Masquerade - AU Series - Lawrence

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Your hand met the brunettes. He smiled gently and helped pull you to your feet. 

Your eyes embarrassedly flicked to the four other males, feeling a little bad you didn't choose them. Not because you regretted your choice, because you were worried they felt hurt.

"Don't worry about them, they'll be fine." The brunette said gently, pulling you away from the group of boys, "They can find other girls, none as amazing as you, but still."

You nodded and followed him out into the thick of people dancing.

"Do you know how to ballroom dance?" He asked.

"No." You shook your head.

He smiled again, "That's fine, I can teach you." He kept one hand in yours and rested the second on your waist. "Now take your free and and place it on my forearm." He explained. You did as you were told.

"Good job. Now just step with me." He stepped forward one pace, you stepped back, and so on. After a few moments you were waltzing along with the music, you tripped up occasionally, but the brunette assured you it was fine and only natural since you had never done this before.

"So what's your name?" You asked.

"I'm Lawrence, and you?"

"Y/n." You replied with a smile.

"Wonderful meeting you y/n."

"Do you know the other four guys?" You asked, as he lightly spun you around.

"Hm, you could say that I suppose." He hummed, looking at you as he was taller than you, by quite a lot actually.

"What do you mean by 'suppose'?"

"Well, we all came here together, and go to the same school, not to say we like each other. In fact, some of us hate the others guts."

"Do you hate any of their guts?"

"No, not really. But I'm almost convinced the blonde boy you saw hates mine." He shook his head slightly, brown hair swishing.

"And why would he do that?" You asked, cocking your head, "You seem like a good guy, why would he hate you?"

"I honestly have no clue. I have a feeling it's just because I'm the eldest and he's the youngest. He feels like I have too much power over him, so to say."

"Hm, interesting." You nearly fell backwards, but didn't luckily, thanks to one of his hands holding your waist tightly.

"So what are the others names?" You asked, as he spun you around carefully, the ruffles of your f/c dress fluttering.

"Hm? Oh, The silver haired guy was Harry."

The image of the sweet sliver haired boy with the deer mask flashed through your mind.

"The black haired one was Ethan."

The boy with the wolf mask who didn't talk.

"The asshole redhead's name is Zion."

The overly cocky redhead with the lion mask.

"And that blonde bitch boy is Eugene."

The slightly mean blonde boy with the cat mask like you.

"Thank you." You smiled, "Although you do seem to hate Zion and Eugene; That was their names, right?"

"Yes, you are right." He paused, looking out over your shoulder, "And they are very annoying, they bother me all the time."

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