Authors Note!

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Hello my beautiful readers!

Do not read this if you don't want to.

I'm sorry to inform you but the main pronouns will be female, I'm just more comfortable with that! I have friends from all walks of life and I have no intentions of insulting anyone!
However if someone requests otherwise for a fic I will gladly change pronouns and everything for it!

I do do the ladies x reader (And Jay if asked), because they are amazing and need more love. It is less common than the guys but I can and do do it.

One thing to know is my updates are very inconsistent.

When and if you make a request please give a clear idea on what you want. If you don't like what I did I can re-write it if you would like, (Only for requests and by the requester)

'What I'll do' (Here)
~Character x Reader (That's what this is about)
~Character x Character (Only if I'm in the mood)
~Love triangle
~AU (I do a lot of AU)

'Won't do'
~Sorry for those of you who want it, lemons. (I don't really feel comfortable, sorry. Maybe a later in my career.)
~Anything I see as racist, homophobic, or over the top sexism (A little bit of teasing sexism that is proven wrong by the MC just screams girl power to me.)

Just to do a personal ranking because I've seen others do this. (I'll try not to biased towards my favourites haha)

1. Eugene: Personally, I think he's really cute. I love how he cares so much but pretends not to and I think that's really sweet. Him always being hungry is really funny and enjoyable for me, and I can actually relate to that. He's playful when he isn't being pessimistic, and me being an optimist I feel like I could balance him out.

2. Harry: Okay, to me Harry radiates sweet older brother vibes, I can see why people like his so much too. He's really sweet and kind. He deserves the world and someone to love him, (Harry simps, please take care of him) He's really positive an I can relate to his traits a lot. He's like that older brother I always wanted lol.

3. Zion: He acts like the guys I'm close friends with in class lol. He can be really cold and serious, but be an absolute dumby the next. Him being perverted is funny to me, because I normally find it annoying, but with him I find it actually enjoyable...? I'd get into lots of fights with him I'd think lol.

4. Ethan: (Don't come for me Ethan simps) I find him a little basic..? Like the athlete boy cliché. Quiet, and observant, plays sports (I find baseball and basketball are most common), tall, protective. However I can very much understand why girls like him, he's tall, strong, reliable, and plays a sport. Many girls like that in a guy!

5. Lawrence: (Please don't come for me) He would honestly be higher if he didn't, like, kill everyone. I honestly think he is really interesting and and I love his glasses. I have nothing else to say haha.

Side characters~

1. Judy: Reminds me of a really close amazing friend I have! I do have a theory about why she died though, Lawrence killed people who didn't like y/n, right? Well Judy was really close to you, and could have helped Lawrence get to you. And, he also tried to kill the people who had an interest in her, right? So, therefore Judy liked y/n and she had to go because Lawrence was worried that y/n could've liked her back. Just a personal headcannon though.

2. Sue: I thought she was amazing and smart, and frankly rather pretty. I liked how she figured it out and trusted y/n with that important information. Again another headcannon, Sue and Lawrence knew each other and hated each other because they were like, both really smart.

3. Hailey: She was so pretty! I liked how she was shy, she reminds me of another friend I have. You can't change my mind, she had a younger sister who she loved dearly.

4. Scarlett: I understand why she was so distrustful, I new person just shows up randomly and bad things start happening shortly after, yeah, you are going to be really distrustful of this new guy. Another headcannon, Scarlett is Eugene's older cousin and they hate each other.

5. Jay: Hated y/n and sided with Scarlett for the simple reason he liked her. Nothing else to say.

Quickly about me: I'm scorpio, 5'4, age range 14ish-16ish, Kind, likes DF, does Kung Fu, straight (only straight one in my group of friends lol) Artist!

Anyways, I've seen people talking about the MC needs to be more 'badass' and that's where I come in! Please enjoy!

Also please check out the game I got inspiration from! Dangerous Fellows on the app store. Game created by Lucydream.

First victim will be Lawrence just because he has my lowest rating and I feel bad.

Dangerous fellows x readerWhere stories live. Discover now