Rain Showers - Harry

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Content warning: I wasn't sure if it needed it but I feel like I should add this regardless; there is mentions of partial nudity in this fic but nothing graphic and it never goes anywhere sexual. A brief mention/implied full nudity but no description (thats for the patron /j)

Fem reader implied 

Word count: 2267

You watched the rain from the window of 1-C, dreading having to go up to the roof later with Harry.

As glad as you were Zion and Sue found pots so the group could collect rainwater, you hated that it was you chosen to complete the task along with Harry.

You didn't have anything against the rain but you didn't want to stand out in the middle of a rainstorm collecting water in pots. You were sure to catch a cold afterwards, and that's the last thing you wanted.

Lawrence, despite your reasonable argument against it seemed to think it was best for the two of you to actively stand out in the rain instead of just leaving the buckets out for a few hours.

You called bullshit.

But he made a half-decent point to you in private; Ethan and him hadn't figured out how to get the water running to the showers, so it might be an okay idea to sneak up some soap and at least wash your hair.

You first told him soap might stay in your hair and keep you itchy for days. Lawrence chuckled and looked out the window at the torrential downpour.

"I think you'll be good in that regard."

He won you out. You had felt sickeningly dirty for weeks, even months. This might be an okay opportunity to at least get semi-clean and feel better.

The only downside?


Sure, you felt safe around him, you just felt embarrassed about showering outside with him. Of course, neither of you would get naked, but it still felt so... intimate.

It didn't help that you kept imagining Harry helping you wash your hair and get that hard-to-reach spot between your shoulders.

Luckily, that would never happen so you wouldn't turn into a pile of embarrassed slop.

"Hey, y/n," Harry called, sliding open the door to 1-C, "Ready to head up?"

You looked over your shoulder at him and almost burst out laughing at the suspicious bulge in his shirt. You could see the form of every bottle stuffed in there. What made his cover-up even better was he was evidently holding the bottom of his shirt closed.

Harry grinned at your start of a laugh. "It's not too obvious, is it?" He asked, feigning innocence.

"Nope, looks perfect." You hopped down from the sill, picking up the stack of pots on your way over. "Just stop looking like you're hiding something."

"I'm not hiding anything. I am an open book."

The two of you made your way down the hallway in silence, meaningful looks on your faces trying to show how much you dreaded going up in the storm.

No one looked twice at Harry and his soap bulge.

That was until Zion.

The two of you were nearing the stairs when Zion spotted you two, specifically Harry.

"Oi, Harry, what you got in your shirt man?"

Instantly the two of you burst out laughing.

You cried out, "Run!" and began running up the stairs laughing and stumbling the whole way up.

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