34. kidnap the kanima

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A/N Hey all! I don't really have much to say except that I'm ready to give you all the fluff and calmness that I am not keen to giving. I have caved and you guys deserve some happy. You guys are so amazing for staying on this long with me.

Isaac and Sage walked into the living room, their fingers intertwined, sharing a matching smile. She nodded to Stiles and Scott who mumbled gentle apologies at Isaac and the newly official couple took their seats. Isaac wrapped his arms gently around her waist.

"Are you gonna yell at us?" Stiles looked over at Sage, as if preparing himself for the worst.

"No I am not going to yell at you," She smiled and leaned into Isaac's touch, "But if the three of you ever start World War Wolves again," She paused and gave them all a death glare, "I'll do worse than yell."

The boys nodded and the group began planning their attack on Jackson. Plans were tossed in and out of the conversation. No matter what plan they came up with, they knew that it was possible to fail. They had to figure out a plan, they needed to know more.

"The kanima seeks a friend.." Sage whispered to herself.

"What?" Isaac asked as he looked down at her.

"The kanima seeks a friend. That's what Ms. Morrell said the passage translated to. But it's never sounded right to me. Why would something searching for a friend present as a lizard." When she got more confused looks, she continued. "Derek, remember you guys told us what your mother used to tell you?"

"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are." Seraphina quoted and Sage nodded.

"Exactly! And when you think of snake, a lizard, do you think of friendly?" Sage asked, but the pack knew the question was rhetorical. "The passage doesn't make sense! The Latin doesn't match the creature."

"Did you say Latin?" Lydia asked. Sage nodded. "I know Latin. Do you remember the passage?" The redhead figured it was a long shot, but she wanted to try.

"Sicut lupus, eius potentia est maior in luna apicem. Sicut lupus, in Kanima est socialis creatura, sed ubi lupus quaerit a pack Kanima quaerit a domino." Sage responded, her face heating up as everyone turned to stare at her. "I kept rereading it to make sure, but I still don't know what it means."

"Well Ms. Morrell lied. The kanima doesn't seek a friend. It seeks a master." Lydia looked at Sage, a wave of fear rushing over her. "Why would she lie?"

"We will worry about that another time." Derek spoke from the other side of the room.

"If it's not a friend Jackson's looking for, who's pulling his strings." Evangeline look around the room at everyone, searching their faces for answers.

"How are we supposed to figure that out with nothing to go off?" Stiles pointed out their lack of any viable leads.

"We do have something though. The victims of the kanima." Sage stood up and walked to grab the files from the tables. "Here's the list. We find where they connect, we find the master. Now let's get to work."


"I think I found it!" Evangeline screamed from the corner she had disappeared off to.

The group had been working to find the answer for going on 3 hours. There were small victories, but overall for the last 3 hours had been uneventful. The pack's heads turned to face Evangeline who was now standing holding a bunch of pieces of paper.

"The Beacon Hills High School 2006 Swim Team! You dad was a coach then right Isaac?" Evangeline looked over at Isaac, who was very obviously staring at Sage.

"Yeah, that was his second year. All the victims were on the team?" Isaac questioned and looked up at Evangeline, who nodded.

"Is there anything you remember that happened that year?" Sage looked up from her file, turning her head to face Isaac.

"I don't really remember. My brother was still alive and he was on the team. I was always playing with this one kid, we traded comic books a lot. I can't remember his name." Isaac shrugged it off.

Sage's face immediately went pale. "Matt? Was his name Matt Daehler?"

"Yeah I think so. Do you know him?" Isaac still hadn't connected all of the dots, and had his usual gentle smile on his face.

"Matt stalked Sage last year. I found a bunch of weird pictures on his camera." Stiles was curled up on the couch across from Seraphina looking down at Isaac and Sage.

"He did what?" Isaac's voice hardened.

"You just had to say something didn't you Stilinski." Sage glared at her best friend who smiled innocently. "It wasn't a big deal. He took a couple pictures that I didn't know he took. I yelled at him and he stopped. He was at the party tonight."

"Yeah I saw him standing by the pool before the punch. He seemed really nervous about something." Boyd recounted the events of earlier in the night.

As the words left Boyd's mouth suddenly everything clicked for Isaac. "I know why the kanima is scared of water. And I know why he's killing the people on that team."

"Do share Sir Obi Wan." Stiles joked, but after seeing Sage's face, was reminded of this not being the time, "Right. My apologies. What happened."

Isaac told them the story that he remembered and immediately everything fell into place. The murders, the fear of the water, the way Matt was acting at the party. They knew the master, and now they needed to stop him. More people were going to get hurt if they didn't put an end to this.

"Let's go." Sage stood up tossing the keys to the Jeep at Stiles.

"Where are we going?" Derek asked from his spot on the floor.

"Isn't it obvious? We're going to kidnap the kanima." Sage helped Isaac to his feet and turned to leave out of the front door.

"Why are we kidnapping Jackson?" Seraphina questioned, but stood up to follow Sage anyways.

"Well Matt can't hurt anyone if we have his hitman. We can put a hold on the killings while we figure out how to stop him from hurting anyone else."

"That's actually a really good plan." Scott agreed, getting up and standing with the group.

"Of course it is Scott. I came up with it." Sage walked out of the door without another word.


"Why do we need to stop at my job?" Scott asked from the back seat.

"Because Scott. We need enough tranquilizers to knock out a very tall lacrosse player." Sage looked back at Scott, almost as if the question was self explanatory.

"He's not tall. You're just short." Stiles teased and Sage rolled her eyes as Scott and Isaac agreed.

"I'm ignoring the three of you and your disrespect because we need to go convince your boss that we can be trusted with that much of a very harmful subject." Sage opened the car door and looked at Stiles and Isaac. "You two stay in the car."

Scott followed Sage and the two walked into the clinic that Scott had been working at for going on two years. Alan Deaton was a very sweet man who paid Scott well and Sage found him quite funny. They were just hoping that he would be willing to give them what they needed.

They walked into the door and scanned the waiting room for any sign of the vet. When they couldn't find him they checked the exam room, the storage closet, and the holding area. As they reached his office they saw him sitting at his desk looking at a bunch of papers.

"I was wondering when you would show up." 

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