30. where's the birthday girl?

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A/N Alright I think I have fixed the ever so painful glitch. I am slowly getting back into the grind of writing and uploading. I feel a lot better mentally and I am so grateful for everyone who stuck around. We're almost at 50K reads! This is insane! Okay enough rambling onto the chapter!

"Alright Dad I'm heading to Lydia's to help her set up!" Sage yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Have fun girls!" Her father responded from his at home office.

The girls drove to Lydia's house. Her mom was out for the night, she wanted to give Lydia the house to have her party, even though her birthday wasn't until the next day. It was an annual tradition for Lydia to have a huge party, and as they got older, the party size grew.

After carrying all of the bags in from the car the girls got to work. They had their usual small talk as they set everything up. The party was starting at 8 and the girls wanted everything to be perfect. It was around 6:45 when they finished setting everything up. All they had to do now was wait.

"So.." Sage looked over at Lydia, "I asked Isaac to be my date to your party." She spoke in a whisper hoping that Lydia wouldn't freak out.

"You did what now?" Lydia's eyes nearly popped out of her head.

"I said that I asked-" Sage was met with Lydia placing her finger in front of her lips.

"I heard what you said. I just didn't think you would actually do it." Lydia shrugged nonchalantly.

"What does that even mean?" Sage faked an annoyed look, but she was genuinely curious.

"You are one of the bravest freak shows that I know. You would do just about anything if someone even planted the idea in your head." The redhead looked at her best friend and smiled. "But with Isaac you're different. It's like he makes you nervous, but in a good way."

"He does make me very nervous. And I think it's in a good way." Sage felt her face heating up as she thought of him. "It's just that it feels like we're on different planets. He kissed me, and then he talked about all these feelings-"

"That's a good thing right?" Lydia didn't know where she was going with this.

"I thought it was. But it's like we're stuck on pause since that night. We haven't talked about anything that happened in my backyard. It's been nearly 2 weeks. What if it was a lapse and he changed his mind?" Sage ran her hands through her hair in distress.

"Sage.." Lydia reached out to touch her shoulder, but the brunette had already jumped to her feet.

"I'm gonna go make sure the punch is staying cold." She turned and walked off. Lydia sighed as she felt her heart crack for her best friend. At least one of them deserved to be happy.


9:30 rolled around and the party was in full swing. Stiles and Seraphina showed up first of the pack. Sage made a mental note to tease them about it later. Evangeline and Derek had decided to stay at the Hale House and have a real date, which Sage knew she was going to get the details of later.

Boyd and Scott both came alone, seemingly making it at the same time. By this point, Sage was beginning to get worried that Isaac had changed his mind. She couldn't find Lydia, which was abnormal, and she was starting to want to leave. Before she could think too much into it, the doorbell rang.

"Hey welcome..." Sage froze as she saw who was standing at the door.

"What do you mean he followed you?" Lydia asked over the phone.

"I mean that the car was behind me for a solid 20 minutes before I pulled into the diner and waited it out." Sage groaned and dropped her keys in the bowl. She was supposed to be watching the boys' first lacrosse practice of freshman year but she was too stressed.

"Are you sure you're not just imagining it?" Lydia questioned, but Sage noticed a tinge of worry.

"No Lydia I swear. I've seen him around school taking pictures of us. Stiles said when he asked him about it, he just called them candid shots." She took a deep breath before continuing, "Lydia, Stiles said some of them were me at home, or at the diner."

"What the hell?" The phone was muffled but Sage could hear Lydia moving around. "Who the hell is this guy? I'll kick his ass."

This made Sage laugh a little, calming her down. "Lydia I love you, but Stiles could take you down if he tried hard enough. There's no need to kick anyone's ass. I can handle myself." She opened the fridge and pulled out leftover pizza from the fridge.

"Fine, but at least tell me his name."

"Matt something." Sage thought for a second, "Matt Daehler."

"Matt, hi." Sage shook away her thoughts and tried her best to act normal.

"Sage. You remembered my name." There was a cynical way about him that made her uneasy.

"Of course I did. We're in the same class." Sage gave an awkward laugh which quickly turned to silence.

"So..." He paused and his eyes lingered on her, causing her to shift her stance, "where's the birthday girl?"


"Matt? As in Matt that had pictures of you in your house?" Stiles asked as he and Scott met up with Sage in an empty room of the Martin House.

"The one and fucking only. He was standing at the door and he was being very... Matt-like." Sage sat on the bed, and that's when Scott noticed her hands were shaking. He sat down next to her and grabbed her hand.

"Hey it's okay. Do you want us to go find Isaac?" Scott looked over at her trying his best to comfort her.

Sage gave a harsh dry laugh. "Isaac? That's another thing. I invite him to be my date and I haven't seen him all night!"

"I saw him downstairs on my way up here." Stiles had a look of confusion on his face, which quickly turned into fear as Sage nearly stormed down the steps.

She just wanted to talk to him. She just wanted to tell him how she felt and get everything out on the table. There was no denying that there was a chemistry between them. All she wanted was to know where they stood. But she regretted leaving the bedroom the second she made it downstairs.

Just as she turned the corner to look for Isaac, she found him. She saw a certain blonde pulling him into a kiss. Erica Reyes and Isaac Lahey had just kissed in front of her eyes.  

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