Read me to sleep- Sue AU

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hahah Please enjoy~ I was in the mood to write girl x girl for some reason so here you go my readers! 
Word count: 539

"Sue~" You called as you raced down the hall, a book stuffed under your arm and baseball bat in the other hand. Sue asked you if you could find a book for her while you were out on a supply run, and you didn't want to disappoint you crush.

"Y/n! Wait up!" Zion said as he ran after you, him and Ethan were the two that went with you, "You could fall and get hurt!"

You paid the redhead no heed as you ran up the stairs two at a time, "Sue!" You reached the floor that the classrooms you stayed on where and began sprinting as fast as you could towards her classroom.

You heard Zion groan and give up on pursuing you.

Rapping loudly on her door and jumping foot to foot in excitement you waited for her to open her door to you.

Soft footsteps tracked across the room to the door, Sue pushed open the door and peered out at you. She looked tired, very tired. She hadn't been sleeping well, she was trying to figure out who was behind Judy's disappearance.

"Oh, hey y/n." She yawned.

"Can I come in?" You asked, looking behind her at the makeshift bed that had a wooly blanket on it.

"Yeah, of course." She stepped aside for you to walk in and take a seat on the edge of her bed. Sue walked over and sat down next to you. "Did you find a book? It's fine if you didn't."

You proudly showed her the thick, hard cover book. 'The Reaping'. "You didn't say what type of book you wanted or liked, so I just picked one that looked good."

"This is perfect, thank you so much y/n."

You grinned, "You're very welcome! I'm just happy I could help!"

"It means a lot, really." She said, putting the book next to her bed and laying down, rubbing her eyes. "Y/n?"

"Yes?" You breathed, waiting for her next words.

"Can you read to me? I'm really tired." She mumbled pointing to the book.

"Oh! Of course! I'll read you to sleep!" You hurried to grab the book off the floor and open to the first page.

You began quietly reading to her until her breathing slowed and she fell into the first sleep she had in days.

You folded the edge of the paper and set it on the floor where Sue left it.

"Do you think they need us down in 1-C? Nah, I'll stay here and make sure Sue rests."

You laid down next to Sue quietly, making sure to bundle the blankets firmly around her small frame, you didn't need her getting a cold just because she tried to take a nap.

Her chest rose and fell peacefully. You quickly took off her glasses so she could sleep better and set them off to the side on the book.

You never noticed it but she was stunningly beautiful without her glasses. With them she looked smart and mature, but without them she looked elegant and cute.

You smiled and leaned over, kissing her forehead, she let out a soft groan as she stirred slightly before falling back into slumber.

"Sleep well Sue, you deserve it."

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