You're sweet - Yandere AU - Eugene

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Here is Eugenes since I had the most ideas for him.

I guess I'm gonna put songs at the end for this that remind me of the story.

Words: 13302

The most clear memory you had left of before you came here without explanation, was your alarm and how it played a beautiful but short tune from a piano. So when he played you the piano in the rec room downstairs, saying that he could remember knowing how to play before, you recognized the small warm up tune he did to see if he could remember.

That sound triggered a short but brief memory of waking up in your bedroom and hearing your mother singing along to the radio downstairs. It made you tear up, you wanted that back, so bad.

As days wore on he began to remember more of what he used to know, and so he'd play you song after song. Claiming he knew how to sing to them but didn't remember the lyrics. You said they'd come back.

He played one song for you that unlocked a similar memory, but this one you were at a school. You could see yourself standing next to a grand piano, and listening to someone play this exact song for you.

You kept these memories inside afraid of what the others would do if they found out you were starting to get memories of your past back.

"How much would you be willing to do to get it back?"

His warm fingers trailed over the deep gash in your shoulder that bled heavily, ignoring your cries and sobs. His fingers were now wet with your blood. Part of you wanted to enjoy with feeling of someone caring about you. The other half wanted to get away.

"I told you not to try to get away, that you'd get hurt... again." He spoke softly, half licking, half wiping the blood off on of the sheets of the bed before reaching over and dampening a white cloth with peroxide, then wiping it over the wound then pressing it to it. You let out a small scream at the burning sensation.

He gave no reaction to the sound that left your lips, he only continued talking. "I don't like seeing you hurt... I wish you would have let me help you when you fell on that glass."

You just sniffled, watching his face which stared intently at the cloth pressed to your wound.

He had your waist straddled so you couldn't kick at him, and your arms tied back behind you with some twine. You could bite him but he kept his hands far away from your face and he'd see if you tried to dive at him to bite him that way.

The room was lit by a little lantern sitting on the desk that once had medication.

"Are you not going to say anything?" He asked, looking into your eyes, you dropped your gaze.

"Not much to say."

"Sure there is. When I was taking you here you had plenty to say, lots of profanities." He smiled softly, removing the cloth and pressing the side that wasn't red with blood to your arm again.

"Nothing I'll say will make you stop and let me go." You murmured.

He sighed deeply, "Aren't you exhausted of playing cat and mouse? I am. I sick of chasing you around trying to get you to come with me. We're not getting anywhere like this!" He smacked the bed next to him with an open hand, making you flinch. "Sorry..." He muttered, noticing the way you reacted.

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