41. i told you so

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A/N I am trying my hardest to pop out chapters and I absolutely adore all of you for being so patient with me. You guys are the reason this story keeps going. Enough of me let's get into what you're all here for.

The morning of the first day of Junior year and Sage had a headache. She didn't know why but she could feel something off about today. By the time she was dressed and downstairs, her dad was already gone and Stiles was outside, in his dad's car since the Jeep was being fixed from the night before.

She hopped in the car and laid her head against the window as they drove to Scott's house. They had the same routine every day since Stiles got the Jeep, yet something felt severely off about today. She brushed it off as still being freaked out from the day before.

"Sage are you ever listening to us?" Stiles asked turning over to look at her. By her surprise they were already in the school parking lot.

"Now all three of us know that I haven't listened to a word you've said since 'Hi my name is Stiles and this is Scott.' It's sad you still ask." She teased, hopping out of the car and walking into the building, ignoring Stiles' whining from behind her.

She walked to her locker, only to be greeted by Lydia, who Sage could tell had something up her sleeve. The two best friends shared a look as Sage opened her locker and Lydia began her yearly rant of the new year.

"You know what I love about being single?" Lydia leaned against the lockers watching people walk by.

"No but I'm sure you plan on telling me." Sage gave her a look and Lydia flicked her.

"The possibilities of new flings that walk through that door." Lydia pointed to the door and as she did a set of twins wearing leather jackets walked in.

The two walked in unison and the one closer to the girls looked over and locked eyes with Lydia. She winked at him causing Sage to fake gag. She loved her best friend she really did, but they didn't even know who those guys were, they could be bad news.

"Come on Sage don't you miss it?" Lydia asked, ignoring her best friend's glare.

"No I do not miss being single. Isaac is a great guy and he means a lot to me. Now while I support your endeavor to find something new to climb like a tree, I will not be joining you." Sage closed her locker and placed her hand gently on the redhead's shoulder.

"Ugh fine." Lydia caved rolling her eyes, "Speaking of Isaac, where is he?"

"I don't know actually. He texted me a few days ago saying Derek had a lead on Peter and Erica so he and Boyd went to go check it out." Sage had to admit, she was a little worried, but the entire summer consisted of Isaac and Boyd chasing leads and they've always come back.

"He has first period with us doesn't he?" Lydia asked as the two started walking to their English class.

"Yeah." The girls turned into the door and were met with Stiles and Scott, who had some how beaten them to the class.

The class broke off into their separate conversations as they waited for the teacher to walk in. Stiles informed the others that Seraphina had Math first period and already hated it. Sage kept turning her head to the sound of the door, but Isaac never walked through the door. Before she could worry any further, every phone in the class rang at once, and a text message appeared on all of their phones:

unknown number: The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky – seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.

"What the hell?" Scott mumbled as he looked down at the phone.

"Supernatural. I told you so." Stiles said and Sage rolled her eyes.

From the outside of the hallway, the class could hear the text being read allowed. The entire class turned their head and a beautiful brunette woman, who Sage assumed was their new English teacher, walked through the door with her phone in hand.

"I'm Ms. Blake. This is the last line of the first book we're going to read this year." She looked around at the confused students and gave a soft smile, "It's also the last text you're going to receive in this class. Phones off."

Everyone obliged and the class began according to plan. About 5 minutes in there was a knock on the door and the principal walked into the room, whispering something to Ms. Blake, and then waiting at the door for her to address the class. The trio gave each other a look, and Lydia didn't seem to notice what was happening.

"Mr. McCall. Ms. Finstock. Would you two please meet me out in the hallway?" Her voice was soft but the two best friends could sense her annoyance.

They both stood up and walked to the door, turning back to Stiles and Lydia, who was now paying attention. Sage held her breath as the door closed and Ms. Blake looked at both of them with a disappointed look written across her face.

"I'm assuming that because both your father and your mother are pulling you out of school that it's for a good reason." She looked between the two of them before continuing. "But I want to remind the two of you about your attendance from the previous semester. Sage you managed to keep your grades intact, but Mr. McCall.." She trailed off.

"Ms. Blake this is a new year and I plan on fixing my grade." Sage could sense by the shaking of his voice that Scott was embarrassed.

She reached over and linked her arm with Scott's before jumping into the conversation, "Don't worry about it Ms. Blake, Scott and I are planning on studying extra hard this year. We have a schedule set. He's gonna show all of us how smart he is." She flashed a smile before looking at Scott. "We should probably go check on that emergency right?"

Scott nodded and the two walked into the classroom to grab their things and borrow the keys to Noah's car. The ran as fast as the could to make it downstairs, neither of them having any idea what they were supposed to be leaving for. All they knew is they were to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

"Thanks for stepping in back there." Scott looked over at Sage as he started the car.

"Scott you're insanely smart. You and Stiles both are. You both just sell yourselves short. Not this year. This year the three of us are gonna kill it. No supernatural to worry about. Just our friends, and our grades." She smiled at him, then realized what she said, "If you ever tell Stiles I think he's smart I'll turn you into one of Cruella's fur coats."

"Noted." Scott cleared his throat and drove off of the school's lot, "What do you think we're going for."

"No idea."

During the summer the trio decided to tell Melissa about the supernatural, opting out of telling Coach in fear of his impending meltdown. At first she was insanely terrified of the idea of living with not one, but two werewolves, but she realized they were all still kids and she came to terms with it quicker than expected.

The two drove in anticipated silence to the hospital, trying their best not to let negative thoughts get the better of them. The duo sprinted into the hospital to see Melissa standing there with a blank look on her face.

"Melissa, what's wrong." Sage asked, grabbing a hold of her arms to steady her.

"It's Isaac." As the words let her mouth Sage's heart dropped. 

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