50. tonight's problem

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A/N Hey ya'llll. I'm not dead. I have just seemingly forgot about this book again. My bad ya'll. Me personally, I wouldn't accept this level of disrespect, but you guys seem to love me so let's get back into this chaos shall we? I have just reread this whole book in order to keep myself connected to this absolute shit show. Let's jump back in.

"Hold still." Evangeline said trying not to let her anger seep through as she cleaned the cuts that filled her boyfriend's entire body.

"So wait, Ms. Blake was in there?" Scott asked, "Is she okay?"

"She's fine. Freaked out definitely but Chris is taking her home so let's just pray she doesn't have the sudden urge to be on a talk show." Derek winced again as the alcohol touched his skin. "This should be healed by now."

"Oh hush! You probably got cut so badly it messed up all your wolf healing." Evangeline mumbled to herself, continuing to clean the wounds, "So this teacher of yours? What was she doing in the school that late?"

"Probably planning our demise." Stiles mumbled from the floor next to Sage, giving her the perfect opportunity to kick him. "Ow!"

"Whatever she was doing there is tomorrow's problem. Tonight's problem is in the basement tied to two poles." The brunette spoke, completely ignoring her best friend and all of his complaining. "What are we going to do about Cora and Boyd?"

"They should be fine for tonight, Isaac and I will stay here with Derek and Seraphina to make sure nothing bad happens." Scott thought that his plan sounded safe, but by the look on Sage's and both Stilinski sibling's faces, he was mistaken.

"What so we're human and we can't take it?" Stiles asked, kind of offended that he was being benched, "You didn't even tell us you left tonight."

"Yeah and you made Isaac lie to me. We're not going anywhere. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If anyone wants to argue, they can do it changed to a bowl with the pair of rabid dogs in the other room." Sage's statement was law, the three of them were staying.


"So I can see you're still pissed at me." Scott looked over at who he hoped was still his best friend, quite timidly.

"Of course I'm pissed at you Scott. Last year when all of this started, we agreed that we were going to do this together. You lying to me and Stiles is not us doing it together. It's your martyr complex taking over." Sage was standing at the kitchen island with a glass of water in her hand.

It was going on 4 in the morning at this point, but Sage couldn't sleep. The two of them and Derek were the only ones still awake, letting the others get some much needed rest. The sun would be coming up soon which meant that hopefully Boyd and Cora would be back to normal and they could find out how to stop the alpha pack.

"I know that I shouldn't have lied, and I know that. I know that we're supposed to be doing this together but-" Nothing that Scott was saying was worth listening to to Sage.

"But what? Stiles and I are humans so we can't handle it? We have to be sheltered like little glass sculptures? That's not how this works Scott. You didn't get to choose what happened to you, and for that I am utterly sorry, but Stiles and I did get to choose if we stuck by you or not, and we chose to stay with our best friend and help him. Whether or not you thought we could help tonight you should've told us." Sage felt her anger subsiding, she needed to get all of this out.

"I'm sorry Sage. I was already extremely protective of you guys but now, I can do things that none of us could ever dream of and I just don't want the two of you getting hurt because of my mess." Scott reached over and touched her arm gently, "But I should've at least told you the truth. And I'm sorry I had Isaac lie to you."

"You better be." Sage scrunched her eyebrows together to look scary before laughing slightly, "Come here wolf boy." She pulled Scott into a hug, glad to have her best friend back.


"Derek?" A voice croaked out, but Sage couldn't tell if it was from exhaustion or pain.

"Cora? You're awake!" Seraphina shook Derek's arm, waking him up before walking over to Cora.

"Seraphina? What's going on? Where am I?" Cora looked around the room and began to struggle under the chains, "Why am I chained up?"

"Give it a second Cora, it'll all come back to you." Derek spoke as Boyd started coming to his senses as well.

The group took the pair out of their chains, bringing them to the kitchen where Sage and Isaac had made them a bunch of food, since they weren't sure if the alphas fed them or not. They watched as both Boyd and Cora devoured the food in front of them, Sage smacking Stiles every time he opened his mouth to make a joke.

"I know you don't really know the rest of us Cora, and I am in no way expecting you to trust us but, we need your help. You and Boyd must've seen something." Evangeline's voice was soft, she didn't want to upset either of them, they were just getting back to human life.

"For the most part they left us in the vault, we only saw them here and there, they wanted to keep us isolated. The only thing I remember is them killing that blonde girl." Cora shrugged, just like her older brother she seemed completely void of emotions.

"Did they say anything? When they were there?" Seraphina asked, standing behind Cora playing with her hair, a subconscious act she used to do when they were kids.

"Nothing really, just mumblings about the full moon, and the alpha they came here to collect. I thought they meant Laura at first, but she's dead isn't she?" Cora's eyes finally showed a hint of emotion, sadness.

"She is. Peter killed her. That's a whole other story for another day," Derek looked over at Boyd, "Boyd, do you remember anything? Cora hasn't been in Beacon Hills for a long time, so maybe you saw something or someone."

"I saw Ms. Morrell. She wasn't there for very long, but she was there." Boyd looked up from his mail looking around the room.

"You saw our guidance counselor? What the hell was she doing there?" Stiles threw his hands up, his flair for the dramatics ever so present.

"Is he always like this?" The middle Hale sibling asked, looking to Seraphina and Derek for confirmation.

"I wish we could say he wasn't." Derek rolled his eyes a little.

"Guys." Sage's eyes widened as she put two and two together. "Do you remember when we tried to figure out about the kanima? Who gave us the wrong translation?"

"Ms. Morrell." Scott answered.

"She wouldn't have done that if she didn't have something to gain from it, and now we know this was it. She's working for or with the alpha pack."

A/N ya'll this chapter wasn't as good as I wanted it to be but it's midnight right now and I just wanted to get it out, hopefully more updates will be coming soon because I am extremely motivated as of tonight. 

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