that usually held such light and happiness. He wanted to do something, anything to make her feel better. She looked like her world had just collapsed, and to her it did.

"I know this is gonna be a dumb question but how are you feeling?" Isaac asked as he dried her face from the blood.

"You're right, that was a dumb question." Sage laughed a little bit, feeling comfort in the fact that Isaac cared enough to ask. "Thank you." She whispered leaning against the wall.

"For what?"

"For not letting me walk down here alone." Sage felt a tear slide down her cheek.

For the next 10 minutes, Isaac held her while she cried. She was so overwhelmed she didn't realize how much everything had affected her. Since the day Scott was bitten Sage had been overextending herself. She was trying to be the perfect student, the perfect best friend, and trying to stop a psycho werewolf at the same time. She finally fell, but lucky for her Isaac was there to catch her.

The two sat there on the bathroom floor, Isaac's arms wrapped around her and Sage's head against his chest. Neither of them had any knowledge that Seraphina had been standing a few feet away, watching the entire thing. Deep down she knew that this was the moment that would change everything for them.


"So now what?" Scott said as Sage and Isaac sat back down.

"You go one about your lives. The winter formal is in a few weeks, you guys go to that. You be teens." Derek smiled solemnly.

"And what about Peter. He was our alpha and he's dead now." Boyd asked, trying to avoid contact with everyone, the guilt still clearly in his eyes.

"Well, you can choose to be a part of this pack, it's your right and you will all be safe. Or you can choose otherwise, and Seraphina and I will still look out for you. You'll be a target to other wolves as omegas, but regardless you will be protected." Derek spoke in a low tone, trying not to sound too demanding.

Boyd and Isaac both agreed to join the pack, but Scott hesitated. He asked for a bit of time, which Derek agreed to immediately. It was about 4 am when everyone drove home. As Triple S was about to leave Seraphina pulled Sage into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay. We're all here." She whispered into the other girl's ear.

"Thank you. I really needed that." Sage let go of Seraphina and turned to leave with Scott and Stiles.

The three rode home without a word. None of them knew what to say to the other two. As they were pulling up to the Mccall residence, Stiles stopped the car and Scott leaned forward, laying his head against Sage's shoulder. Stiles placed his arm on Scott's shoulder and the three sat there in that position.

No words needed to be shared between the best friends. Ever since they were kids, the three have been able to communicate without words. What they had been through in the last few weeks is something none of them had ever expected. They needed to just be with each other.

"How did things get so screwed up?" Scott sighed and looked up at his best friends.

"I'll take the blame on this one. I shouldn't have dragged you guys into the woods that night. I just wanted to find that stupid body." Stiles tapped his fingers against the steering wheel as if he was reprimanding himself.

"Hey, Scott and I chose to come with you. It was my idea to leave Scott there. We are all to blame for the chaos we've created." Sage reached over and pulled Scott and Stiles into a hug.

The three sat in that hug for about 15 minutes, not noticing Melissa pull into the driveway. She watched the three with no idea what they had just endured. She had no idea that her son and his best friends had just witnessed two murders, that they had been roped into a world they never could have imagined.

Scott had a decision to make, and he had no idea what to do. Stiles and Sage just wanted Scott to be happy, they didn't care what he wanted. For now, all they could do is listen to Derek. Surprisingly, they had bigger things to worry about than the supernatural. The winter formal was coming up. 

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