Birthday Surprise - Harry AU

247 14 13

Birthday fluff for our birthday boy

Words: 1595

The buttercream you carefully crafted spread smoothly over the sponge cake that took you many hours and many failed attempts to make. So many failed attempts that lopsided, burnt, and pretty much melted cakes sat in a pile on your counter.

The only thing that came out correct on the first try was the buttercream. Which was good because you were pretty much out of sugar, butter, and milk from attempting all the cakes.

You debated over many colours to tint the cream, taking a little bit of it, putting it in a different small bowl, dying it, then taking a bit and seeing how it looked against the light brown colour of the cake.

In the end you ended up going with the regular yellowy colour without dye. And now various bowls littered your kitchen with all sorts of colour combos within. That and almost empty food dye packs.

With a flick of the spatula in your hand you finished the first layer, reaching over to grab a handful of fresh strawberries that you sliced into almost heart-shapes earlier while you waited for the cake to bake.

By the time you finished laying the strawberries down on the cake you hands were covered in the pale pink juice. You began licking it away as you made your way to the sink to wash off the rest so you could put the next layer of the cake itself down and frost it as well.

Quickly you washed your hands and walked back over, trying not to trip over the bag of flower you left on the floor and didn't put away yet.

You frosted the second layer, grabbing the candles from on top of the box of strawberries that you left out incase you needed more later.

Annoyingly, your hands shook as you tried to place each candle equally apart so the heart you were trying to make was perfectly symmetrical.

A sigh of relief left your lips when the last one was placed down. Leaving all of them close enough to symmetrical that you wouldn't notice unless you looked too hard.

"Hey, y/n, that cake done? Can we get going?" Zions voice from the kitchen doorway nearly made you jump out of your skin.

"God Zion, don't do that." You laughed, trying to shake off your nerves, hand pressed to your pounding heart, looking over at your redheaded friend. "When did you come anyways?"

"Just arrived." Zion stated, spinning his car keys around his finger, other hand stuffed in the pocket of his letterman jacket. "Ready to get going?"

You looked to the cake then around your trashed kitchen. "Well the cakes done, but the kitchen is... A war zone."

"I can see that." Zion snickered, craning his neck to look around the kitchen fully. "Forget about that, you can tidy it when you get back, we're already late."

"Alright." You tugged off the apron you had on to keep your outfit tidy and clean, tossing it into one of the few clear spots on the counter. You then stashed the cake into the box you bought for it. "Lets go Zion, like you said, we're already late."

Zion grinned, turning on his heel and walking out, leaving you to chase behind, trying to keep the box steady.

Zion pulled in the driveway to Harry's mothers house. His parents had recently divorced, and luckily his mother won custody of their son.

You climbed up the front steps, knocking softly. Harry was home, you knew that, so everyone had to be quiet.

Judy was supposed to be up in his room distracting him by playing games on the TV, keeping him from leaving his bedroom.

"Y/n, Zion, come in." Harry's mother whispered with a smile, as she opened the door waving her hand for the two of you to follow. "Everyone else is already here."

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