Masquerade - AU Series - Lawrence II

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This gets pretty strange closer to the end.

Word count: 2246

Your eyes fluttered open again at the sound of the door opening and your four roommates stumbling in, giggling drunkenly.

You grabbed your phone that lay on the coffee table beside you; squinting against the sudden light. 5:23.

Looking back up, you watched Scarlett stumble across the room to the stairs leading up to her bedroom, then collapse at the bottom and fall asleep. Peering over the top of the couch the other three just laid down on the floor in the doorway and went to sleep.

With a small smile you stood up off the couch. In the moonlight you saw a sheet of paper fall off your dress to the wooden floors.

You crouched down and picked it up, carefully opening it and squinting at the words. "Here's my number, text anytime. Lawrence. ***-***-****."

"Thanks Lawrence." You mumbled, reaching up to rub the bandages around your neck again. Then slowly, you made your way to your room and laid down on the bed placing the note on the bedside table. "Goodnight." You mumbled, curling up into a tight ball and clinging to a soft pillow.

Your fingers quickly typed in the number Lawrence had supplied you with a few hours before. Adjusting your sitting position against the pillows you held the phone to your ear and listened to the dial tone, waiting for Lawrence to pick up.

"Hello?" Lawrence said sleepily on the other end after a moment or two.

"Oh, did I wake you?"

"Y/n?" He asked, but didn't wait for you to respond. "Yeah, you did wake me, but what's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you! Is now a bad time?"

"No, it's fine, just let me find my glasses so that I can see the room around me."

"Yep yep."

A few moments later Lawrence came back, "Good morning y/n, how was your night?"

"It was fine, I still feel really tired though, but I don't want to go back to sleep until I can hear your voice again."

"That's really cute y/n." Lawrence purred on the other end.

"Oh shut up."

Lawrence laughed lightly, "Sure, goodbye."

"NO!" You yelped, "Stay on the line! I was just joking!" You whined, twirling your finger in your hair and giving it a tug.

"Fine, I'll stay, on one condition."

"Jerk, what is it."

"I want you to say something cute. Can you do that?"

"Huh? But how will I know? Uhm, ah, so-"

Lawrence laughed, "Thanks, that was adorable."

"But I didn't even get to say the pickup!" You whined, punching the mattress next to you.

"The point is, everything you say is cute." Lawrence explained softly, you could almost hear the smile on his face.

"Huh!" Your face was heating up quickly, quicker than you ever thought it could. "Stop trying to swindle me with your words."

"I'm not trying anything."

"Yes, you are. You are trying to flirt with me to make me fall for you."

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