Birthday Kisses - Zion AU

272 13 0

Gender neutral reader I think...

Words: 1129

You sat cross legged on your boyfriends bed flicking through NETFLIX, waiting for him to come back up with the popcorn for the movie.

"Oi, Y/n, you pick a movie yet?" He asked as he shouldered his way into the room, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"Not yet..." You frowned looking at the TV, "Should we watch something Christmas related because it's Christmas eve?" You asked, glancing over to your boyfriend who flicked one of the glass balls hanging on the Christmas tree set up in his room as he came to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Those are normally so cheesy though." Zion sighed, popping another handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"Yeah but it's festive." You said, looking back at the TV screen, "Also don't eat all that popcorn now, we haven't even started a movie."

"Maybe you should pick a movie faster and maybe we'll still have stuff left by the time we get through the opening credits."

"Don't make me take the bowl away, because I want some with the movie."

"Take it away, I dare you." Zion said, now fiddling with the red ribbon that tied some of your hair back in a ponytail. "This ribbon looks in your hair." He commented, laying a kiss on your neck.

"I thought so too." You said, shoving him away by the chest without looking over. "What kind of movie do you want to watch then."

"I don't know, a thriller, or an adventure movie?" Zion shrugged, "Can you put a ribbon in my hair too? Then we can be matching."

"You want a ribbon?" You said trying to hold back a laugh as you set the remote down on the mattress next to you.

"Yeah?" Zion said, now toying with the one tied in a bow on your neck, "You don't need this one, why'd you put it on anyways?"

"Because it's festive and cute."

"It's kinda... Pervy." He said, undoing the bow, "So put it in my hair please." 

"It wasn't meant to be 'pervy'! It was meant to be cute, but your mind is 'pervy'." 

"Mi mi mi." Zion mocked softly, "I didn't say I was going to use it to choke you out, I just said I wanted it in my hair instead so we can be matching."

You sighed. "Give it here, I'll put it in.''

"That sounds pervy too..."

"Shut up." You gently tied back his bangs into a small ponytail using the red and gold ribbon. "There you go, a ponytail."

"Thank youuuuu." He sang, giving you a peck.

"Yep anytime..." You sighed, grabbing the remote again. "So what movie?"

"I don't know." Zion sighed, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Come on. I don't know either."

"Well I know that." Zion scoffed, kissing your jaw. You rolled your eyes.

"Come on, it's your birthday you gotta have something in mind!" You groaned, lying back against his bed and looking over to him, almost laughing at the bow you tied in his hair and how well it seemed to match even though it was completely against the rest of his look.

"Well, I wanted to watch a movie, but since we can't decide that's ruined." He complained, putting more popcorn in his mouth, "On the plus side I can eat it all now."

"Well if we are not watching a movie anymore I want some right now too." You sighed, sitting back up and grabbing a handful of the buttery treat.

"So, what do we do now?" Zion asked, looking back at the tree that had an assortment of gifts under it, all from you and his friends.

"I don't know." You said through a full mouth.

"Should we open a gift early?"


"Come on, we need something to do or you came over for nothing." He groaned, throwing a piece of popcorn in your hair.

"Hey." You complained, pulling it out and throwing it back at him. Zion just laughed and caught it, tossing it into the garbage next to the bed.

"Thanks for coming over y/n. Even though we aren't doing anything I'd be lonely and bored if you didn't come."

"Well I didn't have anything better to do." You sighed, popping more popcorn in your mouth.

"So if you got a better offer you wouldn't have come?"

"Eh, depends, I normally like spending time with you."

He snorted, "Normally."

"Yeah, sometimes you can be a dick." You leaned forward and flicked his nose. Zion just shrugged, flicking your forehead in response.

"You love me though."

"You're lucky." You snorted, crossing your arms.

"Very, so very lucky that I'm dating someone so attractive who loves me back- and not for the money."

"The moneys a plus. Means you can buy me things. But yeah, I love you for other reasons." You said.

"Those are..?" He asked, a wide smile on his face, "The birthday boy needs his compliments."

"It isn't for your brains that for sure, those are lacking." You laughed, shuffling closer to him. "Well... You are loyal for one, and you are protective of me, so that's sweet." You hummed, fiddling with the ribbon in his hair. "You are very physically attractive, but that's just a bonus. You are very charming." You listed of a few things before planting kisses across his nose, now cupping his face with both hands.

"So you love my personality?" Zion asked, though it sounded more like a statement than anything.

You laughed, "Yes." You agreed, moving the kisses down and along his well sculpted jawline.

"Then why aren't you kissing my personality."

You rolled your eyes, kissing the tip of his nose. "I don't know."

"I love you." Zion chuckled, rolling the string of your hoodie between his fingers.

You sighed, playing with his bow again, "I love you too." Which was followed by another short flurry of kisses along his face, that made him flush. A genuine I love you followed by affection aways made him flustered.

"Ha, so, I have something we could do." Zion said, eating some more popcorn, "We could watch a cheesy Christmas movie like you said and make fun of the acting." He offered, smiling at you.

"Sounds good." You grabbed the remote again and began looking through a wide selection of movies. "Now what one?"

"For gods stakes just pick one." Zion groaned, "Close your eyes, swipe and click!"

You laughed, turning to him and giving him a peck on his lips. "You're like a Christmas prince. And the best gift ever." You said, clicking on 'The Christmas Prince'

"NO." Zion said, eyes widening, "Not this one-"

"You said just pick one." You teased, pinching his cheek. "So I did."

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