13. meet the pack

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A/N Holy hell guys we're almost at 20k reads! I never expected everyone to love this story as much as they do. I love you all so much and I am so grateful for your love and support on these chapters.

"I said leave," Peter repeated himself, clearly annoyed they didn't budge.

"If you think for one second I'm walking out of here after you put my best friend in danger, and bit another one of my best friends to deal with your PTSD, you're dumber than they described." Sage was seeing red at this moment, she wasn't afraid of him.

"Aw did I scare your friend? Cute you care." Scott and Isaac both growled in response, stepping forward as if to protect her.

"Oh please boys, I'm not scared of bones for brains here. He came in here knowing there were four wolves in this room, all heavily ready to take him down. Which means he's not here to hurt anyone. Go on Oogey Boogey, speak." Peter growled for a moment before gaining his composure.

Sage didn't know what caused her to antagonize him like this. It could've been a number of things. He bit Scott, he risked Lydia's life to go after Kate, he bit Isaac. He terrorized her in the school. She must've been right about his agenda not involving hurting anyone because his scowl slowly became a smile.

"Well as reckless as that was, you're right. I'm not here to kill any of you. I want your help to kill Kate. Derek, Seraphina, and you two, I want you in my pack."

"Not a cold day in hell would any of us ever join you." Isaac's eyes had gone from their usual blue that Sage found herself gazing into, to their wolf form, a golden yellow.

"We're not going to kill anyone." Scott moved himself in front of both Stiles and Sage, while Isaac kept his stance in front of Sage.

Peter looked between each person and looked at each wolf, leaving his gaze lingering. This wasn't exactly how he planned this going, he's an alpha, they should be begging to be a part of his pack. Still, Peter was known for always having a plan b.

"Well then. I think it's time you meet the pack." He made a whistling sound with his fingers and two people walked in. At the exact time, Sage and Isaac spoke.



Isaac's best friend was standing behind Peter with a guilty look in his eyes. He refused to look Isaac in the eye. Sage reached for his arm in comfort and shot daggers at the blonde girl standing with them. Erica Reyes and Sage never got along, and this didn't help.

"Oh, so you know my new betas?"

"If you hurt him I swear to god-" Isaac's growl only got louder.

''How lovely. However, I offered these two the bite, and they accepted. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, you all have until tomorrow to join me." Peter spoke with nothing but snark seething from his lips.

"And if we don't?" Derek asked as he walked to the front of the group.

"Simple. I'll kill Kate, and then I'll kill all of you."


"What the hell are we gonna do?!" Stiles had been pacing around since Peter was out of earshot.

"Stiles sit down and breathe." Seraphina had been trying to calm him down for the same amount of time.

Sage hadn't stopped shaking since she sat down and she was leaning on Scott as support. Derek was standing there absolutely still trying to come up with a plan. Isaac sat next to Sage with his head in his hands thinking about his best friend.

"Erica Reyes. Erica fucking Reyes! Of all people he could've turned-" Stiles was going on a rampage as Isaac stood up and put a hole through the already damaged wall before walking downstairs.

Stiles stood dumbfounded and Sage got up and touched his shoulder. She mumbled that she would go talk to him and guided Stiles to the couch so he would stop pacing. Scott placed a hand on his shoulder and Sage went to go talk to Isaac.


"In here." Isaac's voice rang from the den. She followed it to see Isaac sitting on a couch.

"Let me get some ice for that." Sage walked into the kitchen and came back out handing him a bag of ice.

"I didn't mean to scare you all. It's just-"

"That was Boyd, the infamous best friend. If I would've seen Stiles, Scott, or Lydia standing there I would've tried to tear his head off. No one blames you for being angry." She sat down next to him and placed a hand on his arm.

"He's not just my best friend, he's like family. I know life has been hard for the both of us, but I never thought he would do something like this." Isaac looked at Sage and she could see the guilt in his eyes. It was the same guilt she had when he was bitten in the school.

"Peter offered him a chance to be powerful. Hell if he offered me a chance to be powerful I probably would've accepted it."

"You're already pretty powerful. I mean 'Ooogey Boogey?' That was a pretty bold move." This caused Sage to laugh, and when she laughed the room froze and Isaac just stared.

"I panicked okay? I didn't want that prick to think he scared me. Sass is my best defense against wolves I guess." It was Isaac's turn to laugh, which in turn caused Sage to laugh.

"He definitely deserved it."

The room fell silent as the two looked at each other. Sage began to admire Isaac's eyes, the deep-set blue that was almost a grey. Isaac tried his hardest to avoid it, but his eyes kept falling slowly to her lips. The tension in the room was almost suffocating.

"Hey, Derek has an idea." Stiles walked into the room, completely oblivious to what was possibly happening. "Was I interrupting something?"

"No." Isaac and Sage said in unison as their faces began to boil.


"Sage I know you don't want Lydia to be a part of this, but I need you to have her call Allison. We need Kate to come here, tomorrow." Derek knew this plan was a long shot but it was all they had.

"As long as she won't be here and I can promise her that Allison doesn't need to be here. I'll do it." Sage walked out of the room to call Lydia. She picked up almost immediately.

"You hadn't texted me I thought you were dead!" Lydia sounded worried, which was a valid response after finding out your best friend is trying to take down an alpha werewolf.

"I'm sorry, a lot has been going on here. Which brings me to why I called. I need you to convince Allison to get Kate here. Allison doesn't need to be here. I'll explain later but please Lydia we need this." Sage crossed her fingers praying Lydia wouldn't ask too many questions.

"She'll be there. And Sage?"

"Yeah Lyds?"

"I need you to promise me you'll be safe." Sage smiled at her best friend's request.

"I've got four pissed-off wolves here, I'm gonna be just fine." She hung up the phone and walked back into the room with the group. "She's in. What's next?"

"We're gonna take Peter down. We won't hurt his betas, you seem to know them." Seraphina looked between Isaac and Sage.

"Boyd yes. Erica? If we need to I'll take her down myself." Sage set her phone on the table. "Let's skin us a wolf shall we?"


They set up everything needed for the plan and waited for Kate to arrive. She was reluctant but she valued her life more than her pride. Derek and Seraphina weren't the happiest to see her, none of them were, but they weren't Peter and they weren't gonna hurt her.

The clock struck midnight and they got into position. This plan had to work or else everyone they knew would be killed. Peter Hale could not win. There was too much at stake for him to beat them after this. They worked too hard to stop him. 

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